Vertical Drop Heroes HD
12 Achievements
Peace and Non Violence
Collect 12 Pacifist Orbs in a level.
How to unlock the Peace and Non Violence achievement in Vertical Drop Heroes HD - Definitive Guide
Before you attempt this achievement, head to the main menu and go into Options, then turn off Auto Attack. Otherwise if you are within striking distance of an enemy, your character will attack an enemy thus removing all Pacifist Orbs in a level.
The orbs are blue in colour and are frequently dotted about the levels. You really can't miss them. Just collect your 12 and the achievement will unlock. But be careful, as you can easily get swarmed by enemies. Best to unlock this on the first level.
The orbs are blue in colour and are frequently dotted about the levels. You really can't miss them. Just collect your 12 and the achievement will unlock. But be careful, as you can easily get swarmed by enemies. Best to unlock this on the first level.
Every level starts with you in Pacifist Mode, and that only ends if you kill an enemy directly. While in Pacifist Mode, there will be blue orbs scattered randomly around each level. As the description says, you need to collect 12 Pacifist Orbs in a single level.
It's easier to stay in Pacifist Mode in earlier levels, but those levels are short enough that it's unlikely you'll have 12 Orbs available to collect. If you follow the advice of how to approach each level in the roadmap, you should be starting every level by going down and collecting as many Pacifist Orbs as you can. If you follow that strategy, you'll likely be able to get enough Orbs by the fourth or fifth level. If you follow the roadmap strategy, you'll likely get this naturally, and pretty early on in your time with this game.
It's easier to stay in Pacifist Mode in earlier levels, but those levels are short enough that it's unlikely you'll have 12 Orbs available to collect. If you follow the advice of how to approach each level in the roadmap, you should be starting every level by going down and collecting as many Pacifist Orbs as you can. If you follow that strategy, you'll likely be able to get enough Orbs by the fourth or fifth level. If you follow the roadmap strategy, you'll likely get this naturally, and pretty early on in your time with this game.