Velvet Assassin

45 Achievements



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You have killed 200 enemies silently during a campaign


How to unlock the Assassin achievement in Velvet Assassin - Definitive Guide

***EDIT: My final number for silent kills is not the maximum achieveable number for the game. It is guideline as to what I was able to achieve. As some of the comments would indicate, you can score more silent kills if you have patience and skill. And a lot of restarts. I recommend you look at the comments if you fall behind my pace in order to catch up.

I would classify my patience and skill as average and my patience started to wane by the end of this game. That should give you an indication as to what is required to get this achievement.

If you are able to improve upon my numbers, i encourage you to leave a comment. ***

Since the original link is no longer valid, I decided to put together a solution. The focus of this guide is to highlight the guards which are silently killable and give you an idea of the progress you should be making. I was able to get 229 silent kills, 25 from morphine. Hopefully, this guide will highlights the easy silent kills and save you from having to go after the difficult silent kills.

This solution is not a game walkthrough. It will not tell you when to run, when to turn, when to hide or the patterns of guards. It is just an indiciation of what is achieveable. I recommend you pick up some collectibles and upgrade your morphine.

I listed my results and there is some room for error, but not much. I list the total enemies in the level, kills and silent kills for the level and running total of kills and total silently kills.

Level 1(4): 4 and 4, (4 and 4)
Level 2(20): 20 and 18 (24 and 22)
Level 3(29): 22 and 22 (46 and 44)
Level 4(22): 21 and 18 (67 and 62)
Level 5(37): 36 and 34 (103 and 96)
Level 6(39): 34 and 19 (137 and 115)
Level 7(22): 22 and 18 (159 and 133)
Level 8(25): 23 and 16 (182 and 149)
Level 9(26): 26 and 20 (208 and 169)
Level 10(32): 29 and 17 (237 and 186)
Level 11(39): 37 and 26 (274 and 212)
Level 12(49): 47 and 17 (321 and 229)

Here is a short breakdown for each level:

Level 1: The first 3 guards are silently killable and the last guard has to be killed using morphine.

Level 2: The first 16 guards silently killable without morphine until you plant the bomb. You can get 2 of the last 4 with morphine.

Level 3: All the guards are silently killable until you climb the ladder in front of the church. Then there are 4 guards that aren’t killable silently, 4 that are and then another 6 that aren’t. I used morphine to get 3 of those 10.

Level 4: All enemies are killable silently until the last 5 in the section with Schuntzel. I was able to get 1 of 5 with morphine but I used morphine earlier in the level that could have been saved for the end.

Level 5: The only enemies that aren’t silently killable are the 3 guards after you lower the crane. I used morphine to get 2 of those 3.

Level 6: All enemies are killable silently until you get outside to the big area with the truck. I used morphine to bail myself out and I grew frustrated in the first section and used a headshot to make a distraction. I was able to get 2 morphine kills on the guards that aren’t killable silently.

Level 7: All enemies are killable silently except for the two in the location of the last agent and the 5 in the final room. The 7 I listed may be killable silently if you are patient but I was not. Of those 7, I got 2 morphine kills and 1 silent kill which alerted the guards.

Level 8: The first 6 guards are silently killable, although the last one is a tricky lure and I used morphine. The next 4 may be possible but I was unsuccessful on countless attempts. I just pulled the grenade pin to wipe out 3 and use morphine on the last. The next 5 are silently killable. The next 5 are not you can get a morphine kill. The final 3 are killable silently.

Level 9: The 10 enemies in the dining hall and in the prison are not killable silently. However, you can get 6 of 10 with morphine. You will need to leave some of them alive as you get some of the morphine after the prison and dining hall sections. You can backtrack for the kills. I only got 4 of 10 and I was left with 2 morphine when I finished the level.

Level 10: You can get 5 silent kills before you get on the boat. If you don’t put on the SS uniform, you can get 3 of the next 5 silently, 1 silent and 2 morphine. Inside the hotel, you can get 5 silent kills. From there, there are only 3 easy silent kills (the next one in the courtyard, one leading to the secret area and the one in the boathouse). There are a few silent kills to be had but they take a lot of work and I don’t recommend it. You can get a couple morphine kills

Level 11: All enemies are killable silently until you get a weapon, but be warned some of the areas are tricky and frustrating. And there is no morphine in this level. If you have been following the guide, you will have the achievement halfway through the level.

