Weird West: Definitive Edition

Weird West: Definitive Edition

54 Achievements

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Hog Wild

Hog Wild

Beat Pigman Joe at a Poker Game


How to unlock the Hog Wild achievement in Weird West: Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

UPDATE: We're now post patch and this guide seems to be working for most people. If you're still having trouble, please read through comments - it seems he is not necessarily guaranteed to be in Grackle.

This chievo is currently broken and should be fixed on patch 1.01 released on 11th of April (date may change).

These are the requirements for getting Joe to poker pool:
- Pigmen are sentient (you freed their souls) at end of Ch2
- You cured Pigman Joe Rhyming Curse in Ch2
- You are in Journey 3 4 or 5

The problem is that if you cure Joe, he becomes a recruitable character and if you recruit him, he's gonna stay that way and he will not play poker. If you're in Ch3 or later and he's still in Joe's place as a recruitable character, you can't do this achievement.

The way it worked for me is the following:
Ch2: Cure Joe BUT DON'T RECRUIT HIM and go burn the roots and finish Ruth, returning all the souls back to pigman. He may appear there as friend-for-life, that's fine (just make sure he doesn't die, but he's a bigboi and can take care of himself)
Ch3: Right at the beginning, check map if Joe is recruitable at his place. If he is, this doesn't work for you and I am sorry. Otherwise finish off the prologue until the point where you're supposed to go to sleep and then head off to Grackle (go with Story difficulty cuz you're gonna run into several encounters). This guarantees poker spawn at Grackle and if Joe is in the pool (= not recruitable), he has 75% change of spawning in there. Once there, just steal some stuff and sell it so you have 50g, save the game and go play with Joe until you win. I honestly don't know what the win condition is. I lost all my money to him and still got the chievo. I guess it's enough to win one round.

Hope this helps!

06 Apr 2022 13:42

You can recruit Joe until the very end of Chapter2, when you are going to the Soul's Tree. Before that just go to Joe's Hideaway and leave him out of the team, then he will become a FRIEND-FOR-LIFE. If you leave him in any place rather than Joe's Hideaway he will be recruitable and won't appear in next chapter as poker gamer, but as recruitable. Make sure you satisfy the 3 requirements and this one, then it's easy to finish the achievement by SL. BTW, just sell your weapons and armor to easily get 50g if you do it by SL.
By Stanleny on 06 Apr 2022 16:36
@Stanleny's tip worked first time for me. Thank you both for your awesome help!
By DeathHuntsUs on 06 Apr 2022 19:17
I don’t know what im doing wrong.
I did this:
- cured him
- talk to him
- not recruit him (he is FF)
- free spirits
- when to grackle and nothing
- he is in his place (and he can be recruited)

I did another thing:
- I cured him
- i didn't went to talk to him
- and repeat the other stuff

And nothing…
Anybody knows why?
By caye#1747 on 06 Apr 2022 19:27
Wow, that sucks, I'm sorry :(

You can try recruiting him and immediately disbanding him if that helps. As said before - the whole Joe poker thing is super bugged right now so you might need to wait for the patch :(
By stejkenzie on 06 Apr 2022 19:33
Great write-up! Going to try this later. Thanks for the help :)
By KiRRAYNE on 06 Apr 2022 21:08
Thanks for the guide. Unfortunately it's not working for me. No matter what I try, he isn't showing up. I don't see him as recruitable on the map. I couldn't recruit even him in chapter 2 as my posse was full. Guess I'll have to wait for the patch and hope it fixes this.
By xDisturbedx666 on 08 Apr 2022 20:31
Even when he isn’t recruitable at his hideout, he sometimes appears elsewhere to be hired. I found him in Adelaide so it blocks him from spawning in saloons. I’ve hired and dismissed him and still nothing works right now for me
By Sphincter93 on 09 Apr 2022 18:03
^^ same thing happened to me. I recruited him at his hideout and dismissed him, but now he's a permanent merc at Adelaide. Nothing we can do about it until they patch it, I guess.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 11 Apr 2022 12:06
After the update, I played to the file at the beginning of Chapter 3 before loading the update (I brushed it for four or five hours before the update), and went directly to Grackle town. The pig man was there
By MUhanfeng on 12 Apr 2022 19:19
This method now works after the update! I had a save in chapter 2 before the last root. Went through following the guide and pigman Joe was at Grackle as expected!
By xDisturbedx666 on 12 Apr 2022 22:03
Finally found him too in Hillock, a town northeast from Grackle in the Ridgeback Wilds. I think the names of some of the towns are unique to different playthroughs, so town names may be different.
By hkmortenson on 13 Apr 2022 18:34
Happy it works for most of you post-patch! And thanks for further tips or adjustments to the solution.
By stejkenzie on 17 Apr 2022 22:04
if it's night don't panic, I loitered near him, he stayed there, went to bank and turned in 3 gold nuggets for the $$
By Skelix on 18 Apr 2022 18:47
He was in Grackle for me as soon as I could go there on run 3.
By Calex dEUS on 27 Apr 2022 22:26
I just want to add, as I did all after the patch but it still took ages.

