12 Achievements


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They got gold? Are you going to let them beat you?


How to unlock the Rival achievement in WARP - Definitive Guide

For gamers looking to boost this achievement:

Just like the solutions below state, you need to have a friend on the Challenge leaderboards with a gold time or better then you have to beat their time. Because I was impatient and didn't want to ask the slowest 50 people for a Friend Request, I have created a dummy account under the name GlancingDruid99 (XBL appropriated account handle) for this sole achievement which anyone can try to beat to pick this up.

Step 1: Complete the game on Adventure (or at least until you unlock the 3rd Challenge room, about 10-20min of the game in)
Step 2: Send a FR to GlancingDruid99 then PM me ('MugenKairo') on TA or XBL and i'll jump online and accept the request under the dummy account.
Step 3: Once you are on the friends list load up the 3rd challenge room 'Advanced WARP challenge room' and try to beat my time of 0:00:20.504. The gold time is 21.0000 seconds so if you can beat both times this achievement will be yours. I would suggest not even trying for Gold until you have a friend who already has Gold on the leaderboards.

The Gold rating for the challenges are very challenging but with patience and practice I found the 3rd challenge room to be the easiest to beat. Although I can't find a video on Youtube, once I have my Vid Capture set up I'll add my own Gold Challenge run into this solution. For everyone trying this, I took the left fork through the lasers, then veered right down the stairs past the canisters (which I didn't use) then through the soldiers to the end. With only a little practice it shouldn't be too hard to beat

EDIT: Saije7 managed to pop the achievement on 12 May 2012 which means that a gold account which has reverted back to Silver will still maintain its standing in the leaderboards, hooray!

EDIT X 2: Many gamers have said that they have popped the achievement while the FR is still pending. As this is not a one-off it is fair to say once you have sent the FR to the dummy account, go for Gold without waiting for a confirmation. This is a bonus for me as I no longer have to keep checking the dummy account :D

Best of luck to all!

04 Mar 2012 09:22

I was able to pop it April 12 2023 without issues. Hopefully this is a temporary thing.
By jkald on 18 Apr 2023 13:31
Great solution and thanks again for the assist MugenKairo. For those attempting this, it's pretty straightforward - I took the right hand paths at each fork and finished with a time of 0:00:19.959 after only 3 or 4 attempts. The achievement pops as soon as you reach the end, given you're under MugenKairo's time of course.
By Page Daemon on 14 Mar 2012 02:57
great solution, and thanks for the help!
By Von Krauser on 25 Mar 2012 04:26
Much appreciated and glad people are picking up this tricky cheevies.

