12 Achievements
Xbox 360
Block Party
Win 5 local four-player matches.
How to unlock the Block Party achievement in UNO RUSH - Definitive Guide
For this you need 4 controllers..(wich sucks in my opinion) So just plug them all in, you can use any instrument you have from other music games. Then just make sure the controller with your gamertag linked to it wins. Rinse and repeat 5 times.
You can get this in a local match I did it in elimination mode, you do not need 4 gamer tags just add three extra controllers at the start screen.
By Steve ツ on 30 Nov 2013 20:55
This achievement is glitched for me. I tried this with four Xbox Live gamertags with four official Xbox 360 controllers and it didn't pop up and the game was complaining something about my other gamertags (my four gamertags are all valid and have never been suspended or banned). Then I tried to play with one Xbox Live gamertag and with three no-gamertags (just press A with each controller to start) and it finally happened!
By Max Limitz on 18 Jul 2010 09:14
This one requires four controllers (you can also use the guitar, drums, and/or Scene-it controllers). Just start a local match and press on all four controllers. After that only use the controller linked to your profile and just win 5 games. Its easiest if you go for the "Party of One" achievement at the same time.