Please go to Grackle directly after you become the Protector in CH 3. As soon as you can leave the first map, don't go to camp go to Grackle!
By SuperDuperLiam on 01 May 2022 15:56
I have tried this exact method at least ten times and I haven't seen a single poker player, let alone Joe, at Grackle or any other saloon. I've run out of ideas on what else to try. Anyone figured out how to get past that?
By KylKo on 03 May 2022 07:13
i first went and got my predecessor and the access to a horse that gave me and the went to grackle, there is random encounter that happens that gives a choice to help one of the dualists of stay out of it, if you intervene it seems to be be at a rep cost, so reloaded a save and chose to stay out of it the next time, which was bad be cause pigman joe was one of the choices i didn't even look at until i was looting his corpse. next load i t worked, pigman joe was ready to play cards,. no icon though
By ArithrianosXX on 14 Aug 2022 06:23
I am not sure what happened before and after the patch but I started this game few days ago and I can confirm this can be still doable even if you recruited Joe in chapter 2. I had him in my posse after releasing him from his curse till the end of chapter 2. After I started chapter 3, I also recruited Pigman (our playable character from chapter 2) to my posse and later on I saw a newspaper which says "Poet Pig is visiting Grackle". I directly went there and he was sitting on the poker table, waiting for me to give me this achievement :)
By TheStevenRogers on 19 Apr 2023 21:46
I just finished the game.. I did free pigman joes's soul, I did free all the pigmen souls, I did not recruit pigman joe at any point in the game and he stayed at pigman joes's hideout throughout the whole game.. so this has not been reliably fixed even to this very day..
By LordWeicco on 20 Apr 2023 10:48
Just unlocked it, and I recruited him as a follower during multiple stories (if only briefly). Once I started chapter 5, he did not appear as a recruitable character when hovering over his location on the map. I travelled from Grackle to Quickbend a few times using acrinho's suggested solution, and after the fourth or fifth time I encountered him.
By Kri5Tek on 17 Sep 2023 20:01
Ok so I DID recruit him after curing him in Chapter 2. Near the start of Chapter 3, I went to his camp (to get the snowglobe) and he was there, but I didn't talk to him, and then a bit later when I went to Grackle he was there to play poker with too. However, I almost missed him because I was expecting him to have a little icon over his head like the poker lady in Chapter 1 did. So originally I was doing exactly as this guide said, then checking different towns, and never seeing that icon and thinking I had the no-show glitch. But quite possibly he was there all those times and I just didn't notice because I was looking for an icon rather than him specifically. So in sum: make sure you walk over to the poker table and see if there is a chunky figure sitting there!! Also, him being at his hideout when you go there does not necessarily mean that he won't show up at a saloon!
By DenverMax27 on 20 Sep 2023 13:55
Just a heads up. Loitering to refresh the poker players doesn't seem to work. I loitered more than 30 times and the poker player stayed the same. Also leaving town and only travelling a few hours away also didn't work. I ended up having to camp and rest so the time of day changed before I got a different player.
By wildandcrazygal on 29 Sep 2023 09:56
When I got this the other day he wasn't in cackle

After 5 hours of going to saloon to saloon eventually I kept loading a save file at near the beginning of chapter 3 just after investigating the caraven and he was in one of the saloons near ridgeback the saloons near the top left of the map but he is very hard to find
By lucylu1983 on 07 Apr 2022 01:45
Post-update.....I loaded up a save that I made right at the beginning of the Protector journey. I traveled all the way to Grackle, he wasn't there. I then went around to every town on that side of the map, until he FINALLY appeared at Last Post. Problem was I didn't have any money at all. So I went and sold all my gear, then made a save right before I played him. Luckily I won my first hand and got the achievement. So it looks like it's still down to RNG for him to appear, but maybe they increased his spawn rate.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 12 Apr 2022 22:04
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I spent hours trying to find the best method for Pigman Joe to spawn in and play a Poker Game. After multiple replays of chapter two I managed to have him spawn in twice. Here are the perquisites you need to complete before Joe will start appearing in saloons:

Chapter 2 (Pigman):
1. Complete "Bard's Bargain" which is Joe's story quest, this is given to you after the Fighting Pit fight. This involves lifting Joe's curse by killing a wraith in a local mine. Once complete he'll become a friend for life.

2. Continue along the main story line, burning all three soul tree roots. Now you'll have to return to the Soul Tree. When interacting with the Soul Tree you'll be given two options. Make sure you give the Pigmen their souls back (the good option).

3. Make sure Joe hasn't died. Also don't worry if you've accidently recruited him to your posse! We'll fix this in Chapter 3 as the Protector.

Chapter 3 (Protector):
Complete the opening story quest until you can access the world map again. Now hover over Pigman Joe's Hideout:

a. If he's showing as a mercenary to hire, head over to his camp asap. Recruit him into your posse and then dismiss him. This should make him vanish from his Hideout and return into the world as an NPC.

b. If he's not showing as a mercenary then bingo, you don't need to do anything more!

