Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

80 Achievements


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Finish a District without triggering an alarm


How to unlock the Ghost achievement in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - Definitive Guide

This requires you to finish any district (by killing the Übercommander) without getting seen by anyone (at first I thought this meant not alerting any commanders, but it seems that's not the case). The easiest one I found was Roswell - Downtown. Make sure you have the Constrictor Harness and just slowly walk forward until you get to the building the target is in (then enter using the harness). There are a few enemies walking around, but they're very easy to avoid. Aside from the commander, I only had to kill one clansman at the beginning and just avoid everything else. Just kill the commander, take the death card, return to base, and the achievement is yours.

EDIT: Heraizen has provided a video guide for those who want it:

EDIT 2: This achievement is known to be buggy. First of all, it appears you have to do this on your first time playing through a district (replaying it won't work). Secondly, it seems that this achievement can simply glitch out and not be obtainable on certain save files. The only surefire solution is to simply start a new save game.

28 Oct 2017 20:31

Just a heads up I dont think getting seen blocks this. I got it on the very first district I did - Manhattan Harbor District (the one with the commander in a building on the far side of the subway, with Max's toy ball near him, and one normal commander in a larger building on the near side of the subway). I got "seen" by the final yellow suited nazi just before the building, but shot the nazi in the head before he fired his wrapon (which would have triggered the alarm). I honestly think tou just cant let any alarms get triggered, meaning if you get seen by a lone enemy ya gotta kill them before they fire a shot. I know he saw me because the "slowmo" where you are about to get seen sped back up and he yelled a little right before I shot him in the face.

I also restarted multiple times because of setting off alarms. My ghost run was the 1st time I actually FINISHED it though, so the whole needing to so it on your first completion of a district is probably true. My successful run had 2 or 3 instances of you're-about-to-be-seen slowmo, with the last one being the guy that actually did see me before I put a bullet in his skull.
By LifeExpectancy on 08 Aug 2019 09:39
Thanks dude great guide.
By Heraizen on 30 Oct 2017 10:41
I made a video. You can use it:

By Heraizen on 30 Oct 2017 11:22
So, if you managed to screw it up, does that mean you have to start a new game?
I have done it like in the video multiple times, yet no achievement...
By Dark CEPM 42 on 30 Oct 2017 22:10
Penthouse District is also very short and easy.
By Heraizen on 31 Oct 2017 09:07
Tried this too as well. Already played it and it won't pop. So I reloaded an old save before I started district play and it still won't pop. Must start a new game :(
By Chad Wilburn on 31 Oct 2017 14:51
I was reading a forum on psnprofiles.com and it turns out that yes, this one has a chance to become glitched out on certain save files.
By DarkWingSpartan on 31 Oct 2017 14:54
I would assume that taking the death card from the Ubercommander of a district is considered "Finishing" it, and functions much the same way collectibles do, in that they save immediately and permanently to your profile.

In that case, you can't ever finish a particular district a second time, stealthily or not. :(

