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Target Score Junky!

Target Score Junky!

Beat the target score in every Chapter (Points Count Mode).


How to unlock the Target Score Junky! achievement in WET - Definitive Guide

You have to do this in the Points Count mode, which is unlocked after beating the game once. It isn't too hard, seeing as it is basically the normal difficulty, plus all of your upgrades are already unlocked. You will be able to play each level individually, and if you are missing any monkeys, this would be the time to get them. A couple of tips, that will help you reach your goal:

- Never kill enemies while standing still or running. You will only get a measly 1-10 points. Instead, always be in an acrobatic move. I would suggest you not kill any enemies until you are in a second acrobatic move that you stringed together (jump/dive + slide). This will double the points you get for the kill. If you want to go even further you can (wall run + jump + slide), which will boost your points even more. If done correctly, you should be getting 100-175 points per kill, as long as you have a x5 multiplier.

- When entering an arena, go for the multipliers first. Although there are a few exceptions, it is usually best to get a 5x multiplier, before you start killing. That way you will get the most out of your kills, and your average multiplier will net you more bonus points at the end of the arena.

- After each arena, you will get an additional bonus based on your performance. Just follow the tips above and you should get an 'Excellent' in both the average multiplier and acrobatic categories. Don't worry too much about the time category, as you want to stay in the arena for a good amount of time, in order to kill all the enemies. Your overall ranking should be a 'Good' and you'll get an additional 1000-1250 points.

- During the arena fights, don't close any gates until you know there are no more enemies. Enemies will continue to spawn for quite awhile, giving you tons of extra points. Even when you think you have killed everyone, give it a few seconds; sometimes a couple enemies will lag behind.

- If there is a mini-gunner during an arena, don't kill him. Seeing as this is only on normal, you don't really need to worry about health. Instead use him to keep your multiplier from going down. If you are waiting for more enemies to spawn, just keep shooting him. Your multiplier should not decrease, as long as you are shooting an enemy.

- On the car-surfing and free-fall levels, you pretty much have to kill every enemy to beat the target score. During the car-surfing portions, don't worry about headshots. Although it will get you an additional +5 points, chances are, you will miss more and waste precious time. Also, don't forget to use your other weapons. I found the SMG particularly helpful on the motorcyclist.

- On the 'Shock Therapy' level, there are two point pickups that you have to get, if you want to beat the target score. They are both located in the rafters in the beginning area (before the rage sequence). One is located right above the door to the next area, and the other is in the corner above one of the hidden monkeys. Just look towards the ceiling, you should be able to see them.

- Although I'm not positive, I don't believe you need to beat the 'Boneyard Workout' level. It didn't count towards the other two achievements, so I would assume it isn't needed for this one. If anyone can confirm or deny this, I would appreciate it.

16 Oct 2009 03:50

1 Comment
Great Guide!!! The scores are not so hard to beat as I thought. On Chapter 8 I had 4k points more than needed. And I can confirm that you dont need to do the Boneyard Workout.
By super METAL hea on 29 Jan 2011 16:40
I found the "Shock Therapy" Level to be the hardest and even with a chain kill of over 88 I still didn't get over the 1000 required target.

Its extremely simple infact. In the initial fight when the guys come out of the lift you need to get 101 or more points to finish the level sucessfully in points count mode.

In the first room there are 2x 250 point bonus score collectables. and then in rage mode you close the 4 doors off for 100 points each. making a total of 900 points + whatever you obtained during the inital fight.

Watch the Shock Therapy video below to see where the 2 Bonus scores are and then just run through rage mode only killing the people in your way.


In all the other levels just keep wall running, jumping then sliding in one motion then shooting should net you 30+ points per kill even if you have no multiplier.

Keep shooting until no enemies come out of the doors before you close them off.

On the highway levels, I'm not 100% on this but I think if you reach a checkpoint and die you start off with more ammo again. So give that a try. The crossbow and machine gun work well on these levels

No need to play Level 3 (Boneyard) as you can not get a score on this level

And 1 final point... On Falling for Kafka level to get the required points Shot the barrels as you get 35 Points per kill insted of 30 which tips you over the requirement for the level.