I spent hours at this point trying to force Joe to spawn at one of the larger towns that have Saloons. Eventually I gave up and just started playing the game normally - checking the Saloons every time I passed them. Until eventually I saw Joe appear in "Quickbend" and then in "Grackle" on a second (different) perquisite test. Joe spawning is totally random and I don't believe he can be forced to appear. He simply becomes an additional poker player that can spawn. As long as you complete the tasks above he'll eventually appear, even if you had recruited and dismissed him from your posse!


08 Apr 2022 00:59

Worked for me, thank you. Hired, dismissed, met him before the end of the Protector chapter in Grackle.
By Jissi on 13 Apr 2022 14:56
No luck for me :( have tried hiring and dismissing him multiple times, both at his camp and elsewhere, but he always appears straight back at his camp as a mercenary again.
By Lyco499 on 19 Apr 2022 08:03
Hi guys,

After an excruciating amount of testing I think I can confirm the following is the only mandatory thing necessary for Joe to appear - for him NOT to have been recruited + pigmen souls freed. However, I advocate not visiting his location at all to make sure that it works. (NOTE: I see other people have succeeded having dismissed him but I could not do it for the life of me!)

I have seen various guides elsewhere saying he must not be at his hideaway but the only way to check would be to visit it, wouldn't it? But no, stay away. My suggestion is to do this with Protector while you continue to ignore his location and still haven't visited him since finishing chapter 2. He will not have a + sign underneath until you visit and talk with him, but he may be restricted from leaving if you do visit the location. I have not tried to replicate the save load mechanic once I got him to appear as a player finally, but prior attempts AFTER visiting the location, even without talking, failed.

Then in order to trigger him to appear I suggest the following:

* travel in between Grackle and a settlement. i did it between galen's crossing and grackle.
* skip time in between (eg. sleeping camps), whatever you need to, but MAKE SURE to have a save or an autosave in the town BEFORE you get to Grackle again AND see ANYONE sitting down to play cards. i have noticed it is more likely for me to happen after a fresh load after booting the game but that may be pure circumstance.
* now that you know that there is going to be someone playing cards, just reload the save in the previous town and keep travelling to grackle until you get joe. who you play against changes every time you reenter but you are guaranteed to see someone play on that occasion. i think there is probably an internal timer/delay of some before they can reappear, so it is MUCH better to save/reload in the town before than travel in/out to sleep in camps or anything. that got me nowhere.
* using this you will eventually get joe to appear

- release pig souls in chap2 + do not recruit him in chap2
- do not visit / ignore joe's hideaway in chap 3 until you get it
- establish a route between two locations (grackle and galen's crossing eg.) until you get SOMEONE to appear at the poker table
- make sure to have a save (preferably hard save) in the location before travelling to grackle
- if you see someone that is not joe, reload in the previous location
- took me 5 times to cycle through and get him once i did this bit of set up

09 Sep 2022 20:24

This is among the silliest achievements ever with way too many conditions and random events. As mentioned before, definitely cure Joe of his curse, and free the pigmen's souls in ch. 2. In ch. 3 it's your call about whether Joe is recruitable or not. I went with a full posse after Boulder Mine before Galens Crossing, and I found him in Joe's Place, *not* recruitable, just talking about stuff. Just do that to make sure he's alive, unless he's appearing as recruitable at Joe's. Again, I tested on both recruitable and not, just so happened he *wasn't* recruitable when I found him.

START WITH AT LEAST A HUNDRED DOLLARS JN YOUR POCKET. I won with a $5 bet on my third hand, but you should be kinda familiar with the rules and the play and it shouldn't take more than 3-4 hands to win once. (If you have $100s--$1000s, just make $5 bets over and over and you'll win.)

Now here's the extremely time-intensive part (you might get lucky though):

1) Travel to a *place.* (a camp/town/hacienda/mine/etc, not wilderness) It really doesn't matter where, but 6+ hours from Grackle is probably better. Now AT that place, save the game, full save. Note the name.

2) Travel to Grackle, no stops. It doesn't matter whether you fight in encounters, so skip them.

3) Walk to the saloon. You can peek inside as you're coming up the street or walk in. All you're looking for is someone at the table. ANYONE.

4a) if the person is Joe, just step right up and play. This is where you need money for several hands. Right then. Don't show up like a chump with $10 in your pocket. Win *one* hand and achievement pops.
4b) If there's anyone else there. Load to the save you made in step 1. Continue with steps 1-4 until Joe's there and you get to play him.
4c) If there's nobody at the table (CHECK, THE CARD SYMBOL USUALLY ISN'T THERE) continue

5) Pick another place. If you started with Galens, go to
Stringer, Emilio's, doesn't matter, just keep it a ways away from Grackle. I ended up at Joe's place. Doubt you need to go that far but do what you need to do. Save at that location. Now continue 1-5 until you find him. Now this achievement sucks -- it might take you 10 minutes but it took me two hours. Good luck!

23 Apr 2024 19:12