Vambrace: Cold Soul

Vambrace: Cold Soul

54 Achievements

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Fallen Loyal

Fallen Loyal

Loyal to the end.

How to unlock the Fallen Loyal achievement in Vambrace: Cold Soul - Definitive Guide

To unlock this achievement, you have to speak to Prince Gunnar during chapter 5.

Be careful, this one is missable. He is in the same spot as usual (1st floor Agrim Manor) but you cannot go directly to him. In spoilers, details to find him:


13 Mar 2020 11:30

This achievement takes place during Chapter 5, when the town is under siege. You will need to find and speak with Prince Gunnar to unlock this achievement. From the beginning, head west out of Shanty Town, through the Naziri Camp, Volsung's forge, and Agrim's Manor.

In the next area, you'll come to a camp fire with stairs going up and down. Make sure you head up first to find Prince Gunnar and speak to him to unlock the achievement.