

28 Achievements


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Not even once

Not even once

Finish the game without killing any citizens (not unlockable in Story Mode)


How to unlock the Not even once achievement in Vampyr - Definitive Guide

To win this achievement, you must not kill anyone or do anything that may lead them to dying/killing later on. If your choice leads them to turning into a Skal or becoming a worse version of one then your choice resulted in death which may be the reason this isn't popping for some.

Below is what I did to get this achievement, if you copy this like for like then you'll have no issues.

Also, I know it's probably obvious but please remember not to kill any of the NPCs you talk to along the way. Killing the Vampire Hunters, Ekons and other attacking monsters is fine. wave
what is charm?
By on 30 Apr 2019 22:18
This worked for me.
I let Mary kill the priest.
Aloysius Dawson dies on his own if you charm him.
By LordMakanaki on 26 Jul 2019 07:21
Do you have to give citizens medicine or does that matter?
By P33Mann on 27 Jul 2019 07:54
This popped as I finished the game, I actually wasn't expecting to unlock this because I "charmed" Nurse Crane then returned to kill the Skal version of her later. I also drank from the priest during the Mary fight. So neither of these seem to void the achievement. No citizen was afflicted with any illness when I ended my game, so perhaps that counts for something too?
By HellboundDochi on 05 Aug 2019 17:25
This one is strange... I charmed Crane (and killed her afterwards), I didn't turn Sean (leading to many deaths) and I let Dawson die. I spared McCullum and turned Swansea. All in all, I never actively bit a civilian but I killed a few in combat. The achievement popped at the end of my playthrough... So I guess it only relates to active embrace of peaceful civilians?
By Cold Hand CH on 28 Aug 2019 22:40
I suspect the unlock condition for this is simply “don’t embrace anyone”, including the vicar in the graveyard.

On my non-peaceful run, I noticed that Dr Reid’s eyes turn red as soon as you’ve embraced someone. Maybe that could be the indicator for knowing whether you’ve voided the achievement?
By WhyattThrash on 10 Dec 2019 07:17
I really need to find a copy of the game to do the glitch offline if I don't earn this on my first playthrough. Thank you Marty.
By Kanchanaburi on 26 Feb 2020 20:37
Just play on a lower difficulty and you’ll probably be fine. The game is NOT AT ALL balanced for a hard, peaceful run though. I suspect the devs didn’t even test for that scenario... WhyattThrash playing Vampyr
By WhyattThrash on 27 Feb 2020 00:57
You will know during the ending dialouge if you got the achievement. He says "after killing my sister mary, i vowed to never kill another, and i didn't" or something like that. a minute later the achievement unlocks. And don't worry about not being leveled up. I fought the final two bosses at level 23 and did fine. Just make sure you are fully stocked and have the healing ability high. and the sword you get from the pandora quest maxed is helpful!
By Kanchanaburi on 28 Feb 2020 19:49
Does the achievement give a gameplay bonus or is it just for status?
By NemoTheTortle on 10 Mar 2020 00:43
The game becomes harder (and downright unfair on the hardest difficulty), but something will be different yes.
By WhyattThrash on 10 Mar 2020 08:19
can you let them die due to illness. so if they died due to fatigue or something is that ok since technically i didnt kill them.
By xNSHD on 19 Mar 2020 14:44
Can I bite the priest during mary fight?

Solution for Not even once In Vampyr

find the answer
By jesschu on 30 Mar 2020 14:29
you must turn Aloysius Dawson he will die if you slept Down vote im restarting the game again because of this
By CrysisWarXX3 on 01 Apr 2020 21:40
No you don’t need to turn Aloysius. Him dying of old age does not void the achievement.
By WhyattThrash on 02 Apr 2020 08:15
i initially killed the priest during the mary fight, but then i died, and it reloaded. The second attempt i let him live and mary killed him. Is the achievement voided?
By snake42069 on 06 Apr 2020 18:31
I'm wondering the same thing snake. Some of the boss fights are ridiculously challenging when going for the pacifist run. Especially since you lose any serums and ammo you used if you die and have to reload. Which is unnecessary and dumb.

I accidentally bit the vicar and reloaded the checkpoint (to avoid killing him) and want to know if that voided the achievement. I see that you have completed the game, so could you answer this for me?
By Boots Orion on 16 Aug 2020 17:40
There was a post which stated no combat npcs will affect this achievement, including the Mary fight!
By MrX220 on 25 Jul 2021 18:17
I actually am wondering what is wrong with my game? I did hard mode and followed this guide and didn’t kill anyone. My end game level was only like 27. I never got the achievement, I even replayed the ending thinking it was a glitch. Has anyone else followed this guide and didn’t get the achievement?
By MrX220 on 31 Jul 2021 05:57
Did you get the ending where he says he didn't kill anyone? Did you kill the Vicar during the fight with Mary?
By WhyattThrash on 31 Jul 2021 08:31
I am so sorry it took so long to reply! But in the original play through I did feed off him, and my eyes turned a bit red. This play through I didn’t and they remain human, and I am about to charm Dawson! :)
By MrX220 on 23 Sep 2021 18:37
This achievement simply means DO NOT EMBRACE ANYBODY! In my game I charmed Crane turning her into a skal, I was unable to save one of the citizens of West End from an attack which caused their death, I charmed Dawson causing him to die and I still got the achievement. People can die just not from Jon embracing them.

