Vambrace: Cold Soul

Vambrace: Cold Soul

54 Achievements

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The Augur of Edena

The Augur of Edena

Go light.

How to unlock the The Augur of Edena achievement in Vambrace: Cold Soul - Definitive Guide

There are 3 endings that depend of your choices during key events and specific dialogue options. Tied to each one of them is an achievement and a costume. As far as I know you need to do 3 different playthroughs to get them all.

Light Ending - Achievement The Augur of Edena

Dark Ending - Achievement The Queen of Shades

Neutral Ending - Achievement The Hero of Icenaire

10 Feb 2020 18:58

First of all: play the game for the first time making the choices you'd like, do NOT worry about the multiple endings. Rest easy, you WON'T have to play the whole thing multiple times NOR worry about choosing this or that. There is a SECRET chapter selection saved for later that will make things for you achievement hunters and completionists a lot easier.

This game's lore is rich, and I've found its myths very, very interesting, but it will only make a whole sense in the end after you have collected most of the missing pages of the journal and then read it. There are no achievement for collecting all the pages, so thank goodness for that.

By the time you've finish it for the 1st time you'll have unlocked one of the 3 different achievements for going "Light", "Dark" or choosing the "middle way". Now, after beating it for the 1st time, you can find the chapter selection's location revealed to you at the final scene, post credits, by interacting with a map on a wall.

Start a new game and after talking to Lanvil and leaving the prison at the very beginning of the story, go to the place where it was marked a "x 1" in that map. It is located by the middle/south left side of the screen, down after a pair of stairs, above the Naziri camp. Hug the corner walls and press and hold the A button.

You will be taken to a secret screen. Scroll right. Each person with a mark represents a chapter of the story. Select none, just keep scrolling right until you reach 3 statues, 1 with a blue crystal, another green and the other red. Each statue represents one of the final endings. If, like me, you did the Light one first, skip the blue one. Select either the green or the red one.

You will be placed in the final chapter, outside the tower. Not much to do here, except to choose 3 companions and then go to sleep, proceeding to finish the game as you did normally the 1st time. You won't have any equipment on you, but you have 7 skill points to spend and by my experience it is very possible to get to and defeat the final boss with that. Before you reach him you will also encounter a few resting camp sites and the merchant, so you can try to buy potions or gear. You may also find for free a bunch of healing herbs and potions right before the final rest site, so if the merchant has good gear that boosts Health and Vigor, I'd sell my junk to him and buy that instead of healing stuff.

Doing this method of chapter selection, you will also automatically unlock other achievements related to the other choices you would have to make to reach this point of the story in this Light, Dark or middle playthrough, such as sparing or killing the traitor, bringing or leaving the king, supporting one or the other merchant.

Finally, if you are struggling with the boss, remember you only have to focus and kill him twice, not his followers. Focus on him and protect your main char, basic stuff you did the whole game before. Having companions with long range or that hit multiple targets at once helps. I was able to defeat him with Lyric and only two companions left, it was not very hard. If Lyric has taken too much damage in the front row you can also protect her by making her switch places with another companion during their turn.

After defeating the boss, you can wait for the short credits to end and then see the consequences of this playthrough. Rinse and repeat this process one more time (selecting either the blue, green or red statue, according to your need) and you'll have finished the game thrice without having replayed the whole thing once.

Last, you will also unlock a number of outfits doing these endings. Any outfit unlocked carries on to the next playthrough, no matter what save slot you use and they are all needed for the corresponding achievement to collect them all.

If this solution was helpful to you, you can also read my review and thoughts about this game. Cheers!

