Vambrace: Cold Soul
54 Achievements
EA Play
An eye for an eye. Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the Avenger achievement in Vambrace: Cold Soul - Definitive Guide
This occurs at the end of Chapter 6, in The Temple District.
After the boss fight, select "Kill him" for the achievement and the assassin body armor costume.
After the boss fight, select "Kill him" for the achievement and the assassin body armor costume.
*MISSABLE* This is mututally exclusive with The Prosecutor (10G).
During Chapter 6, you will have a boss fight with Lanvil. Afterward, you can choose what to do with him. Make sure you choose to kill him to unlock this achievement.
During Chapter 6, you will have a boss fight with Lanvil. Afterward, you can choose what to do with him. Make sure you choose to kill him to unlock this achievement.