Jonathan's eyes and skin will still look normal if you don't kill. I used a upgraded lvl 5 surgical hacksaw with all blood upgrades along with lvl 5 guns for certain bosses. For everyone else I just used the Barbed Curdle you get in the sewers in chapter 1. Only issue through the game is you don't get enough stamina and have to manage it well. Final boss is a pushover over, worst fights were Mary and Harriet. Both of them suck because they hit Jon with attacks outside of their hitboxes and have bs AOE attacks.
By My Ringtones on 23 Jun 2023 21:08
You can let Swansea die, as this not void the achievement! I did.
By JimmieWorld on 09 Nov 2023 05:34
I would strongly advise to NOT bite the priest in the Mary boss fight as there is reports of that voiding the achievement for players.
By I Sphyre I on 11 Jan 2024 01:59
If you intend to get this achievement by last, and use the savecloud method to get the others, I want to give a advise to do one at a time (ranged weapon, bladed weapon) and do as quickly as possible.. do not trusting that your cloud save will remain intact.

I followed some tips here and tried to get all the weapons, make all the districts hostile, all at the same time and even without closing the game somehow my cloud save was changed, and now i ended up losing my chance to finish the game with this achievement.
By Negao Dourado on 04 Feb 2024 19:59
I did this on my playthrough:

Never killed or embraced anyone on the streets.

1) Release Clay Cox
2) Spare Nurse Crane
3) Turn Sean Hampton
4) Turn Aloysius Dawson (Did not give me the option to Charm)
5) Spare Geoffrey McCullum
6) Turn Doctor Swansea

I also spared the priest when you fight Mary. No achievement. cry
By Joker De Pablo on 18 Jun 2019 16:55
I used the unlimited XP glitch, upgraded in the prologue and then never slept even once throughout the entire game. That way the districts' health can't change.

Also, not sleeping throughout the entire game has another beneficial effect. Almost nothing you do has any consequences. The game only registers your choices once you have slept, so turning NPC that then would kill other NPC or whatever, will not occur.
For instance, I turned McCullum (even though every guide says not to). And I still got my achievement. The only thing you should not do is kill/embrace NPCs yourself.
By Dr Marty on 21 Feb 2020 23:10
Just got it. Played normal, not hard.

Acted towards the citizens listed above as described, plus never fed off any named NPCs, and stayed the hell away from the Vicar during the Mary duel, because I read somewhere that if you bite him even accidentally, and then quickly reload, the game has already registered you've fed off him, so you're dead in the water. Didn't want to take chances :)

My build at the end of the playthrough was as follows (level 28).

Passive skills:
- Physical Prowess / stamina (lvl 10, maxed out)
- Body Condition / health (level 8)
- Blood Capacity (level 5, purchased very late into the game when I had a little XP to spend, but not enough to improve more costly skills)

- Autophagy (level 2)
- Shadow Mist (level 4)
- Coagulate (level 2 - great when you want to deal with a lesser enemy first, and want to take care of a bigger problem later, or if run out of stamina, just freeze the guy, wait for stamina to recharge, and hack away again.)

- Abyss (level 4 - super cool, good damage, but also gives you chance to hack and slash, once you fire it up just get closer to the enemy, and hack away simultaneously)

And that was it. I did not invest into anything else, no bite, no nothing. Never used no healing serums at all. Only healed through Autophagy.

Ran entire game with a regular hacksaw as a main weapon, and Liston knife as a secondary. Upgraded as soon as possible up to level 5. Hacksaw with improved damage, Liston knife with blood absorption.
As an alternative secondary weapon I kept the Lupara also upgraded to level 5, and later the pump action shotgun, already at level 5 (I guess?), both improved for extra firepower (including incendiary one for dmg towards vampires).

Started investing into stamina first. Hacked my way through the game rather carefully, dodging, absorbing blood, throwing active skills from time to time, hacking, dodging, slashing, dodging, it was getting tedious later on, but it worked, and, I don't know, sometimes NPC Ekons in West End posed more threat than any regular boss.

The hardest boss? Mary, with Geoffrey coming in as the second due to the lights burning away the HP chunks like a mofo.
By thegabjzor on 25 Apr 2022 17:35
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Note: I earned this on the PlayStation 4 thanks to a review copy I received from the developer. Here is my guide to this.

For this achievement/trophy, you must NOT Embrace any civilian that you meet during the games 7 chapters. This means that when given the option to mesmerise someone and lure them to a dark place, don’t embrace.

As you might expect, this will make your experience through VAMPYR much more difficult as civilians are a vital source of EXP, especially after unlocking all their options while making you underleveled. However, you can counter this little problem with a healing skill called Authophagy. Simply use an off-hand weapon that also has a blood asorbtion ability such as the Used Knife in Chapter Two’s Morgue and you’ll have constant healing, while making the game feel Bloodborneish.

EDIT 1: If you have the Hunters Heirlooms DLC pack ($5 on store) then use the Gun and Sword that come with that. The sword can be upgraded to steal blood and makes this much easier while the gun can rapidly fire off 6 shots, stunning bosses quickly.

Something else you need to watch out for is your civilian sheet in the menu. Make sure that you are healing everyone that you can, even if you spend an hour or so grinding the materials since districts that go critical can start resulting in NPC's going missing and more enemies who are much stronger (sometimes +15 in level). Also make sure that you are doing investigations! Most civilians have them so chat with them while unlocking their clues for tons of XP.

Important Choices
- Spare Clay in chapter one.
- Spare Dorothi in chapter two.
- Spare Sean in chapter three.
- Turn Aloysisus into a Vampire in chapter 5.
- Spare McCullum in chapter 5. DONT TURN HIM.
- Turn Doctor Swansea into a Vampire in chapter 5.

Note: It would appear that killing the priest does void the achievement now. Although reports are mixed, I suggest making sure you’re well equipped to fight Mary since he will heal her.

