We Love Katamari REROLL+ Royal Reverie

We Love Katamari REROLL+ Royal Reverie

35 Achievements


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We Also Love The Snow Child

We Also Love The Snow Child

Make the Snow Child's dream come true.


How to unlock the We Also Love The Snow Child achievement in We Love Katamari REROLL+ Royal Reverie - Definitive Guide

The Snow Child appeared for me around Chapter 5.

The Snow Child’s first and only task has no time limit thankfully. Hover up what you think is everything then go to the snowball in the middle. I got confused for a long time wondering how I could get all the critters up on top of the ice caps when I was just losing parts of the Katamari by trying.
A good amount of the level can be earned from one of the cabins above the ski lift. Once you’re big enough. You can sit there for about 2 minutes collecting people on the lift.

You have no indicator how how big the Katamari is so your end point is about when most of the level is hoovered up. It doesn’t clarify it but the snowball that you are making is the middle segment of the snowman.

Happy rolling!

23 Oct 2024 20:57