12 Achievements


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Murder Artist

Murder Artist

For only the most creative killers.


How to unlock the Murder Artist achievement in WARP - Definitive Guide

There are 9 types of Kills in the game, and you need one of each. You do not need to do them in one playthrough, as they can in fact be done in the challenge rooms. It is marked as missable since one type (Fell) can only be done in the campaign, not in the challenge rooms as you might think.

The types are:
1. Frag: Standard kill, warp inside someone an kill them
2. Echo Frag: Warp inside someone, then swap with object/person
3. Friendly Fire: Person killed by guard or turret
4. Explosion: Use alien canister (the explosive one)
5. Alien Mine - The yellow, beeping mines that trigger when you walk over them.
6. Fell: Person falls to death
7. Crushed: Human crushed by object capable of crushing
8. Laser Beam: Human Killed by lasers
9. Water: Human drowns in pool of water.

Now, there are a couple places to do most of these, but for those interested, here are some of the places I got mine:
1. Frag: Pick a human, any human, and make him explode from the inside. Easily done
2. Echo Frag: Can be done right after getting the swap power. Warp into a scientist on either side of the chamber, and then echo swap to a canister or other human.
3. Friendly Fire: Use the Echo Challenge Room (#5). Immediately to your right, there is a section with four guards facing each other. Use an echo and place it in the center of the guards, at least one will be killed.
4. Explosion: Can be done right after the cut-scene where scientists explode one of these in the campaign. The next room with enemies will have these canisters. Warp in and out of one quickly, then head back to the entrance of the room and wait for the boom.
5. Alien Mine: Best done in the Launch Challenge Room (#7). The last three scientists, upon seeing you, will run over them. And you only wanted to say hi.
6. Fell: The missable one. Cannot be done in the Challenge Rooms, despite what you may think. I got this in the room where there is the cut-scene of the scientists killing the other alien creaturs (there are three grubs in the room afterward). The second chamber with a grub in it uses a trap-door. Use swap to trap a scientist in that chamber, hit the button on the floor directly outside it, and watch him fall.
7. Crushed: Again, use the Launch Challenge Room (#7). The first group of three scientists can be launched into the pit they are standing it front of, where they will be crushed.
8. Laser Beam: At the end of the Advanced Frag Challenge Room (#4), there will be two scientists (note, you can "complete" the challenge before reaching them if you destroy the turrets, so don't). When they see you, they will run away. Step on the button near them as they pass the wall on the right, lasers will shoot out and kill them.
9. Water: Shortly after getting the Echo power, there will be a hallway split into an upper and lower part that a guard with a half-shield patrols. There is water immediately to the right of his patrol route. Get in the canister closest to the water, and as the guard is between the canister and the water, explode the canister using Frag. If the guard does not end up in the water, you can push him in using your character as he lies on the ground.

Again, there may be other places to get these, just felt I should put down some locations for people looking to get them. Any questions or concerns, just leave a comment. Happy achievement hunting!

27 Jun 2012 00:27

Nice guide.
By XI AlphaMale IX on 24 Sep 2012 04:10
I might have gotten fell in one of the challenges room! He surely fell next to a turret.
By MattiasAnderson on 24 Aug 2023 03:03
For this achievement, you must get every type of kill in the game.There are a total of 9 ways to get a kill. You will get most of these by playing regular. A good amount of these can be done in the challenges. Specifically, Challenge 7 has the Alien Mines at the end which you likely wouldn't normally obtain in the campaign.

1. Frag - Warp inside and kill someone
2. Echo Frag - Warp inside human, then echo to another human
3. Friendly Fire - Echo in between two guards so they shoot eachother
4. Explosion - Warp inside an alien canister or throw it at humans
5. Alien Mine - Best done on challenge 7, at the end the humans kill themselves on it
6. Fell - Toss a human over an edge
7. Crushed - Have a human get crushed something. Playing the later challenges gives this to you automatically.
8. Laser Beam - Throw a human into any lasers
9. Drowned - Toss a human into the water after knocking them out

17 Feb 2012 07:58

By "alien mine" , do they mean to make a scientist/soldier walk onto the slimey yellow mines? or do they mean to use your advanced echo to blow yourself up on them?
By Maria Masuimi on 21 Feb 2012 20:48
They mean the yellow ones that explode when you walk over them
By Tyger7 on 22 Feb 2012 11:40
Fell is 100% missable pls add this to youre solution
This can only be done in the middle of the gam after you get the switching abbility in the test chamber from the scyentists on the top right sitts one of the left ofa switch swap them in to the room and push the button i missed this and you can't get this in the skill test chambers :-/
By Sambaweb on 12 Apr 2012 12:23
I have more than a few fell ones from the chambers. There was plenty of times something exploded and a guy would fall near a ledge, then fall off the cliff. I'm pretty sure they count but I can't confirm it since I have the achievement already.
By Tyger7 on 18 Apr 2012 23:06
fell is missable just to confirm.
By I TRU RELIG1ON on 28 Apr 2012 04:48
Fell is far from missable. You just have to think outside the box if you didn't off the scientists with all 3 death chambers already. Try this:

Stun enemy/swap places (without fragging them)
Rinse and repeat until you have them near an edge, or even that trapdoor you are all referring to in the A.R.D.
Send 'em down that long abyss.
Fell-kill accomplished
By Gr33nEggsNSpam on 30 Apr 2012 10:48
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For this trophy you need to kill a human in each of the following ways:

Frag – simply warp inside a human and use the to explode him.
Echo Frag – when you are inside a human, use an echo swap to swap another human inside the first, killing both.

Friendly Fire – have a soldier shoot a human. This can be done by creating an echo and standing in front of the human you want shot, or by jumping inside them, waiting till the soldier notices something is wrong, and jumping out quickly.

Explosion – use the swap function, or the fire method, to shoot explosive barrels nearby humans.

Alien Mine – use the fire method to warp inside a human and shoot them on top of the yellow mines that you encounter later in the game.

Fell, Crushed, Laser Beam – there is a room you will find about halfway through the game that has three ‘test’ areas. Warp a scientist into each of them, then step on the switch, one of them gives you ‘Fell’, one gives you ‘Crushed’ and one gives you ‘Laser Beam’. Laser Beam and Crushed can be gathered at different areas with a bit of ingenuity, but I believe this is the only area to easily get ‘Fell’.

Drowned – use the fire method to warp inside a human and shoot them into water. This can be done near the end of the game, just before the submarine.


For this achievement, you must get every type of kill in the game. You will get most of these by playing regular. A good amount of these can be done in the challenges. Specifically, Challenge 7 has the Alien Mines at the end which you likely wouldn't normally obtain in the campaign.

  • Frag
  • Echo Frag (echo into human, then take that human and echo into another)
  • Friendly Fire
  • Explosion
  • Alien Mine
  • Fell
  • Crushed
  • Laser Beam
  • Drowned
1. Frag - standard kill. Teleport into the body and tear it apart.
2. Echo Frag - teleport into the human body and, using echo Swap, replace the body with a canister.
3. Friendly Fire - friendly fire. Can be done in Test Chamber #5.
4. Explosion - after the video with the explosion of a canister and two scientists. We teleport into the canister with the yellow contents and immediately exit it. It will start releasing red smoke. We run away so that the explosion doesn’t hit us.
5. Alien Mine - completed in challenge #7.
6. Fell - push a person off a cliff.
7. Crushed - completed in challenge #7.
8. Laser Beam - killing with a laser.
9. Drowned - throw a stunned person into the water.

PS: I don't bother with the list. Towards the end of the game I read it and I was missing only the 9th.

24 Mar 2023 07:10