05 Jun 2018 06:00

It seems that as long as you dont embrace any citizens for the xp boost you are fine. I killed both Paxton sisters in my game when they became aggessive and still got the achievement.
By Texans2K2 on 06 Jun 2018 20:07
Paul Doyle, after you charmed Dorothy
By Billargh on 06 Jun 2018 15:15
Can we kill civilians after they have turned?
By Bootybandit1#751 on 05 Jun 2018 06:49
Great guide btw. Been playing this since Saturday and doing a non kill play through first time. Not too hard until I reached the west end and was waaayyy under levelled
By Bootybandit1#751 on 05 Jun 2018 07:06
As long as you dont EMBRACE them then you should be fine :)
By xTGE on 05 Jun 2018 08:41
Awesome cheers
By Bootybandit1#751 on 05 Jun 2018 10:51
I suppose biting soldiers etc in fights doesn't count? Just need to make sure it doesn't affect this achievement
By Y2Jervis on 05 Jun 2018 16:33
This is way harder than it sounds! I’m near the end of the game stuck on lv 26 and all enemies are lv 35+. Can’t level much more as it will take forever without killing any civilians 🤔
By Bootybandit1#751 on 05 Jun 2018 16:35
Dammit I messed this up. Just realised I charmed Dorothy and not spared her. 😪
By Bootybandit1#751 on 05 Jun 2018 17:07
Does making Dorothy forget count as saving her? the outcome of her was the same as sparing Sean, they both turned to the darkside.
By Fa1con87 on 05 Jun 2018 21:14
As far as I know, as long as you don’t take any part in killing civilians then you should be fine. The list I made above is how I got it on the PS4.
By xTGE on 05 Jun 2018 21:54
Charmed Dorothi now she's come back a vamp, I reloaded half way through the fight just in case this still counts. Just gonna leave her for the rest of the playthrough I reckon :p
By Billargh on 05 Jun 2018 23:27
Are you sure we have to vampiryze the two characters in the list?
By Checco on 06 Jun 2018 06:08
I’ve nearly completed it. I will let you know if charming them lets you get the achievement. Also the game stat for civilians killed is still on 0 for me. So if you have doubts checked that first
By Bootybandit1#751 on 06 Jun 2018 06:27
I vamped them both and it was fine sir. you are only turning them, not killing
By xTGE on 06 Jun 2018 08:25
I can confirm the important choices above don’t affect the achievement. I charmed Dorothy, turned McCallum and didn’t didn’t the doc and still got the achievement
By Bootybandit1#751 on 06 Jun 2018 14:20
No I didn’t kill her afterwards
By Bootybandit1#751 on 07 Jun 2018 07:30
Kimura Tadao died during chapter 4 (i had to save him in one of the side quests where you have to save the citizens from other vampires attacks). Does this event affect the achievement?
By Checco on 08 Jun 2018 10:39
So, I just did my second run of this seeing as I tried the offline workaround with saves, but didn't get the achievement the first time, and still didn't get it this time. I didn't interact with any civilian I didn't need to, and spared/turned when needed.

This is my last achievement too, this sucks.
By Sir Butternubs on 09 Jun 2018 15:41
Texans2K2 is right as i killed lots of civilians with my sword and skills and still got the achievement. just NEVER EMBRACE anyone and you should get the achievement. after I spared Sean in chapter three the next time I saw him he attacked me and I killed him and most of the civilians as well. so just never embrace and you will get the achievement...good luck.
By MEANOLDFATMAN on 09 Jun 2018 19:43
Okay, I did a third run through, making sure to follow the guide like I always have done, HOWEVER I think there is one extra thing that may need confirming.

During chapter 2, when you visit Dorothy and help her with Razvan, you get the urge to feed, and can ask her to leave you alone. I believe doing this cancels the Not Even Once achievement. It's the only choice I made differently on previous playthroughs (I held my analogue stick on the top right to skip convos, and on previous playthroughs always selected leave me alone) and I got the achievement by skipping that request.

If anyone else can confirm (if they chose that option by accident or something) that this is the case?
By Sir Butternubs on 10 Jun 2018 10:07
If you have a keyboard plug it into your Xbox go to skill menu and open a skill tab you should be on the screen where it shows said skills different levels just hold down the power key for a while till you have as much xp as you want then level up tada no need to kill and you be op as can be
By xMileyAshlynx on 13 Jun 2018 06:29
I meant the p key. Hate autocorrect in a phone. Anyway to add to this if your keep the citezens healthy by treating them and boosting district moral it lowers the number of and level enimies in the outer areas. Also I don't have a keyboard currently so I'm doing the hard way. But still easier than dark souls.
By xMileyAshlynx on 13 Jun 2018 06:38
Followed guide didnt kill anyone no pop :(
By Conor x420a on 13 Jun 2018 21:49
Ok this is BS, ive done all invetigations i can up to chapter 4, healed everyone and yet sone bs event happened and ive had to kill sean hampton as he strated attacking me.

This has invalidated the achivenent the game can do one. Will report back.
By True Marvellous on 14 Jun 2018 08:00
Ok cleared the game now and it popped,

Followd as the soultion said regards choices and some of my regions had events out of my control which turned and killed civillians and I even killed some myself as they went ferral.
By True Marvellous on 14 Jun 2018 11:32
where are the items from the Hunters Heirlooms DLC pack? I have the pack but I'm not sure where the weapons are suppose to be.
By darkmikasonfire on 14 Jun 2018 23:48
This achievement and the endings are connected, right? So if I see the "best" ending (the New York one) then it means that I should get this too? Because if so then it bugged for me. :(
By wrhwk on 18 Jun 2018 13:15
I can confirm that following all the important choices listed gives you the achievement. I even went and killed Sean and the other citizens who had turned into monsters.