The Manhattan Penthouse district was a good alternative recommendation though, almost as easy, no constrictor required.
By CR4SHED on 01 Nov 2017 18:04
Great guide, worked out excellent. I screwed up the first time (waited too long and got spotted by one of the drones) and was able to reload the checkpoint at the start of the mission without voiding the achievement.
By EvilBilboXBL on 25 Nov 2017 17:36
I just wanted to add a curious thing here. I was thinking this was glitched for me as I finished a number of districts without alarms. I then did the district where you have to save Dimitri on Venus. Well I went through the thing killed the Commander with no alarms and nothing popped. Then I went to Dimitri in the interrogation room and Exited the level. Bang achievement popped. So it may be that if a district has a side quest you have to make sure you kill the Uber Commander and finish the side quest in the same run. Or perhaps don't enter a district until the side quest is activated.
By CrazyIvan21 on 10 Feb 2018 23:46
Thanks for the great guide. The achievement pops after picking up the Deathcard and choosing to exit the level. Make sure to not stick around to search for collectibles but exit the level, you can always come back for stuff you missed.
By Patriot65108 on 30 May 2018 05:25
This bug was annoying so I didn't get it on here, which is clearly the easiest mission for it. Had to get it later, but I was able to save reload if I was about to get seen which helped for the handful of times I got spotted.
By Seitzz on 19 Mar 2019 00:02
That video was mint. 2 min and easy!
By Debon4ire on 02 Apr 2019 00:54
This is FkN infuriating. I had no idea this was missable. I finsihed off the killboard already. So I legit have to start an entirely brand new game for this simple ass achievement? How long approx to get to this point you think?
By zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz on 09 May 2019 05:59
If I remember correctly, you may be able to revisit a district and still get it? I'm not 100% sure. You could probably also reload an earlier save in the game if you still have one, unless you overwrote them.
By Seitzz on 09 May 2019 13:58
^ I reloaded an earlier save, finished it with Ubercomander and nothing popped 🤬 sucks 🥺
By zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz on 09 May 2019 17:35
That's rough, looking like you may need a fresh save file.
By Seitzz on 09 May 2019 17:39
Wonder how long it’d take me if I rushed through, so annoying
By zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz on 09 May 2019 17:44
goin back to an earlier save doesnt work if youve done them all so it seems. makes it glitchy and or missable imo. damn secondary save file.
By jarvis inc on 22 May 2019 12:31
So if you have killed all the Übercommanders then this is missable or is there any other way to finish the mission?
By J ROLLER 1979 on 05 Jul 2019 16:46
FYI, first time I played this district I messed up and got seen, exited to Eva’s hammed and restarted. I replayed it, killed the guy without being seen, but achievement didn’t pop, *until* I exited the district. In the video it shows it popping within the district, so you may not be able to tell if you’ll get it or not without exiting.
By MyNamelsNotJohn on 12 May 2020 23:15
perfect spot to do this, thanks for the video :)
By oEllx on 30 Jul 2021 13:16
I did this on New Orleans - Confinement Wall.

You do not see any enemies until you slide through the pipe. Once on the other side, go forwards and back on yourself up the first stairs on the left. Stay crouched at the top of the stairs until the two soldiers stop talking. One will walk off leaving you to clear the other one out. Stay to the left along the walkway because the robosoldaten are sleeping on the right. You can follow that second soldier into one of the alcoves or bypass him. However you see fit.

Once on the second floor, skirt round the lazerfrog looking thing by timing it’s movements up and down, and going through the alcoves. At the end, go up the stairs to the next floor and the Uberkommandant is in the room on the left. Very few enemies, easiest method I have found so far.
By MIKE1989TW on 27 Apr 2022 17:37
I can confirm for a fact that replaying missions WILL NOT UNLOCK this achievement. Kind of stupid in my opinion when game designers make achievements that are impossible to unlock without starting an entire new playthrough...
By nrdsgtbck0121 on 28 May 2022 07:07
I just did this 5 consecutive times on Roswell - Downtown and it doesn't work. It has to be the first time through. Yet another garbage mechanic in this game. I can confirm nrdsgt's confirmation that it has to be when you "actually" killed the obercommander.
By Grenadehh on 24 Dec 2022 17:16
I missed this achievement in my main playthrough. I started a new game on the easiest difficulty and it took me three hours to get to the point where it was available to complete.
By Glycodin on 30 Jul 2023 18:57
Tried many times within time and didn't pop. Used Hyper devil cat's solution at Mesquite. Although for me I could not shoot anything except the two commanders. After shooting second commander before alarm is raised fully, you can just leave...and ...pop.
By Oxmix on 26 Aug 2023 07:04
@Dark CEPM 42 Did you get spotted the first time you played through this district? Because yes, I don't think it counts if you're replaying it after killing the Übercommander the first time (though I might be wrong). Or it's just bugged. That said, if there's another district you haven't attempted yet, you can try that one always being super-cautious and saving every five seconds.
By DarkWingSpartan on 30 Oct 2017 22:24
Just thought I’d throw in my two cents from someone who missed a lot of the easier opportunities... I got mine on Venus - Transporthalle while going for the Battle Walker and other collectibles. Pretty easy if you walk underneath most of the enemies in that sub level vent area (I executed a few first) then just return to the surface and crawl into that shaft to drop down and pick up the contraption if you don’t already have it. From there, use the battle walker to get to the top of the room and exit so you drop down on just the Ubercommander and take him out without being noticed!
By ClaytThaGreat on 06 Aug 2019 23:12
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Another simple level is the Mesquite Farmhouse district through the kill board activities.

