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How to unlock the Achievement Master achievement in Unrailed! - Definitive Guide

This achievement is currently unobtainable for anyone who had 45/46 achievements before the patch released

[UPDATE] Devs responded after I reached out to them again, gave another generic “should be soon” answer. Currently been almost 2 years

[UPDATE] Devs responded to me and they believe it's fixed on their local version but are double checking, the fix would be a part of the next update!

As of February 2021 this achievement cannot be unlocked. This is due to another achievement (Ducky Danger) being unobtainable. The hope is that once Ducky Danger is fixed, this one will unlock without issues.

[UPDATE] The devs know about the issue with unlocking these two achievements and have said that it will be fixed in the next 1 to 2 updates. However, no timeline or dates were given.

[UPDATE 2] Ducky Danger has been fixed, however this achievement still remains unobtainable.

To unlock this achievement you need to have unlocked every other achievement in the game and then this will automatically unlock.

Completion time will depend on if you're playing solo or co-op, as getting to 2000m with 4 players is considerably easier than when you're playing solo. I would estimate 12-15 hours if constantly playing with 4 people, and 20-25 hours if playing solo.

12 Feb 2021 15:33

I've been playing this game again on a different account. The exact same glitch happened where the Marathon achievement broke for me. This time I deleted my save file and started over on the same device, losing only around 5 hours of progress.

I unlocked all achievements on the new save file, but I am stuck at 45/46 achievements with the "Achievement Master" achievement not unlocking. I am writing this as a warning for others trying to unlock this achievement. If you can use another console when you encounter the Marathon achievement breaking for you, you should.

There might be a slight chance of some other achievement not saving to the save file correctly after unlocking it, but I've made sure to crash my train after obtaining every achievement and staying in the menu afterwards to give the console ample amount of time to sync.

All in all I'd just advise anyone considering to play this game to just avoid it, that is if you are keen on completing it. It is not worth the hassle. Looking at the other comment I wrote before, I've spend way to much time on this game. The game is fun but the glitch is game breaking and trying to work around it is a total waste of time and energy. The dev's don't care about this. The issue has been known for years and the Discord just refers to an eventual patch that will fix it but will never arrive.
By Sam Pardon on 11 Sep 2022 00:08
So with Ducky Danger being obtainable now, this is actually busted. Let me know how the convo goes.
By Vudix on 03 Jul 2021 15:29
Patch will drop in a week or two.
By Vudix on 19 Aug 2021 01:01
Looks like the patch fixed it as I see someone completed it!
By K4rn4ge on 18 Sep 2021 05:45
Yea and no, if you have 45/46 before this patch. It won’t unlock.

It will only unlock if you have another achievement left to unlock
By SunkenStyx on 18 Sep 2021 13:50
No way, that blows, I have 45/46 :(
By I Gil Galad I on 10 Oct 2021 21:56
So if I start this game now, since I don't have 45/46, it should unlock for me when I get the 45 achievements?
By Matthz8 on 06 Dec 2021 14:51
@Matthz8 That is correct

As long as you have 44 or less achievements, you’re good!
By SunkenStyx on 06 Dec 2021 16:37
So I just unlocked this achievement while also having a similar problem of having one of my achievements glitch. I managed to fix my problem and this may also work for some of you that are stuck on 45/46. Note that my problem was not the same but only similar but it might as well be worth doing what I did as there seems to be no fix coming from the devs.

For me the Marathon achievement glitched. The tracker got stuck at 90% and it never unlocked when going for the other achievements. I am 100% sure that it should have unlocked at first. I did some reading on the official Discord and found out that this achievement should be cumulative over everything you do in the game and that you do not need to achieve it in a single run. Anyway I am sure I did achieve it even in a single game just to make sure that the achievement was in fact glitched for me.

First I unlocked all achievements except for Marathon and Achievement Master. After this what I did was go online on a different Xbox One console and download the game. Then I started the game and made sure that it did not download my save (from the main Xbox) by cancelling the sync. When I loaded into the game I got a Terms of Service message I had to accept which you get when you launch the game for the first time. I then walked around in the main menu screen for about 2.5 hours. This unlocked the Marathon achievement for me. Note that the tracker was still showing 90% progress this whole time, it never reset. The Achievement Master achievement however did not unlock for me.

This made me fairly confident in that the game saves your progress in an in game achievement tracker that is tied to your save file. However I do not know for certain that it is only the save file because I played on a different Xbox and that might have impacted the Marathon achievement to unlock.

Anyway after this I made an Excel sheet with all the achievements and I redid all the achievement requirements of every achievement, making sure that I did as much as possible to let the game save my progress (like making sure I would crash the train after doing something needed for an achievement and also waiting in the main menu for a few mins after I played a game). I would cross off any achievement that I met the requirements of. After doing all this the final achievement popped right when I met the final requirement I still needed.

Now the reason why I think this will work for everyone is that my problem was exactly the same as when the Ducky Danger achievement was broken, only I had a different achievement glitch. Me doing all the requirements on a different save file proved that the achievements are not tied to the profile but to the save file so starting a new save and doing everything over again might do the trick. Like I said before though, I redid the whole game on a different Xbox One so if you want to attempt this you might be better safe than sorry and also do what I did.

Some extra information. I played the whole game solo only on my second Xbox, but I was always online when I was playing. I did not leave my Xbox on when I was not playing and the game even crashed on me once. If you want to attempt this make sure to generously achieve the requirements by doing a lot of extra stuff like not stopping right when you hit what you need to hit (10 lava blobs etc).