The only difference I did was NOT kill the priest in the Mary boss fight.
By Dejected Santa on 18 Jun 2018 15:31
I didn't unlock this by following the guide but I DID kill the priest in the Mary boss fight. Looks like this could now stop the achievement? Perhaps it was changed in a patch?
By Maikuberu on 20 Jun 2018 09:26
OMG... that is incredible. Such a cheat in a modern game! Worked perfectly. Thank you so much!
By XBU Philippe on 20 Jun 2018 10:39
Like a few others, I followed your instructions exactly and didn't get the achievement. Has anyone figured out what secret condition(s) so many of us seemed to have missed?
By Danny Dubs 86 on 27 Jun 2018 04:11
Ran through the game again and got it. I didn't kill the priest during the Mary fight this time, and that's the only real change I made for this run (at least, the only conscious change I made).

That's more evidence to suggest that you need not to kill that priest.
By Danny Dubs 86 on 27 Jun 2018 07:36
I think Danny Dubs 86 might be right. I followed your guide word for word and I didnt get the achievement. Im going to go back and do it over and not kill the priest this time to see if it grants me the achievement.
By Edgrr Allan Bro on 30 Jun 2018 02:08
Can you not delete the BOLD part of the solution above about killing the priest? For people who don't pay close enough attention to read to the very end.
By Thunder Rolling on 30 Apr 2019 07:32
They must’ve patched it. I’ll fix this Guide up.
By xTGE on 30 Jun 2018 07:06
Just adding to the whole confirmation, I also got this by following the guide although I also did not kill the priest
By MAD ENTITY on 02 Jul 2018 04:31
Got it yesterday. Didnt kill the priest in the Mary fight. Turned Sean, Aloysious, and Swansea.
Spared McCullum, and Dorthea. didnt embrace anyone.
By Archeim on 05 Jul 2018 12:41
Just to confirm what's been Said already killing civilians who g6ave gone rogue doesn't invalidate the achievement. I also charmed Dorothy in Whitechapel which meant she went missing. Then I killed her in her altered form.
By Marzipan Ninja on 15 Jul 2018 23:49
By NeverwinterMoon on 21 Jul 2018 18:48
By NeverwinterMoon on 21 Jul 2018 18:48
I got it without killing the priest in the marry bossfight and killing no enemy citizen. After spare Sean, dont kill him and the others. By me are 2 others missed but that not importent for this achievement.
By Mr Greneda on 31 Aug 2018 10:08
Just confirming as well for anyone about to go for this, do NOT kill the priest during the Mary boss fight. I did a 2nd playthrough last week, and I killed the priest, and despite doing everything else and not embracing a single person, I didn't get the achievement. I just finished my 3rd playthrough and this time I did not kill the priest, and the achievement popped. >.<
By SpiralOut46and2 on 31 Aug 2018 18:30
Can someone give me a quick sanity check here...

By Retrologue on 15 Sep 2018 21:21
May want to note that this achievement cannot be unlocked on story mode. Difficulty must be set to normal or hard. After three playthroughs without any unlock I contacted the developers and that was the info I got. Now for another run of the game.
By Mortilect on 12 Oct 2018 06:48
Can anyone else confirm Mortilect's comment?
By Law Violation on 03 Apr 2019 17:20
I confirm Mortilect's comment!!! in easy set achievement has not unlocked for me.
By Ivd765 on 06 Apr 2019 00:31
Confirming that this achievement does not unlock on story mode difficulty
By Donut#3712 on 10 Apr 2019 13:13
1) Released Clay
2) Charmed Dorothy - killed her in vampire form
3) Turned Sean
4) Did not kill priest
5) Turned Dawson
6) Spared McCullem
7) Let Swansea die (I just want to spare those 3k XP)

Achievement popped.


Few of my NPC's died because I did not save them from vampires - underleveled, avoided that fights, I planned to go back later, but when you sleep, they die.
By Darth Hawk CZ on 10 May 2019 18:52
You can not kill the priest with the saw, no, you can only kill him if you bite him, right?
By on 29 May 2019 21:04
Sparred Sean and he turned then killed some NPC. and still finished the game and no achievement. thanks a lot for the solution ..... just wasted me a playtrough. very nice. -1
By Luku38 on 02 Jun 2019 08:46
You should probably remove your bold, all caps hint to kill the vicar, and instead make a bold, all caps hint to NOT kill him. Since your current recommendation seems to make sure that people void the achievement.
By WhyattThrash on 03 Dec 2019 10:56
I really did mess up my first playthrough on accident so I did another run following these suggestions. Seemed easy enough, only 7 things to follow. Finish the game and didn't see the achievement pop. Looked back at your guide to see under your all caps and bolded suggestion to kill the vicar in the Mary fight you say 'actually jk' in all lower case. Thank time to do a 3rd playthrough I guess angry
By Hythal on 06 Dec 2019 06:52
I also can confirm turning sean works if people are wondering.
By lacman38 on 15 Feb 2020 09:27
+1 to remove the bold comment to kill the vicar. I really don't get why you've left it in at all if you've got through the trouble of editing your solution to add a note at the end to say it will void the achievement.
By Stevo6483 on 29 Mar 2020 20:15
I changed sparing Sean and turned him. All citizens alive and also let Mary kill the vicar. The achievement unlocked before the final credits during the last animated scene. Also, be careful I have read comments on not people getting this due to them killing the vicar.
Uppss just realized I finished all achivements at 23:30 the last day avaliable on Game Pass. That was a close one.
By rippercito on 31 Mar 2020 21:35
What if I kill the vicar during the mary fight but then Mary kills me and the fight starts all over again with the Vicar alive. Second try Mary kills the Vicar. Will I get the trophy “not even once”? I did notice my eyes turned red after that fight :/
By Lala13 on 14 Sep 2023 07:46
I've finished the game few days ago while following this guide, and DIDN'T got the achievement. This is the exact path I've followed:

I'm very disappointing that I didn't got it, while basically followed the guide. I'm not sure if this is bugged somehow, or there is some part that is ambiguous, but frankly I'm not starting new game just for this one achievement/trophy ;-).