For everyone trying this, I took the left fork through the lasers, then veered right down the stairs past the canisters (which I didn't use) then through the soldiers to the end. With only a little practice it shouldn't be too hard to beat
By MugenKairo on 25 Mar 2012 04:59
works like a charm thx man
By Sambaweb on 09 Apr 2012 22:16
thanks for adding me so I could get this
By Saije7 on 12 May 2012 00:27
Glad to know it still works after reverting back to silver membership, will edit solution accordingly.
By MugenKairo on 12 May 2012 12:43
Followed the same path (left branch for lasers, avoided canisters, soldiers) and did it in 19.5 seconds. Perfect solution. Thanks again for the writeup!
By lzrmcdoogal on 31 May 2012 11:21
MugenKairo doesn't even have to accept the invite with his dummy account. The FR was still pending, and I got the achievement :) But still +1
By zHalcyonDays on 04 Jun 2012 19:48
Sorry I didn't have a chance to accept it, the dummy accoount is ONLY used for this achievement, so I rarely check it. That is his sole purpose :D
By MugenKairo on 05 Jun 2012 00:49
Good to get this in before the servers close!
By MugenKairo on 08 Feb 2023 19:38
Same as others, pending FR with GlancingDruid99 and it worked fine.
By EarthboundX on 28 Feb 2023 05:26
As of April 18 2023. I beat the time 3 times , all 19 seconds. Achievement not popping. Leaderboards say restricted when I go to view them.
By BPERCY on 18 Apr 2023 04:24
@ Major Parsnip: You are my opposite. I tried so many times on the 1st challenge room but gave up due to insufficient skill. :D
By MugenKairo on 17 Jun 2012 21:41
This work by just having GlancingDruid99 s a "Friend Request Pending" and rebooting the game. He will appear in the leaderboard as a friend and work for the achievement.
By Narkaotiks on 06 Sep 2012 19:30
@Ragnorak: Ill send you a TA PM later today about this as I am doing a collectibles guide for WARP but havent been on Live for a while. But what I would do is send a FR to the slowest Gold timer in any challenge you are most comfortable and HAVE NOT YET got a Gold time then beat their time before they can knock back your request. It will still count for the achievement.
By MugenKairo on 08 Sep 2012 02:36
Excellent tip regarding the Friend Request which doens't have to be accepted. I just pick someone from the leaderboards with a time of 20.998 seconds. Easy peasy!
By XmaniaX on 08 Sep 2012 21:30
Thank you, MugenKairo! I unlocked the achievement on my third or fourth try.
By Bardan Jusik on 30 Sep 2012 21:30
Thanks for your alternate account. I too got the achievement with the friend request pending.
By R3NEG4D3 on 04 Feb 2013 19:46
exactly what the fella above said THUMBS UP FROM ME..
By techie76 on 01 Mar 2013 17:48
Extend my thank you to you for the dummy account. Worked with friend request pending, as confirmed by others.
By Yummy Baklava on 13 Jun 2013 04:52
Worked a charm, and as with most of the above, I can confirm the friend request was pending and I got the cheevo. Thumbs up from me
By B R A M M Z I E on 08 Jul 2013 21:11
awesome help!
By Axtrica on 01 Dec 2013 03:11
Awesome work, and with the help of the video guide, easily doable within 20 seconds.
By on 28 Jun 2014 17:20
Amazing solution Thanks a lot. clap
By TWIGHLIGHT Z0HA on 08 Aug 2014 19:11
Well, I've added someone with a low golden score, beated him, but the achievement didn't popped. Then I added another random guy with a low golden time, rebooted my console, and after beating his time the achievement popped. So, it's very important to restart your console (or at least go to the dashboard). Before going for the gold you can check the leaderboard and filter for your friends score. If you see the gamer you have to beat, then you can go for gold!
By Gottle on 18 Feb 2016 00:53
^ FYI, this is generally true of most/all leaderboard-based achievements using XBL leaderboards.

