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Weben Blocks achievements progress.
Is that you? (Complete all challenges)
Accumulate 10000 points in total
Accumulate 9500 points in total
Accumulate 9000 points in total
Accumulate 8500 points in total
Accumulate 8000 points in total
Accumulate 7500 points in total
Accumulate 7000 points in total
Accumulate 6500 points in total
Accumulate 6000 points in total
Accumulate 5500 points in total
Accumulate 5000 points in total
Accumulate 4500 points in total
Accumulate 4000 points in total
Accumulate 3500 points in total
Accumulate 3000 points in total
Accumulate 2500 points in total
Accumulate 2000 points in total