Still, I hope this helps anybody.
By Therdan on 09 Jul 2018 10:19
I killed the priest and didn't count. The number of citizens killed is shown at game hub.
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 03 May 2019 11:05
Texans, that is not true. I will have to test the guide, but in my first playthrough I did not embrace anyone and still did not get the achievement. What I did differently from this guide was not turning Aloysisus, and charmed Dorothi instead of sparing her.

By Hefreno on 07 Jun 2018 03:25
If a civilian goes hostile attacking them is fine as they are now infected not civilians as for those choices besides the killing Clay one the others don't matter as long as you don't kill them yourself.

By Lliryn Giladren on 09 Jun 2018 20:50
I think Danny Dubs 86 might be right. I followed your guide word for word and I didnt get the achievement. Im going to go back and do it over and not kill the priest this time to see if it grants me the achievement.
By Edgrr Allan Bro on 30 Jun 2018 02:59
I just got the achievement yesterday and I TURNED Sean Hampton in Chapter 3. In fact I strongly recommend this part because sparing him would result in the fall of the Docks area.

And I didn’t kill the priest during Mary boss fight.
By on 03 Jul 2018 00:27
Just got it. And can guarantee my decisions worked. With these decisions you don't have to worry about whether killing an NPC after they have turned will void the achievement. Aloysius is the only NPC that should show up as dead. But that's ok because he died of natural causes.

Release Clay
Spare Dorothy
Turn Sean
Don't kill the vicar in the Mary fight
Charm Aloysius
Spare McCullem
Turn Swansea
By Chef Not Chief on 05 May 2019 19:29
anybody going for this achievement just follow the newly posted guide here on TA and once u reach chapter 6, finish the 1st mission, it requires u to collect 3 samples to create an antidote, once u get all three, dont finish the mission, just back out the main menu, exit the game (this will allow the cloud saves to sync)..then start again the game and go ahead and finish the game (make sure not to exit the game for any reasons, just finish the story and go to the epilogue and get the finishing the story achievement and this one
then immediately hit options, manage game, delete save from console..then start the game, ur save will sync with the cloud latest one, which u created after u gathered all 3 u can go crazy and start killing all the NPCs for their weapons
finish the whole game in 1 run.. i did it this way :D
By on 01 Jun 2019 13:44
Followed the guide and got the achievement (though I did not kill the priest during the Mary fight, I've heard from a few different sources that it voids the achievement now). Something of note: you don't have to interact with any of the named characters (other than those the story forces you to interact with) and still get it.

I did the infinite xp glitch (it was patched out, but if you have a physical copy you can do a fresh install while offline so that you don't install the patch), and then did a speedrun after maxing out all the skills and going back online. I interacted with the NPCs as little as possible to save as much time as I could. I didn't get the good ending, but the achievement still popped for me when
By 緑眼のイアン on 27 Aug 2018 21:25
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Note: if you have a physical copy of the game and a USB keyboard, you can make this much easier on yourself by doing the infinite XP glitch (which I will detail below). A patch has fixed it, but you can get around this with a physical copy. I don't know if it's possible with a digital copy of the game, but you're welcome to try.

Edit: SpiralOut46and2 has confirmed that the glitch cannot be done with a digital copy.

In order to get this achievement, you must complete the game without embracing any named characters. In other words, mesmerizing and then embracing an NPC voids the achievement. Additionally, during the fight with Mary in the graveyard you must not drink blood from the injured priest, as this seems to void the achievement as well. Killing random Skals/Priwen/etc enemies is fine.

As far as I know, you don't have to interact with any of the NPCs that the story doesn't force you to talk to, and it doesn't seem to matter if they die as long as you weren't the one to kill them. (Unless they turn hostile, in which case you should be able to kill them safely, though I can't confirm this myself.) During my playthrough, I used the infinite XP glitch to max all the skills at the start of the game and then rushed as much as possible. I never had a district turn hostile, though the docks did fall to around 54% by the time I finished. For the most part, I didn't even talk to any of the NPCs other than those the game required me to talk to to progress, and one or two did die before I finished. During the entire playthrough, I believe I only slept twice.

Additionally, I took the following actions with these characters:
Spared Clay
Spared Nurse Crane
Spared Sean
Turned Dawson
Spared McCullum
Turned Swansea

In order to do the infinite XP glitch:
You must have a physical copy of the game to do this as well as a USB keyboard (though I'm told that the chat pad also works). It is not possible with a digital copy.

Uninstall the game and then disconnect your Xbox from the internet. Reinstall the game from the disk while offline and then play up until you the game has you increase skills for the first time (after Reid shoots himself in the chest). Once you get to that point, select anything to level up, plug the keyboard into your Xbox and then hold down P to until you have around 170000 experience or so and that's enough to max out every skill (and max your level at 50). Level up whatever you want/everything. After that's done, reconnect to the internet and download the patches (it won't affect the experience/skills at all) and then play from there.

