Way of the Samurai 3

Way of the Samurai 3

50 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Title Master

Title Master

Obtained 20 titles.


How to unlock the Title Master achievement in Way of the Samurai 3 - Definitive Guide

Here is a list of some of the titles. I left out ones that you aren't likely to get before this achievement is unlocked.

Impatient Samurai
Description: Cleared the game within an hour.
Requires Ending: Yes
After getting this one try not to rush through your endings or it will over ride what ever other title you might get.

Martial Artist
Description: Bare Hands Rate reached 100%.
Requires Ending: Yes
Play through with just your bare hands.

Grim Reaper
Description: Killed all the people in Amana. Kill Rate reached 100%.
Requires Ending: Yes
This is given when you murder everyone in Amana saving Shuzen for last. When this is done correctly you get the secret Ending 22(which is not required for the Way of The Samurai achievement).

Harmless Samurai
Description: Cleared the game without killing anyone.
Requires Ending: Yes
Only Use blunt attacks all the time. Only one ending requires you to kill so just avoid helping Princess Araragi.

Holy Samurai
Description: Cleared the game with a total HP loss of less than 100.
Requires Ending: Yes
Can't be done on instant kill so play on easy, avoid combat, save before every battle.

Samurai Pimp
Description: Became Partners with more than 10 people.
Requires Ending: No
Just partner with someone and ask them to leave and keep going until you have gotten 10 of them.

Blessed Samurai
Description: Cleared the game with a total HP loss of less than 1000.
Requires Ending: Yes
Same as Holy Samurai, just remember you do have to lose 100 HP to avoid getting Holy Samurai.

Description: Total number of Instant Kills exceeded 100.
Requires Ending: No
Simplest way would be to piss off one of the four factions, get into one of the redemption missions and use instant kills to kill them all. (A good one to go for while working on Power of 100).

Description: Total number of Kills exceeded 1000.
Requires Ending: No
Doing ten redemption missions. Don't use instant kills or you'll end up with executioner instead.

Description: Total amount of monetary transactions exceeded 10,000 Yen.
Requires Ending: No
Start a game, go do a couple missions, then take the money to the shop in the Posting station on the Guard Gate side on Day 10. Start buying up scrolls and then kill the shop owner after wards. Eventually you'll gain enough money from killing him(after selling/ buying thing) that when you leave Amana you'll get this one.

Description: Total number of Kills exceeded 300.
Requires Ending: No

Compassionate Samurai
Description: Total Number of defeats by Blunt Attacks exceeded 30.
Requires Ending: No
Use blunt attacks 30. Just kill one person to avoid Harmless Samurai.

Description: Used only vegetables to restore health, and the rate of Vegetables Consumed reached 100%.
Requires Ending: No
Just eat a radish and leave Amana.

Description: Total number of Rice Balls consumed exceeded 50.
Requires Ending: No

Description: Cleared the game without sleeping.
Requires Ending: Yes
Just don't sleep.

Shy Samurai
Description: Cleared the game with less than 5 conversations.
Requires Ending: Yes
A conversation counts only when you start it by hitting X, including when you save!

Disturbed Samurai
Description: Total number of dead bodies kicked exceeded 150.
Requires Ending: No
Kill the two guys harrassing the girl in Takatane Village and then kick one of their bodies 150 times, then leave Amana.

Sword Artist
Description: Total number of weapons created exceeded 20.
Requires Ending: No

Description: Total number of items and weapons discarded exceeded 50.
Requires Ending: No
Just gather a large collection of Items while doing other things, then once you have 50 drop them all on the ground.

Sword Maniac
Description: Total number of weapons appraised exceeded 15.
Requires Ending: No
Sticks and Brooms can both be given the title "common" with no upgrades. If you take the redemption mission from Omiki town the farmers will have plenty of sticks for pickup.

