Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York (UP)
12 Achievements
...Damned If You Don't
Accept your fate in Elysium. Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the ...Damned If You Don't achievement in Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York - Definitive Guide
IMPORTANT: Once you get any ending, the game deletes your save file. Please be sure to disable auto-upload and make multiple saves if you want to get the trophies in the fewest playthroughs possible.
This trophy is for achieving the second bad ending. Once you get to the execution, save and exit before choosing an option. Quit the application and then upload both saves to the PS+ cloud. Once done, reopen the game and continue, this time choosing "Remain silent", which is the third option. The trophy will pop instantly as you get the Game Over screen. Once you get this trophy, quit out again and now download the save file you uploaded earlier prior to making the decision.
If you've already completed As Far As Your Legs Can Carry You (the first bad ending), you can now plead for your life and continue the game as normal.