@Mugen - Thanks for use of your alt's time.
By The Globalizer on 13 Mar 2017 05:23
Glad to see this is still working!!
By MugenKairo on 13 Mar 2017 06:05
Still working as of July 2017 :)
Adding the friend via xbox.com doesn't work though, needs to be added from the X360 console, but then it works a treat. Thanks man!
By MushaConvoy on 12 Jul 2017 01:41
By MattiasAnderson on 19 Oct 2017 11:12
I currently have a silver account and it seems I'm being blocked from the leaderboards. So I'm pretty sure you must have an active Gold account in order to do this. Please let me know otherwise.
By AbyssalOrc33 on 27 Aug 2019 04:40
Not sure if this is an issue with the leaderboards, the game is quite old, I’m not sure if the leaderboards are still on servers. Can anyone confirm who had a Gold account confirm leaderboards are still active?
By MugenKairo on 27 Aug 2019 20:58
Confirmed the achievement is still obtainable and the leaderboards are still up, but you need Xbox Live Gold to unlock it as of June 2020. Since this is an EA associated title anyone who still wants the achievement should go unlock it asap as servers for these kind of games can go down anytime without notice.
By R4AssaultRifle on 27 Jun 2020 20:00
As of 11/3/20 leaderboards are unbelievably still up and running. As said above, get this one sooner rather than later.
By KJer25 on 04 Nov 2020 02:44
I really enjoyed this game, and was considering replaying it on my PS3. It seems the Rival trophy has been unobtainable since 2014. The leaderboards on Xbox are safe for now, but they could be shut off any day.
By KJer25 on 09 Nov 2020 15:27
Finally got it. I really hate online achievements in an otherwise single player game. The challenge rooms also kind of suck IMO.
By AbyssalOrc33 on 13 Feb 2021 04:27
Still working. Thanks!!
By Jay 5iver on 18 Sep 2021 04:28
Can confirm friend request only works, done on 360.
By sobadnomad on 09 Feb 2022 06:28
I nearly tore my hair out getting the gold, but can confirm this still works with just a pending friend request
By Mr Gimpson on 05 Feb 2023 22:19
Hi. I just did it with the pending FR. But I was afraid because I beat you, but no achievement. I retried, I re-beat you, and then it popped properly. That was a scary thing, but all goes well in the end. Thanks for this dummy account.
By vegansound on 08 Feb 2023 16:38
@x shadoVV x thank you so much for that input. Glad it still works.
By MugenKairo on 19 Apr 2023 10:50
No problem at all. My first gold run I got just over the 20.504. Then I beat it and it didn’t unlock. Once I dashboarded and redid the challenge it unlocked.
By x ShadoVV x on 19 Apr 2023 21:34
Phew! So glad to hear it x ShadoVV x
By MugenKairo on 20 Apr 2023 07:54
+1 to the ever-so-kind OP. I somehow didn't have Challenge 3 unlocked, so I looked at the leaderboard on the challenges I did have unlocked and sent FR's people who were JUST under the gold time. Restarted my whole game, then proceeded to try for a gold time until I got it. Achievement Unlocked.
By Lonsta DaMonsta on 11 May 2023 17:36
Today at 6 am servers are still up. I get my acho :)
By DawidSM on 18 May 2023 07:37
Still work? Not marked as unobtainable yet.
By MajorLoseGaming on 04 Sep 2023 13:20
Discontinued would be the correct flag. Unobtainable is only for achievements that have never been earned by anyone since the game’s release
By x ShadoVV x on 04 Sep 2023 14:35
For anyone doing it now, set a time yourself and then beat your friends. I just beat their time first and it didnt pop, but I did it again, beating their gold times, but i didn't beat my time and it popped
By xCENAxMOD on 12 Oct 2023 06:38
Thanks! As noted, all you have to do is send the friend request to MugenKairo's alt account and beat the time. He doesn't have to accept so it makes this easy on you and him. Thanks again for posting and allowing us to "use" that account.
By The Index Case on 08 Jun 2012 13:12
Hi MugenKairo! Sorry to bother, I messaged you on XBOX, but you didn't answer. I'm having a problem with this, since I already got a pretty good time on the 3rd challenge before I even knew about the achievement. Now I'm in search for someone who has an easy to beat time on, preferably the 2nd room or any one abobe the 4th.
I've been messaging people on the leaderboard but no one answers... Starting to feel like an annoying kid that keeps nagging people :/ Any suggestions?
By RagnarokMK2 on 07 Sep 2012 23:55
As of April 19th, 2023, this is still working, BUT if you're like me and added GlancingDruid99 while in-game, if you beat the time this WILL NOT unlock. You have to dashboard first before achieving the gold time.

As a side note, once you score a time, I would actually recommend scrolling through the leaderboards and sending a request to the worst gold time available as that will make things easier in case you're having trouble beating the 20.504 time.
By x ShadoVV x on 19 Apr 2023 08:23
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You need to beat a friends gold time on a challenge.

Here is my youtube video of me beating this on challenge 3.

Thanks to MugenKairo for being my friend so i can earn it.

30 Mar 2012 05:17

1 Comment
Thanks for the video, I initially tried to go past the humans
By on 28 Jun 2014 17:19
What I did was go to the leaderboard for a challenge I hadn't completed yet and sent a friend request to the gamertag with the slowest time that was still Gold. If they accept it should be easy to beat their time - but you have to quit to dashboard and reboot the game with the player already on your friends list first, or else the game won't register the achievement

19 Feb 2012 02:23


This is probably the trickiest trophy. For this you will have to have a friend who has gold on one of the challenges, and then beat their time. Head over to the Trophy Boosting Thread to find a partner to help you with this.

Some people have also reported being able to do this by creating a second account, barely getting gold on a level (the first one is easiest), then adding their sub account to beat it on their main account.


This achievement requires a bit of effort on your part. You must have someone on your friends list who has a gold medal. You then must beat their time to get the achievement. This can be a difficult achievement, because some of the golds are difficult and to beat someone else that already has it, can be even more difficult. You can use the Challenge Trading thread to try your best to set this up, as many of your friends probably aren't playing this game. If it is inactive and no one is posting, just go to the leaderboards. Find the people who just barely made a gold medal. Now try adding them and if all goes well, you should have a few random people to play against if they accept.

To find people, use this thread HERE.

In any one challenge you need not just to get gold, but to improve the result of a friend who received gold.


04 May 2016 08:00