Even if you do all this and the achievement still doesn't unlock there is one other way you can make this achievement unlock. I am not 100% sure that this will work because I never had to use this method but I don't see why it wouldn't.

What you will need is an Xbox One console that already has your account on it but the last time that you logged into that account was from before you played Unrailed (or maybe from before you hit 45/46 achievements on it). You will need to download the game and patch on that Xbox One console with a different account. Make sure to never log in to your main account at first. When the game is installed and updated you will need to go offline on that console and make sure that it cannot connect to any internet by removing your networks and/or disconnect your ethernet cable.

Now when the console is offline you can sign in to your main account. You might need to enter an old password depending on how long ago you last signed into your account on that console. You can now boot up the game. If you go to your achievements on that console it will think that you have 0 achievements unlocked for Unrailed, because you never played the game before (at least that is because the Xbox its records are of your account from before you played the game). Now you will have to complete the entire game offline. Achievements will not pop when offline but they will at least be marked as completed. The idea here is that you will complete all requirements and after you finished the game you will go online on that console. It will ask for your password again and it is very important that you now give your current password. Once the sign in goes through your console goes online which will pop all the completed achievements. Since Microsoft records all the achievements you have unlocked from any console at any time it only looks at any achievements that you never earned before, sees that you never unlocked Achievement Master on your main profile state and promptly pops it completing the game.

If anyone needs more info about this you can always respond or send me a pm. I wasted way too much time on this game because I didn't want to ruin my perfect completion but I managed to fix this stupid achievement. Good luck anyone trying this!
By Sam Pardon on 28 Jan 2022 19:55
Ok this just unlocked finally!!! Been working on this one for a while now. It managed to unlock for me after unlocking the new bus style engine which in turn unlocked the astronaut character while trying to do it the way Sam Pardon mentioned.
By MaliciousGhost on 05 Jun 2022 15:45
Should probably mention: MaliciousGhost and I have been playing this coop since the start. Originally his ducky achievement glitched while my marathon and my ducky achievement glitched. His ducky achievement popped after the June update, I had to blow up more ducks but mine also unlocked then. My marathon achievement didn't unlock until after I deleted my save and then ran in circles for 2.5 hours.

We can't remember if he deleted his save before the update or not so I SERIOUSLY RECOMMEND getting all the special bolts and unlocking the VW van BEFORE deleting any saves. Just fyi :)
By dunnasaurus rex on 05 Jun 2022 16:33
Sam Pardon said:
All in all I'd just advise anyone considering to play this game to just avoid it, that is if you are keen on completing it.
I definitely sympathize with your frustration towards the game, after having to re-do the achievements and whatnot.
If you approach it like I did (thanks to helpful advice from a fellow TAer) you'll be fine: Grind out the marathon first in one sitting. Then mop up the ducks just in case. From thereon out you can enjoy the game solo or in co-op completely hassle-free. 👌
By Healtti on 16 Oct 2022 17:49
This achievement should have triggered for me january 23rd, 2021! Still slightly annoyed about that, after really trying to complete this game as the first one..

But no, the console port for this game is not up to par and still not fixed. So many hours of troubleshooting the last 2 years, and patches that are supposed to fix it but they don't.. I just gave up in the end, but looked at some comments here now as we are close to going 2 years since I first notified them of achievement bugs.

Now it finally unlocked, after finding all the special bolts and unlocking the music bus & astronaut.. thanks @MaliciousGhost!

That bus and astronaut got added in later, but more importantly they are now needed for counting 1 of the achievements as completed, even though that specific achievement ( "Collector") has unlocked from before for several people here. If you don't have all the new characters and wagons unlocked, it simply will not count as completed and the game will think you only have 44/45 unlocked to trigger this one.

So if you are stuck at 45/46, go and see if you have all 31 characters and 47 wagons unlocked, if not this may be a way to finally trigger Achievement Master.
By BamsenevE on 18 Jan 2023 15:37
The new update added some new achievements, try those and see if it works for you guys who had 45/46.
By K4rn4ge on 17 Mar 2023 21:09
Yeah I've just deleted my save so I could get the Teriminal achievement but this one still hasn't unlocked for me. I've tried to reach out to them on there discord and apparently they are working on a patch. So annoying.
By Carbonitex on 14 May 2023 15:40
They've been working on a patch for the past 2 years..
By SunkenStyx on 14 May 2023 21:03
A very funny situation happened. I played this game with my wife. My profile was the main one for our gaming sessions and we played locally. After a bunch of races in the game, we were left with 3 achievements not unlocked: “lost”, “marathon” and “Achievement Master”. Then, after a while, we decided to play this game on my wife’s profile. First, she completed the "marathon" achievement. She started the game with the bot, reached the first station and ran around the perimeter of the screen for 2.5 hours until the achievement was unlocked. First, “Shopaholic” was unlocked, then “Marathon”. Why was the “marathon” done at the very beginning? Because the progress of the achievement gives an error after normal game sessions and the progress counter in the tracker stops at 90%. Therefore, in one session we immediately made a shopaholic and a marathon without leaving the game. Then we went through the game in the usual convenient format and made achievements in any order. We completed all the achievements and at the end she was left with “lost” and “Achievement Master”. Now, using the Steam version of the game, I created a cross-play game and unlocked the “lost”(a PC player disable the themed menu, create a lobby and join them. Running around outside the screen on their lobby will unlock the achievement on Xbox!) one and then immediately received the “master of achievements”. For my profile now this is a relatively headache, because I will have to play again with the conditions for obtaining all achievements and recording them manually.
By Bloody Renji on 27 Feb 2024 02:36
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