Whispike Survivors - Sword of the Necromancer

Whispike Survivors - Sword of the Necromancer

24 Achievements

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It's in the Game

It's in the Game

Get a powerup from a Lootbox


How to unlock the It's in the Game achievement in Whispike Survivors - Sword of the Necromancer - Definitive Guide

Once you get strong enough to get pretty far in a run you will start to see chests drop. When you run into the chests it will bring up a slot mini game. Just match any three ability pictures in a row and you will get a level up for that ability and this achievement. 

If you don't match any symbols you will get extra bags of manure. Once you're able to get far enough in runs to get chests, this is a good way to get extra manure. You can get around 4-6 large and a few small bags.

If you match two of the ability symbols and not the third, it will drop you some extra little experience dots. 

Be careful also as the seed bags and the exp dots do disappear if not collected fast enough. The chests won't disappear though.