Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York (UP)
12 Achievements
Enchanted To Meet You
Convince Agathon to cooperate with you.
How to unlock the Enchanted To Meet You achievement in Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York - Definitive Guide
*MISSABLE*: On your fourth night, you will be presented with the option to meet with and recruit one of four characters, each from a different Clan. For the 100% completion, you will have to recruit all four and complete the quest line for each of them. The order in which you meet with them doesn't matter. That said, be aware that there are only exactly the number of days in-game as it would take to complete each of the four's questlines, so be sure to finish that character's questline before moving on to another as this is not a cumulative trophy. This means that if you do any of the side-quests (i.e. those not related to the 4), you will not be able to recruit all four in one go. This is fine, because each has their own individual trophies, so you can always do whichever one(s) you missed in the next playthrough. Two playthroughs are enough to hit all recruits and side-quests, so you won't even need the third for that.
It's very possible that you could get this trophy without even trying. Essentially, whenever you are with Agathon and his Sire, simply be nice to them and help them with their quest. The only way to fail this trophy is to refuse to help him. It's unknown if it matters if you reject his request to keep his dealings with Juno private from Aisling, but to be safe, I'd suggest you don't take that route either.