Velvet Assassin

Velvet Assassin

45 Achievements



Xbox 360
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「港の灯 - 埠頭」で酔った潜水艦長を始末した


How to unlock the 報復をもたらす者 achievement in Velvet Assassin - Definitive Guide

There are 2 german soldiers sleeping in small huts. As you wander around you will see them as they are on your path. You need to use the knife to kill each soldier and the achievement will unlock once you kill the 2nd guy. The huts are quite obvious and there both on your right hand side as you go though the level, you will be required to walk past them at some point. The first one is near the fence you jump over after turning off the power with loads of shipping crates. The 2nd is near the safe where you pick up the secret documents.

This image marks their locations.