04 Sep 2020 22:49

To unlock the game's "good" aka light ending, you will want to make all of the following steps, which includes the actual choices for the ending itself, all quests to complete for costumes, and the best choices for the mutually exclusive story events. Be sure to follow this closely and be sure to use a different save slot from your bad and neutral playthroughs!
Chapter 1
  • Nothing special to do. You will begin with two costumes. (2/26)
Chapter 2
  • There is nothing special to do inside any of the sections in this district (yet - we will return in later chapters), so take any path you'd like through it. Inside the Ghost Bazaar, the boss district of this chapter, you will find the Carbon Suit costume inside a blue chest. (3/26)
  • After the boss, you will get the Oksae item. DO NOT give it to Gerrard! Return to town and give it to Maru Han to unlock North Venture Company VIP (10G). When you return to your room at the Inn, you'll receive the Asadali Garb costume. (4/26)
  • Go to the basement of the Inn to pick up the "Snare of the Naziri" side-quest from the woman in red. Make sure you always tell the truth to Narae (in the Market) and Sitara (in the Barracks) when you speak with them for this quest to receive the Tantini costume. Make sure you return to your room at the Inn to open it, instead of giving it to Charlotte. (5/26)
  • Go to the Market and ask Yae-sol (the first seller) about her dream for The Coma (10G).
  • Go to the Ascending Room for a scene, then sleep at the Inn, then speak to Helga who will send you to Hilda in Shanty Town, which starts the "Foul Play" quest. Talk to NPCs at the recruitment board, Inn, and Argrim Manor, then report to Hilda that it was the Dwarf to complete the quest. From there, go speak to Hakon in Argrim Manor and return to Hilda to finally unlock the Columbo costume. (6/26)
Chapter 3
  • As soon as you enter the Residential District, leave and return to the hub. New side-quests will now be active that we want to grab before delving into the district. Get "Family Heirloom" from Helga at the Inn and "Below the Belt" from Mahoram at the Market.
  • Now, inside the district we need to take specific paths which we didn't have to do at all in Chapter 2. First go South to Ruined Apartments, then South again to Washer Street. In the exit room of Washer Street, you will see a door and a question mark will appear when you stand in front of it. Go inside and speak with someone. Quit the district to return to the hub, and go to Shanty Town to speak to a beggar, then get him some food from the woman stirring a pot a few screens to the left. After feeding him, return to Helga to unlock the Valkyrie costume. (7/26)
  • Back inside the Residential District, go South through Ruined Apartments, then North to Facility Street. In the exit room of this district, you'll find another spot that you can enter with a question mark that appears when you get near it. Quit back to the hub, then go to the Entertainment District (from Chapter 2). First go West to Vacant Street, then West to Adventurer's Path, forward to Gamer's Row, then North to Diamond Road. After exiting Diamond Road, you'll be able to go inside the Hydra Lounge (see this map) to speak with someone. Now return to the hub and speak to Mahoram to unlock the Phantom Thief costume. (8/26)
  • Now you can complete the Residential District completely. After defeating the boss, choose to bring Argrim back with you for The Warden (10G). Back in the hub, speak to Hakon and Gunnar in Argrim Manor to unlock the Dawrven Armor costume. (9/26)
  • When speaking to Talindra, make sure to select "It was a dream of peace."
  • Speak to Nerevere in the Healing Hall to unlock the "Ill at Ease" quest. Speak to Balthasar in the Archives, get his book from the basement, then get the Shadow Humours from Maru Han in the Market. Return to Nerevere to unlock the Green Riding Hood costume. (10/26)
  • Speak to Narae Song in the Market to unlock the "What the Cat Dragged In" quest. Talk to the NPCs near Mahoram for some info, then the drawf at the Inn, then find the cat in Shanty Town. Tell Narae, who informs you it's the wrong cat. Go to the same spot the previous cat was in to find another to unlock the Catsuit costume. (11/26)
Chapter 4
  • Head into the Industrial District. Go West to Ruined Mining Village, then follow the path in this map to the top of the statue to find an area you can enter. Interact with the polar bear here for the Polar Bear Suit costume. (12/26)
  • Continue through the Industrial District until the robot leads you to a choice. Make sure you choose to use the Adamant Heart here to earn a costume in the next chapter.
  • You can now complete this chapter with no other issues.
Chapter 5
  • As you progress through this chapter with the hub area under attack, make sure you find Prince Gunnar while inside Argrim Manor and speak to him for Fallen Loyal (10G).
  • Nothing else special in this chapter, follow the path to finish it up.
Chapter 6
  • Find Volsung to receive your reward for our choice in Chapter 4, the Voltek Maker Suit costume. (13/26)
  • When speaking to Prince Gunnar, tell him to "Focus on Lanvil."
  • You will unlock the Sylvani Warden Vestments costume when speaking to Divinia. (14/26)
  • You can now follow the steps to unlock Sister Sylvani (10G).
  • Enter the Library, and there will be a new exit in the basement to find a chest with the Sailor Lunera costume. (15/26)
  • When speaking to Mithra, make sure to choose "I was trapped with a hostile being."
  • In the Temple District, go through the dungeon to the east first, then when you're back outside head to the spot on this map to find an area to enter. Open the chest here for the Laughing Gas costume. (16/26) - leave the district back to the hub to reset it, we need to head a different way next.
  • Back in Temple District, go through the dungeon to the west first, then west again, then forward. Back outside, go to the spot on this map and speak with the people inside for Devespresso (10G). Inside this same building is a chest with the Ghost Vigilante Uniform costume. (17/26)
  • You can now continue to complete this chapter. After killing the boss, choose to spare him to unlock The Prosecutor (10G) and when you're back in the hub, find Celest to unlock the Guardian Cuirass costume. (18/26)
  • Use the Ascending Room to go back to the Residential District and speak to Mithra in the starting room to pick up "The Best Defense" quest. Go South to Ruined Apartments, then North to Facility Street, then North to Dead Man's Alley, then South to Sewer System. After exiting here you'll see a pipe you can enter (check this map). Kill the enemies inside, then head back to the hub and use the Ascending Room to return to the Industrial District. Go West through Ruined Mining Village, then you'll find the Orphanage on your way up the statue (the circled spot on this map). Kill these enemies to receive the Naziri Inquisitor Vestments. (19/26)
Chapter 7
  • During the initial scenes here, choose "To bring justice to this realm" when prompted.
  • BEFORE SLEEPING to progress the story, exit your tent and head left to unlock Mysterious Friends (10G) then right to unlock Magical Company (10G).
  • Finish out the story to unlock the "good" ending and The Augur of Edena (50G). This will award you the Augur Gear costume. (20/26)