27 Aug 2018 21:44

Thank you! I can also confirm, DO NOT kill the priest during the Mary boss fight. I didn't embrace anyone and I did kill the priest in my second playthrough last week, and the achievement didn't pop. :( I just replayed it a third time and did NOT kill the priest, and just got the achievement. Thank you, great guide! :)
By SpiralOut46and2 on 31 Aug 2018 18:27
Can confirm a few more details, as I just got this on a speed run using the glitch to start the game at Level 50. I matched your choices except I TURNED McCullum just to see what happens and it was fine. I also made it through the entire game without sleeping after the first time, so no districts ever changed. The only thing I'd mention I specifically did was I saved all of the citizens in peril (takes a total of 30 seconds with OP). I also did not kill the priest during the Mary fight, although I killed her so fast I'm not even sure what happened to him.
By AgentOfAbyss on 06 Sep 2018 13:29
would you guys go for the collectibles during this run too or just focus on the no kill?
By Nazule80 on 24 Sep 2018 06:18
@MrNazule - No, you can't go for the collectibles during your no-kills run. You have to get them during your kills run. The reason being is that there are a handful of collectibles that you only get by embracing/killing certain people. So you have to do the collectibles and kills together. :)
By SpiralOut46and2 on 24 Sep 2018 11:03
By Nazule80 on 24 Sep 2018 11:20
On the collectibles issue. Can you turn Sean, then go back later, mesmerize him and get his collectible?
By OneBgBdArtemis on 15 Oct 2018 00:09
Wow, fantastic help. Thank you so much. I am going for all collectibles thus run and I'm still trying ton figure this game out. I'm beginning to understand that learning the hints of everyone one serves to up their blood quality. What I'm really having trouble with is figuring out who might or might not have a collectible. I haven't embraced anyone yet as I'm fairly sure there will be a point of no return where I can go back and have a high mesmerize skill. Just don't know who that's gonna be. But thank you immensely for the info. And the time to reply.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 15 Oct 2018 02:03
Yes, that information is absolutely stellar! That tidbit about needing enough that to mesmerize, or charm? Or are they one in the same? Sorry for the seemingly redundant questions, I just curious as I have two individuals whom I've failed one hint each on. That's my concern. If I need all of them, then I'm going to just finish up this play through with the never embrace path.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 15 Oct 2018 13:27
Never mind, realized I had the charm option way back for Dorothy. Thank you so much for your willingness to help out. It IS appreciated
By OneBgBdArtemis on 15 Oct 2018 13:29
It's 207,000 XP you need to get all skills.
I upgraded in the prologue and then never slept once throughout the game. That way the districts' health can't change.

Also, not sleeping throughout the entire game has another beneficial effect. Almost nothing you do has any consequences. The game only registers your choices once you have slept, so turning NPC that then would kill other NPC or whatever, will not occur.
For instance, I turned McCullum (even though every guide says not to). And I still got my achievement. The only thing you should not do is kill/embrace NPCs yourself.
By Dr Marty on 21 Feb 2020 14:05
No worries, you're welcome. Feel free to message me if you have more questions and I'll try to help. Yeah, you shouldn't need hints for mesmerizing; only to get the option to Charm. But I only talked to everyone and tried to get hints just for the extra XP, really. I never wound up Charming anyone. I found that there is more than one option that you can choose with people in regards to Spare/Embrace/Charm and you will still get this achievement. For instance, I think it's Dorothy, Sean Hampton and Aloysius Dawson that you can get the Charm option with. But I spared Dorothy, turned Sean, and turned Aloysius and still got it.

I followed this guide as well, just for a general bit of guidance:

But I also had PowerPyx's collectible guide up in another tab to keep cross-referencing. I'm not kidding when I say I had 5-8 tabs open at the same time with all different guides and bits of information while playing this game, just to keep cross-referencing everything and try to stay on track for the 100% lol. It was confusing at times too because the more you look up information, the more you'll sometimes find conflicting information too. laugh But like I said, if you have more questions, feel free to message me and I'll try to help. :)
By SpiralOut46and2 on 15 Oct 2018 14:40
@OneBgBdArtemis Correct me if I'm wrong, but to the best of my memory (it's been 1.5 months since I've played this lol), I don't believe that Sean has a specific collectible himself. There is a collectible that you can pick up right after you do deal with him, though. The collectible that you get right after you either spare, embrace or charm Sean is a paper called The Skals: Origin of the Skals. But this is sitting on a barrel outside when you turn left after walking through the wooden fence opening. So I believe you can do what you like with Sean and still walk outside and get the collectible no matter what. It should be sitting there on the barrel regardless. I had turned Sean so that he kept living his life normally, and everyone in his district stayed alive and happy like normal, and then after turning him, I walked outside of his Night Asylum and got the collectible. Hope that helps. :)
By SpiralOut46and2 on 15 Oct 2018 01:59
You're very welcome. It was a lot of trial and error for me too as I was kind of learning as I went. Oh yes, and I did try to learn all the hints that I could as well. You get XP for every hint you learn, and as you said, it also increases their blood quality too. It also gives you more dialogue options and in cases like Sean Hampton and later with Aloysius Dawson, it adds the "Charm" choice when you're deciding how to deal with them if you have discovered hints about them first.

I waited to embrace anyone until Chapter 6 started (the main mission when you start Chapter 6 is called Antidote), as by then, you have the highest mesmerize skill, so you can go back through the game and mesmerize anyone you need to in one swoop for their collectibles.

PowerPyx did a good text collectible guide that I followed as I went through, here is the link:

There is a part at the start of Chapter 6 where he mentions making a backup save, which works great on PS4, but I couldn't get this to work on the Xbox One at all. Hence why I did multiple playthroughs lol. So I just kept going through that part and embraced who I needed to, and got all the collectible achievements. Then I did a separate playthrough, not killing anyone, the next time. Hope that helps!
By SpiralOut46and2 on 15 Oct 2018 13:09
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I followed everything with the characters except I turned Nurse Crane by mistake. So I ended up:
Spared Clay
Turned Nurse Crane
Spared Sean
Turned Dawson
Spared McCullum
Turned Swansea
I also did NOT kill the priest during the Mary fight, and I made sure to keep everyone healthy when possible. Even though I turned Nurse Crane, I did not go back to the exclamation mark where she is and did not fight or kill her, so I don't know if killing her then would void the achievement. I did the same with any "Missing" citizens that came from sparing Sean, etc... Those people I stayed away from and did not fight. This is pretty much what the other solutions say, I just wanted to say that I still got the achievement even though I turned Nurse Crane. I ended up following the PowerPyx guide for all of the collectables and stuff, and I posted what I did here on Reddit.