Level 12: The first 13 guards are killable silently but it will require work. Of the next 8, only 5 are killable silently. Then the last 20+ guards are not.

31 Jan 2011 19:10

some notes on this:
- is has to be done in one single playthrough
- you can use doors to lose aggro and get stealthed again easily
- whistle is your friend
By Phoenix C64 on 15 Apr 2011 11:40
You can get a lot more kills than this guide suggests if you are creative with your whistles, but thanks for the total number of enemies regardless!
By xPut Name Herex on 15 Oct 2012 17:39
@ xPut Name Herex

Did you happen to track your kills on your playthough? If you did, I can supplement my solution with your numbers. Alternatively, if there is a chapter where you score significantly more silent kills, i can note that in my solution.
By Johnny Skillz on 15 Oct 2012 19:14
For level 9, all of the guards in the dining hall and the prison wing can be killed silently. The TA walkthrough videos show how, although there is some very tight timing involved and I needed to reload this checkpoint upwards of 10 times.

It's possible to 26 of 26 this level (I did it).
By CovetousCash64 on 17 Oct 2012 13:41
Another update. 27 silent kills on mission 10. Many of them were, as you suggested, tricky.
By CovetousCash64 on 18 Oct 2012 14:27
Fair enough :) Of the 27 silent kills in mission 10, I would say about 2 or 3 of them were really tricky (1 after getting the collaborators list and 1 before getting back in the boat). Another 5-7 involved fairly skilled use of the whistle ability.
By CovetousCash64 on 19 Oct 2012 02:51
if i load an old savegame f.a. level 10 and i'll get more silent kills then in the first try of lvl 10. does it count?
By lumpengott on 20 May 2013 16:15
Looks like you just redo the progress from where you are on your save, so if you have to load up level 10 then what you did for 11 & 12 won't actually count yet because the save you're using you haven't actually played them yet. Try to figure out where you could make up the most ground, and start from there.
By Schnauzer HQ on 14 Feb 2021 20:58
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If you were like me this is your last achievement not to worry here is a fast solution.

Use the cheat god mode must have usb key board connected to xbox

Enter god mode- Hold Left Shift+Right Shift+P and hit G.(has to be done on every level)

Than with this enabled you can run around a enemy constantly pressing A(Button) and the silent kill sequence will pop up and you will get a silent kill and it will count. I still used morphine for fun or for enemies u cant run around due to tight hallways.So no more sneaking around and happy killing.

level 1- 4 Silent kills
level 2- 17 Silent kills
level 3- 25 Silent kills
level 4- 18 Silent kills
level 5- 35 Silent kills
level 6- 29 Silent kills
level 7- 22 Silent kills
level 8- 22 Silent kills
level 9- 24 Silent kills
level 10- first 4 Silent kills and achievo unlocko

28 Jan 2012 16:44

Will try this later, do you have to sneak around them, or can it be done standing up?
By Sonic Grunge on 01 Jun 2012 10:11
Standing up just run circles around the a look for button prop
By ShadyChicano on 02 Jun 2012 22:29
awesome solution! helped me a bunch... didnt had to worry about messing up any silent kills. Had them done long before the end.
By Igneus DarkSide on 06 Sep 2013 22:21
this one helped a lot, I had tried before, but it depends on the enemy whether you should run clockwise or counter-clockwise before you can hit A for the kill. Using this method I got the cheevo in La Bouef level I think it was. it was well before the final level
By Canadian8tor on 14 Jan 2014 12:15
+1 for me, this solution should be at the top :D much easier when you don't have to be stealth
By Polished Turd69 on 29 May 2015 00:33
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I recommend using the guide posted here by Johnny Skillz, as I did and it really went a long way, but I wanted to add something. This achievement is really the only one to worry about throughout the entire game, as you must do it all within one campaign. Here are some pointers and facts you need to know.

As posted in another solution(s) here, there are two cheats you can make use of. One is for skipping levels, which doesn't work out well for this achievement, and the other is for invincibility. They are input by using a USB keyboard plugged into your Xbox. The codes are:

Invincibility: Hold Left Shift+Right Shift+P and hit G.
Level Skip: Hold Left Shift+L and hit the End key.

Note: Invincibility appears to not work at first, but it does. It's just that your health wraps around back to full when it depletes.

