Vertical Drop Heroes HD

Vertical Drop Heroes HD

12 Achievements


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I Love Treasure!

I Love Treasure!

Open a total of 20 Treasure Chests in a single game.


How to unlock the I Love Treasure! achievement in Vertical Drop Heroes HD - Definitive Guide

I found the best way to get this, despite being random chance on the amount of chests per level in each run, was to find the merchant in a level that sells a skill that allows you to start with 5 keys.

Once you have this skill, start a run with any character that has the skill to start with. Then aim for every chest you can find. It does have to be in one run, so keep that in mind. You will find other keys as you go, but starting with 5 is a big help.

Some levels have a lot of chests, some don't even have any. So that's where luck plays a part. Just keep at it, and eventually you will grab this achievement.

One last thing, you may struggle to advance in the game until you upgrade your starting health and attack. This can be done in the game hub with the Blacksmith in the top left and Apothecary in the top right. Every consecutive upgrade will cost more than the previous as well.

11 Feb 2017 18:01

Even better - I just unlocked a random trait that allows you to open chests without using keys! Makes the pacifist runs a lot easier.
By C64 Mat on 25 Apr 2017 16:45
That is a sweet bonus. I never got that one.
By FullMoonBeaver on 25 Apr 2017 22:04
As the description says, you need to open 20 chests in a single run. This is theoretically possible on any run, but RNG can make it far easier on some runs compared to others. The other thing you can do to make this way easier is to buy the Lockpicks skill from a Merchant and then play as a character with that skill. This lets you open all chests without a key. This makes this achievement significantly easier (meaning less luck based), and really just relies on you getting to the sixth or seventh level just so you come across 20 chests.

That skill isn't mandatory though. I got this achievement "legit" by just finding keys and opening chests. In addition to finding keys just lying around, kill all enemies to see if any drop keys. Additionally, trigger all alarms and use all shrines that spawn more enemies, as this means more chance of keys. Open all crates as well, since there's a chance for keys in them too. Basically, be thorough and you'll find plenty of keys, then just don't waste them on cages. Save them for chests only, and this is completely reasonable to do the normal way.