Vertical Drop Heroes HD

Vertical Drop Heroes HD

12 Achievements


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The Artful Dodger

The Artful Dodger

Complete a level without triggering any alarms.


How to unlock the The Artful Dodger achievement in Vertical Drop Heroes HD - Definitive Guide

There are two types of alarms.

The first type of alarms are the black flags sitting on the ground

The second kind of "alarms" are the enemies carrying the black flags, just don't attack or be hit by those enemies for a level and the acheesement should pop.


01 Feb 2020 02:10

1 Comment
thanks for writing this for us, wasn't too hard but wouldnt have known what the description meant, saved my searching, thanks!
By Netechma on 03 Apr 2023 18:20
There are two ways to trigger alarms in this game:
  • Stand on the same piece of land that a black flag is on
  • Hit an enemy carrying a black flag
The latter type of enemy tends to show up more in later levels, but they're always worth watching out for. As for the flags, the reason I worded the bullet point like that is because you can touch flags and jump through them, you just can't make contact with the ground they're touching, so it's actually easier to avoid them than you'd think. 

As the description says, get to the bottom of any level and complete it without triggering an alarm. As long as you keep on the lookout for flags (some are hard to see if there is land directly above one), this shouldn't be difficult to do at all. You may need to rely on a bit of luck though, as the game will often stick you in situations where you're forced to cross a flag to proceed through the level.