These codes (or at least invincibility) are important just to make the game easier. Now for tips:

First, only kills done in which you use the A button to kill the enemy count. This means any guns with weapons, while they are silenced even, do not count. Morphine kills are fine, and even so much as if you were caught before using it. As in, you can be 5 feet in front of them, and they are shooting you, and you use morphine and kill them, that's a silent kill.

Second, enemies are really really dumb. They of course follow given paths, which are typically observable and predictable. Also, if you are caught, you can run to a door and go through and they will not follow you. This however only works with doors that have a sort of black screen in between them.

And so third, you can use this door problem enemies have to your advantage. Utilizing invincibility, you can be silent, go in and try to get your kills. If you are caught, don't fret, as you can go back to your last door that had that screen between them and wait it out. The enemies will run to that door, and you can watch them through the keyhole/crack until they resume their typical paths.

Fourth, uniforms. I suggest not using them. Using tip 3 here, you shouldn't ever really need one. There will be some enemies you just can't get, and sometimes you won't be able to squeeze out all of your kills silently. The real reason I say to not use them though, and I don't know if this is typical, is that they seem to get you caught a lot more. I noticed that when sneaking up on a guard while in uniform they typically turn around when I am really close. Again, just my experience, it may be different for others.

Lastly, upgrades. With invincibilty, you don't need to worry about strength at all. You should probably dump your stars into stealth (as you can move faster will crouched and remaining stealthy) and morphine (as you get up to 3 slots as you upgrade).

Also, just one last bit of advice. Track your total silent kills. You don't need to count each one, but mark down the number of them you have at the end of the level when it shows your summary. Compare your numbers to Johnny Skillz's posted ones, and try to hit near them. He finished with 29 more than he needed, but the last level is very bad to try to squeeze out kills on. Using his guide, along with my suggestions, I was able to have 196 by the start of level 12, making my achievement easy to finish. And I really only discovered the door thing at about half way through the game.

15 Jun 2011 07:30

Nice guide. I would give it a +1 if i could.

i could see how invincibility would cut down the replaying time. There were several sections where you would have one easy room followed by a difficult but if you were caught, you would have to replay both because there wasn't a check point in between. With invincibility, you wouldn't have to continually replay that easy room.

And, as you mentioned, you could use it as a tactic. You could get a silent kill, be seen, run and hide and have the guards return to normal after a minute.
By Johnny Skillz on 16 Jun 2011 19:49
Thanks. I wrote it as sort of an accompaniment to your guide, as I used your numbers to keep pace with where I should be. Using these tactics definitely cut down on how much I had to replay. At first I was getting kind of pissed at all of the restarting I had to do, but then I figured this out and it was a cakewalk, provided you have the patience to do it. There was even a couple of levels that I beat your posted kills by as much as 7, just because I could get the enemies to reset.
By Der Roi on 16 Jun 2011 22:58
Using your tips and johnny skillz guide I had the achievement half way through level 10. Thumbs up for both of you.
By TOM1013 on 01 Aug 2011 23:11
With your fourth tip about the uniforms the game states you cant sneak in it because the boots are too loud. This is the reason the guards always turn around and catch you.
By MarkLaing07 on 03 Jul 2012 09:46
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This is a full collectible guide / Silent Kill Walkthrough for this game - I started out just making a collectible guide, but it has evolved slightly... :)

The videos should help in your quest to get all of the achievements in Velvet assassin. I will show you the Grenade triggers, Flare Gun kills and Silent kills to name but a few. I have sped up parts of the footage and provided commentary to helpfully make it as quick and easy to get through this game.

If you follow the guide you will get your silent kills finished during Mission 11

Mission 1 - The Lost : Valley

Mission 2 - The Lost : Fuel Storage

Mission 3 - Death Of The Butcher : Cathedral

Mission 4 - Death Of The Butcher : Crypt

Mission 5 - Leave A Light On : Docks

Mission 6 - Leave A Light On : Storage

Mission 7 - The Third Man : Sewers

The Third Man - Ghetto

The Third Man - Prison

Le Boeuf

Fade to Grey - Hospital

Fade to Grey - Village


24 Jul 2012 02:52

The only requirement for this achievement is to get 200 silent kills, it doesn't matter how or when you get them and they do not have to be consecutive as they stack up though the campaign. The best way to get this is to kill as many guards as you can using silent kill attacks rather than shooting, morphine kills class as a silent kill so make good use if you find a guard who isn't easy to kill silently.