Velvet Assassin

Velvet Assassin

45 Achievements



Xbox 360
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「虐殺者の死 - 地下墓所」で黄金像を隠した


How to unlock the 芸術愛好家 achievement in Velvet Assassin - Definitive Guide

On your path you will see a statue with a few boxes in front of it. Push the box on the left side then follow the corriror around until you find a locked door. Crawl though the tunnel to the left of the door and enter the room with two guards. This room is very distinctive as it has large barrels. Sneak past the guards and wait on the other side of the room and kill the guard that walks towards you when he turns his back then take his key.

After doing this go down the stairs and sneak in so you can kill the german soldier standing in front of a gold statue. Turn back around and on the wall to the right of you as you enter there will be a loose rock in the wall. Push the loose brick and then push the gold statue though the hole that opens up. Complete this objective by dragging the dead germans body inside with the statue and re-activating the loose bricks in the wall.