Hope this helps

18 Jun 2019 04:24

A cumulative trophy that makes the entire game much harder. You will either need to play the game twice or more depending on the amount of time you spend within the districts and the choices you make. To fulfill the requirements, you must NEVER KILL, by your hand, a citizen of London. This means, for the story choices:

Clay must live (spare)
Dorothy must live (either spared or charmed)
Hampton must live (either spared or charmed)
Take Aloysius as your Progeny (don't Embrace)
McCullum must live (spare)
Take Edgar as your Progeny

Along with these choices, you must not kill any of the turned citizens or Embrace any of the living. You may hear some lines from bosses or characters that remark on what you have done (such as if you charmed Dorothy, Mary will comment on how you twisted her mind), but as long as you have not fed or slain any of them, you should get this trophy at the very end. Reid will comment on how, after his sister's death, he has not fed on anyone in the final scene and once the stills start to play, this will unlock with the one stating that you completed the game.

EDIT: With abash1ba testing, it seems the Vicar counts so do not feed off of him. Furthermore, do your best to protect him from Mary (thanks mahdyshahsavary). Also, you can charm characters, such as Qc-PO charming Aloysius.

09 Jun 2018 09:27

DO NOT feed on the Vicar in Mary fight, it voids the trophy.
By abash1ba on 23 Apr 2021 08:33
@abash1ba: Thank you for letting me know. I have updated the solution.
By KTKarona on 23 Apr 2021 14:30
I charmed Aloysius and still got the trophy.
By Qc_PO on 22 Nov 2021 01:51
@Qc_PO: Thank you for clarifying that for me. It seems that as long as you do not embrace him, you are fine from that. Some more recent notices show that it only focuses on whether you Embrace targets. I'll correct this for future readers.
By KTKarona on 22 Nov 2021 04:48
In Mary boss fight, don't let even Mary kill vicar cause might void the trophy
By mahdyshahsavary on 13 Aug 2023 04:16
@mahdyshahsavary: Hrm. That would make sense, I'll make sure to append that.
By KTKarona on 13 Aug 2023 16:06
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To unlock Not Even Once achievement. You must complete the game without embracing (killing) any citizens. Dead citizens don't count towards the achievement unless you embrace them. Keep your eyes white and you should be fine.

13 Jun 2018 00:00

1 Comment
I'm not sure that's true. I beat the game without embracing anyone at all, but I did
*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***
, and
*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***
. I'm not sure which of those could have done it, but I didn't get the achievement.
By bookmunkie on 16 Aug 2020 04:14
There are only 2 things you need to be aware of
dont ever embrace (suck) any of the 64 portrait people in the game ever
or munch on the vikar in the spoiler

reid sister fight

07 Nov 2022 15:46


The people that count towards this trophy are any named NPCs who are displayed in your district status menu, along with the ones in your main quest line. You can kill any enemies that are aggressive towards you; you are even able to drain them of their blood. As long as you don’t mesmerise and embrace any named NPCs, and don’t kill any of the main characters in your quest lines when given a choice, you’ll be fine.

Here is a list of the choices you should make during your main quest that will avoid killing and be the best for the district's health:
  • Chapter 1: Release Clay during the main quest “Take me to a Hospital” instead of embracing him.
  • Chapter 2: Spare Dorothy during the main quest “Blackmail in Whitechapel”.
  • Chapter 3: Turn Sean during the main quest “Give a dog a bad name”.
  • Chapter 5: Charm Aloysius during the main quest “Unnatural Selection”.
  • Chapter 5: Spare McCullum during the quest “And by the sword you die”.
  • Chapter 5: Turn Dr. Swansea during the quest “Science without conscience”.
This achievement isn't actually as tricky as it sounds, though it will make for a rather difficult playthrough. The only people that count as a "citizen" are the named NPCs who show up in the game menu, and those tied to the main story decisions. The first group are people you can mesmerize and lead into dark areas to "embrace" and gain extra experience. To unlock this achievement, you must ensure you never do this. You can kill any aggressive enemies you come across in the streets, even using the "bite" command to drain their blood if you like. The second group related to story events are as follows:
  • Chapter 1: Clay - choose to let Clay live when you first meet him at the docks to earn the "Merciful Release" achievement.
  • Chapter 2: Dorothi - choose the "Spare" option when dealing with her during the "Interview with the vampire" achievement.
  • Chapter 3: Sean - be sure to choose the "Spare" option when dealing with him during the "Sacrificial lamb" achievement.
  • Chapter 5: Aloysisus - choose the "Turn" option when dealing with him during the "Prepare to die" achievement.
  • Chapter 5: McCullum - choose the "Spare" option after defeating him in combat.
  • Chapter 5: Dr. Swansea - choose the "Turn" option when dealing with him during the "The Dying Swansea" achievement.
So long as you do not embrace any name civilians and make the appropriate choices above during the major plot points, you will unlock this achievement at the end of the game. As I mentioned above, since you won't be gaining extra experience from embracing anyone, the game will be much harder as you will be under leveled. If you did as I suggested in the Road Map and did your 100% run first, you'll at least be familiar with the game and combat. It'll be tough, but doable.
The most important thing is not to “hug” anyone. And so, if according to the plot you turn into a vampire or he himself dies a natural death (like the chief doctor or nurse, for example), then this will in no way prevent you from getting the trophy. The main thing is not to drink anyone’s blood!