Description: Total number of successful jobs exceeded 20.
Requires Ending: No

Sorry Samurai
Description: Total number of times apologized exceeded 100.
Requires Ending: No
You don't need to be near anyone while doing this.

Dojo Conqueror
Description: Killed everyone in the Dojo.
Requires Ending: No
The Dojo is at the Guard Gate in the SE corner. It has 3 levels with 3 people. Kill them all and leave Amana.

Description: Total number of people kicked exceeded 100.
Requires Ending: No

Description: Total number of items and weapons picked up exceeded 100.
Requires Ending: No
Just pick up Everything lol.

Angry Samurai
Description: Total number of objects destroyed exceeded 200.
Requires Ending: No
Just walk around smashing everything you can find.

Chatty Samurai
Description: Total number of conversations exceeded 250.
Requires Ending: No
Just talk to one person over and over again.

Osei Lover
Description: Total number of collisions with Osei exceeded 50.
Requires Ending: No
Keep walking into her til you get to 50.

Itsuse Lover
Description: Total number of collisions with Itsuse exceeded 50.
Requires Ending: No
Just keep bumping into her.

Princess Lover
Description: Total number of collisions with Princess Araragi exceeded 50.
Requires Ending: No
Same as the last two.

Horny Samurai
Description: Total number of collisions with women exceeded 50.
Requires Ending: No
Any women other then the above 3.

Gay Samurai
Description: Total number of collisions with men exceeded 50.
Requires Ending: No

Rich Samurai
Description: Total amount of money in possession at the end of the game exceeded 10,000 Yen.
Requires Ending: No
You'll get this when you end the game with at least 10k on your character. Whats in the bank doesn't count. Once you get this one keep most of your cash in the bank so this doesn't over ride other titles.

Description: Cleared the game with no Partners.
Requires Ending: Yes
Never partner with anyone

Faithful Samurai
Description: Cleared the game with only one partner.
Requires Ending: Yes

Description: [Samurai Rank] exceeded 70%.
Requires Ending: No
Play on hard.

Description: [Samurai Rank] exceeded 60%.
Requires Ending: No

Description: [Samurai Rank] exceeded 50%.
Requires Ending: No

Description: [Samurai Rank] exceeded 40%.
Requires Ending: No

Description: [Samurai Rank] exceeded 30%.
Requires Ending: No

Description: [Samurai Rank] exceeded 20%.
Requires Ending: No

Description: [Samurai Rank] exceeded 10%.
Requires Ending: No

Description: [Samurai Rank] exceeded 1%.
Requires Ending: No
On easy, get rescued and leave for the final title.

21 Sep 2011 13:33

Not difficult, there are a lot more than 20 possible titles you can earn, and for many of them, you can simply leave Amana after fulfilling the conditions. If you've already earned the Rich Samurai title, you should start leaving most of your gold in the safe, so you don't keep getting this title, as it overrides a lot of others.

Also, your Records screen will glitch if your 'Favorite Weapon' is a custom one forged by a blacksmith. This makes it difficult to see which titles you've earned already. To get it back to normal, you can either discard the forged weapon, or just use a non-forged weapon for several playthroughs to make it your favorite. Not even full playthroughs, you could just leave Amana right away.

13 Jul 2010 08:05

There are a total of fifty possible titles to unlock, each with their own requirements. You can find a list of all titles and requirements HERE.

You can only earn one title on every play through, however you do not need to complete the play through to actually earn it. Once the requirements are fulfilled, hit start and go to the map, then to world map and choose to ‘Leave Amana’. Save the game when prompted and that earned title is stored. Please note that you can earn the same title over and over again, but for the achievements you MUST earn 5 and 20 different ones respectively.

The titles earned work on a hierarchy system. When you either ‘Leave Amana’ or finish a play through you will be awarded the ‘best’ title you met the requirements for. Some of these Titles will come to you naturally through multiple play throughs, however some are fairly obscure and whilst you might unlock them naturally, you just as easily might not.