02 Apr 2010 12:43

Mas que todo consejos para mejorar tu puntaje.

- Siempre trata de matar a los enemigos tras una cadena de acrobacias, por ejemplo tienes tres enemigos te tiras no aprietes nada ni les dispares o si disparas has un par de tiros sin que los mates luego te deslizas y los matas, asi incrementas tu puntaje de 20 hasta 125 puntos.

- Manten el nivel trata de mantener siempre el nivel dentro de las peleas a 5 para eso recoge los niveles colocados en el escenario, si tienes ya nivel 5 no es necesario agarrar los niveles.

- busca siempre los simbolos que te dan puntos

- No destruyas los emblemas para que dejen de salir enemigos, matalos a todos y luego cuando ya no salgan los destruyes.

Todos los niveles son faciles de superar los record pero el que me costo fue el 10 ya que para vencerlo tienes que coger unos simbolos que te dan puntos y que estan arriba del escenario al nomas entrar al escenario.

En el capitulo de la fabrica de hielo, en la primera arena les dare un consejo.
Toma el camino hacia la izquierda veras un monton de bloques de hielo llega al final y trata de saltar sobre la pared y rebota para llegar a la parte de arriba donde hay una entrada de enemigos, destruyela, luego te bajas y tratas de llegar al nivel 5, cuando estes en el nivel 5 pegate a una pared luego rebota y luego te deslizas y matas enemigos te daran 175 de puntos por cada enemigo muerto, asi facil logras vencer el record.

28 Sep 2009 15:15

By syndwarxbox on 30 Sep 2009 13:06
at least write in english
By jonin19 on 10 Oct 2009 22:54
This is an international site, so it is perfectly acceptable to write solutions in different languages. If you don't like that, either write your own solutions or find a different achievement site.
By Taco Bob on 14 Oct 2009 15:14
Gracias Too Taco Bob

Si iba a decir lo mismo, yo cuando busco una solucion la busco en mi idioma sino pues la busco en el idioma que este y trato de traducirla, no le digo a la persona que la dio por que no la puso en mi idioma.
By MAXAITA on 14 Oct 2009 15:35
Cualquier duda que tengan envienme un mensaje se las tratare de responder.
By MAXAITA on 14 Oct 2009 15:39
More new tips to improve your score.

- Always try to kill the enemies after a string of stunts, such strips have three enemies will not squeeze anything or shoot them or shoot you a couple of shots without the kill then you slip and kill them, thereby increasing your score 20 to 125 points.

- Keep the level is always keep the level in fighting for that includes 5 levels placed on the stage, and level 5 if you do not need to catch levels.

- Always looking for symbols that give you points

- Do not destroy the emblems to stop out enemies, kill them all and then when you destroy them no longer go.

All levels are easy to overcome the record but the cost I was 10 because you have to take to beat some symbols that give you points and are above the stage.

Translate Software isn't perfect but is readable.
By Ariose999 on 30 Sep 2009 17:15
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Once you unlock "Points Count Mode" you will need to access it from the challenges menu. beat all the target scores below for each challenge and the achievement will unlock. This may be fairly time consuming and will require patience. There isn't much else i can say other than just keep trying until you conquer the scores.

  • Chapter 1 (Chinatown Rundown): 9,500
  • Chapter 2 (Vehicular Carnage): 410
  • Chapter 3 (Boneyard Workout): 0
  • Chapter 4 (You Dirty Rat): 10,800
  • Chapter 5 (Everybody Runs): 7,900
  • Chapter 6 (Falling for Kafka): 525
  • Chapter 7 (Uninvited Guest): 10,800
  • Chapter 8 (Breaking The Ice): 11,900
  • Chapter 9 (the Opera house): 11,500
  • Chapter 10 (Shock therapy): 1,000
  • Chapter 11 (Road Rage): 525
  • Chapter 12 (head-to-Head): 11,600