08 Jun 2018 01:33

It is also worth adding that if one of the characters dies due to the fact that you did not visit them when a side quest required it (for example, a Persian is attacked by ghouls), then this is considered a death due to your fault and the trophy is blocked accordingly. Be careful with this...
By FaNToM1 on 17 Jun 2018 23:05
When I passed I made Sean and the Old Man and the Doctor my descendants. During the battle with Mary, I did not kill the priest. Rats, rebels and all sorts of creatures can be bitten. When fighting the last boss, redistribute your skills again and put everything (ONLY FOR DAMAGE) on health, stamina, blood supply, autophagy, shield, claws, damage ult and about 5-6 on serums (I didn’t use it in the whole game, but the last boss needs this 100%)
By BOBA180799 on 10 Jul 2018 20:06
You will not receive the trophy if you play in "Story Mode".
By Del-Vey on 30 Dec 2018 15:35
When choosing, everyone pressed mercy.
Apart from Alozius, we must turn him around according to the plot.
And at the end of Chapter 5 we also turn to the doctor.
We don’t hypnotize anyone or press Hug.
In the battle with Mary, we do not touch the priest; let her bite him herself.
Passed most of the investigation.
At the final boss, I was level 26, and stupidly went to him with half a health bar and only 1 syringe to restore blood. The boss is extremely easy.
You can bite all enemies that attack you and drink their blood.
By DarkSlayer2111 on 18 Oct 2020 12:00
For owners of the disc version of the game at the “story” difficulty level, you CAN get the trophy! my personal experience: I ignored the hint from Del-Vey about the trophy and beat the game on “story” difficulty on the latest version, in 6-8 hours, completely ignoring all the NPCs, without saving anyone and without biting (a couple of NPCs in trouble were devoured by me ghouls).at the end of the game the trophy did not fall out. I got sad and followed Solbadguy891's hint on the bug with the keyboard and expo and reinstalled the game without installing the patch. just in case, I decided to start saving the last chapter, skipped all the dialogues, and a trophy appeared on the cartoon screensaver.
By kaganaru on 21 Oct 2019 16:25
When you go to convert Aloysius Dawson, don’t worry if you don’t have enough points to convert (2000), your points will simply go into the minus.
By rynn on 11 Dec 2018 09:30
You can kill yourself, I just checked it myself. The main thing is not to use the skill to embrace. I killed the priest during the battle with Mary and the trophy still dropped.
By Vladsurinov on 07 Nov 2020 13:56
The most important thing is not to press the “hug” button and that’s it. When he passed, he either spared everyone (the Doctor, the priest, the hunter) or left them to die (Edgar). According to the plot, everyone I spared, except the hunter, went crazy, including the drunk from the port. Killing them does not contradict the trophy.
You can bite in battle.
Also, to check if everything is okay with you, if this trophy has not failed, in a conversation with Asher Tolltree, he will say that you are handsome and have not killed anyone
By Gera on 23 Oct 2022 12:06
I'll add a little of my own. Two basic principles must be observed. Don't harm the townspeople. And don't let them die from the disease. For as an example, I have a priest who became a vampire and my cuckoo went off and he became an enemy. A drunk from the port became a werewolf. And my murder of them still does not count as the murder of citizens. So just don't bite and take care of their health. By the way, if you go through side effects. That experience, even without drinking blood, is enough for your eyes. Because at the last boss I was level 27.
By Taxxi on 08 Jun 2018 21:12
Regarding what FaNToM1 wrote

I lost a townsman who was on a quest from a doctor (to help bring medicine), he was devoured by ghouls. At the end of the game, the trophy dropped, so the main thing is not to bite and heal mortals in time.

Due to the death of a townsman and a bug on one of the sidequests (total minus 2 sidequests to collect experience), the level at the time of the fight with the nightmare was 28, the nightmare itself was level 30 in the last battle. For me, the easiest boss in the game was Nightmare.
By MaxOtto on 22 Jun 2018 00:02
For owners of the disk version!!! Roll back the game without installing the patch, connect the keyboard to the console, start a new game, get to the first upgrade and in the ability menu, hold the P (or P+O English respectively) button on the keyboard. Expa will creep up like crazy. Then we pump up, save and install a patch to remove the crookedness of the game even just a little... this method saves just a lot of time and nerves and will allow you to plunge into the plot and not suffer from endless treatments for sick people and eternal deaths due to stupid combat. Personally, I save only between chapters so that the saved/cured ones get back into action and can be communicated with.
By Solbadguy891 on 04 Jan 2019 00:50
The trophy is glitchy.
First playthrough:
I did whatever I wanted, but I didn’t bite anyone (hug), I saved everyone, treated them, did their quests, at the end there were phrases that I saved London, and the eyes of Mr. were white, but for some reason the trophy did not fall.
Second playthrough:
* I save everyone, give medicine, do side effects.
* Glue - Release
* Dorothy - Spare
* Sean - Spare (several townspeople will turn into: rocks, reverses and hunters (Giselle, Dyson and Lottie), you can fight and kill them, it does not affect the trophy. Sean will also go crazy, he also needs to be finished off)
* During the battle with Mary, he did not kill the priest.
* Alozius - Make him a vampire
* Geoffrey McCallum - Letting Go
* Dr. Edgar - Make him a vampire.
The trophy has dropped!
Still, there are some consequences, after which the trophy does not drop for some reason, therefore, you need to make certain decisions in order not to go through it a second time.
By BIOSYNTEZ on 21 Sep 2023 22:08
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I didn’t understand right away and was afraid to bite and only ate rats
You can bite enemies and vampires
The main thing is not to hug the townspeople NPCs, who have portraits on the map of the townspeople with whom you talk, receive quests, etc., including Clay at the beginning of the game, when the plot pushes for this
The rest doesn't matter - who dies, or turns into a ghoul, etc.

31 May 2019 14:03