

25 Achievements

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All the players got punched as they were about to leave.


How to unlock the Clutch achievement in Unspottable - Definitive Guide

Start a game with 4 controllers and go the the sushi bar. Place your main character in front of the exit door then with an other one make him collect the sushi he need to escape. You can see which one you need in the top right corner. After you got them all the door will open so take him in front of it and punch him with your main. Repeat with the other two.

I know for sure you can't do it with only 2 controllers because I played with only my sister before trying this method and it did not worked.

27 Apr 2021 13:16

1 Comment
i managed it with 3 controllers
By Fonz1988 on 07 Apr 2023 13:47
4 Players required. 

You'll need to do this on one of the "collecting" levels (School, Supermarket, and Sushi). Out of the 3, 'School' or 'Sushi' are recommended since their exits are static and don't change. Out of those two, I personally found 'Sushi' to be the easiest to get this on. In 'School', you're collecting "cool kids" (walk near them), and in "Sushi", you're collecting the 4 food items shown in the top right.

For this trophy, you'll need Players 2-3 to collect all 4 items and walk towards the exit. Have Player 1 stand in the exit (as far in as they can go) and face towards the play area. When each of the other players make their way towards the exit, punch them in the face to knock them out. When the 3rd player is taken out, the trophy will unlock.