UFC Undisputed 3
39 Achievements
Xbox 360
Create a CAF and modify the face with CREATE A FIGHTER.
How to unlock the Puppeteer achievement in UFC Undisputed 3 - Definitive Guide
Very Easy. Just go to Create a Fighter, scroll down to Physical Appearance and choose Head. Now choose Face Type Preset, and change the face. Achievement unlocked. You don't even need to save your fighter.
Just to clarify, you need to do this in the actual Create a Fighter menu. It doesn't count when you are creating a fighter in the career mode.
You're right, thanks for pointing that out, I completely forgot to put that!
By CombatRok on 16 Feb 2012 05:53
No problem. Love the gamer picture haha.
By DwightKxSchrute on 16 Feb 2012 06:51
Here is my simple easy to follow video guide
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Enter Create A Fighter mode and from here create a new fighter to use. Within the options select the physical appearance and then go into Head. From there change some of the settings like ear size and nose width. When you are complete, save the CAF for the trophy.
From the main menu, select custom, then create a fighter, then new fighter, then select physical appearance, then head, after that select face type preset, then rotate to change the fighters face, then press
to accept and the achievement should pop.
This guide was translated automatically.
Go to the main menu, then to the “Create a fighter” tab
After, "New Fighter"
After that, go to the "Select physical appearance" tab,
then go to “Head” and select a face using LS, when you have decided on the face, click
and get a trophy
After, "New Fighter"
After that, go to the "Select physical appearance" tab,
then go to “Head” and select a face using LS, when you have decided on the face, click