

25 Achievements

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All bots killed by bombs.


How to unlock the Airstrike achievement in Unspottable - Definitive Guide

This is done easier with two controllers.

You will want to load up a game on the Battlefield map, and identify both 'players'. I recommend playing this with another person since it'll be a bit difficult with only one person manning two controllers.

Once both players are identified, avoid all incoming bombs by moving out from under the shadows. Simply last until all robots have gotten themselves blown up and the achievement will pop!

30 Aug 2021 01:48

Minimum 2 Players Required.

You'll get this on the level 'Battlefield'. On this level, bombs will fall from above and blow up on the play area. You'll know where they'll going to land based on their shadow. The bombs will start with the cement blockades first, then move to a more sporadic movement.

For this trophy, you need at least 2 human players to survive until all of the bots have been taken out by the bombs. This, of course, will be much easier if you have an actual human helping you out, but if you're self boosting, just keep the players close together so you can move them in the same direction to avoid the bombs. 

It'll take a few minutes before all the robots are gone (unless you get really lucky, of course), but as long as there are 2 players still alive when the robots are all dead, the trophy will unlock.