1) Once the level starts crouch and head straight until you see two guys. Shoot them in the head with the silenced pistol. Now follow the catwalks to the right of you and you will see a flying enemy above you, either wait for it to move or duel silence pistol it down.

2) Follow the right side of the map. Eventually you'll jump over a fence into water and get out, then go through a foggy spot, then to a tractor. Head around the tractor to the back of the house and head up the stairs. Now the commander is either in the kitchen (to your left) or upstairs (to your right), either way watch out for the dog. One silenced pistol bullet to the noggin and he's dead.

3) Now either head outside through the front or back door and to your right to the last guy. I followed the right side of the map to get his dog away from him and killed his dog. After killing the dog crouch walk away because the commander and another guy will walk towards the dead dog. Time your head shots for both OR head shot the normal enemy and hatchet the commander OR hatchet both....doesn't matter really. Pick up card if you need it and/or head back to base.

02 Nov 2017 02:33

Thanks for this method! It worked like a charm. I had a little difficulty when sneaking through the second body of water. The guards started to discover the body just as I got to the Uberkommander but I quickly shot his guard then him with the silenced pistol, ran up and grabbed the card as a dog was about to attack me and bam, achievement unlocked.
By ItsChillMurray on 26 May 2018 13:15
Happy to help! dance
By hyper devil cat on 27 May 2018 13:11
For me I could not shoot anything except the two commanders. Keep hugging right to get to first commander. Again, right a short ways to second commander. Kill him first out of the group before alarm is raised fully. Now you can leave...and....pop. THX HYPER DEVIL CAT FOR THE ACHIVO!!!
By Oxmix on 26 Aug 2023 07:11
I happy you unlocked it Oxmix!
By hyper devil cat on 17 Sep 2023 22:59
Great help in 2024, thank you,
By BabyishDuck on 25 May 2024 13:11
Boom. This solution is perfect. I managed to do this on the killboard mission for the farmhouse.

I will add that you must PICK UP THE DEATHCARD before you exit the district/before the alarm sounds. Otherwise the mission isn't "complete" and the achievement won't pop.

Once you kill the first command, hug the right side of the map as much as possible. Then, crouch to get close and headshot the Ubercommander. Then quickly run up, grab the card, and exit to district. Achievement should pop right as you load back onto your ship.

Hope this helps!
By z RagnaroK z on 14 Jun 2024 00:49
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I got this one easily when going after the last Uber Commander in the Hidden Bunker. He is the only commander there, and is at the very end. You can make as much noise as you want on your way there and have no issue. Once you start to climb a long ladder you will see his range meter. There is only 1 other enemy in the area and he is near the commander. If you go slow, you can take out the commander before he knows what has happened then deal with the Mech. I got this without even trying.

07 Jan 2018 02:31

This was v/easy, once you get close to the Uber Commander just have a save beforehand and you can start nearby if you stuff up. Great solution!
By JonnyTurk on 15 Jan 2018 12:28
Doesn’t work for me, I saved on the ladder but it won’t pop. Not the first achievement not to pop. A very glitchy game.
By beets101 on 16 Aug 2018 21:13
Can this be done after picking up his deathcard?
By Brooklyn Gin on 09 Nov 2018 19:15
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This achievement is best done while revisiting the Mesquite - Farmhouse district.

Once the mission begins, crouch, move forward, and stealthily eliminate the two guards directly ahead either with silenced headshots or throwing hatchets. Now move to the right and hug the wall as you make your way north. Following the right-hand side of the area, continue to move at a steady pace until you hit a wooden fence. Climb this fence, drop into the water, and swim across to the other side of the yard.

At this point, make a manual save. Now continue moving north while staying as far to the right as possible. You'll eventually reach the farmhouse. Make your way to the back of the farmhouse and enter the kitchen through the backdoor. There is a lone Commander patrolling the first floor of this house. Eliminate him quietly.

Exit the house the way you came in and continue hugging the right-hand side of the yard while making your way to the Übercommander's location. He is accompanied by a kampfhund and a single Nazi soldier. Move in closely and be ready with your silenced Pistole. Cap the Übercommander in the head, then do the same to his Nazi friend. This will almost instantly trigger a response from the kampfhund, so be ready to put him down, too. If done quickly enough, you should have eliminated all three of these targets without triggering any sort of alarm. Should that be the case, pick up the Übercommander's death card and exit the mission.

This achievement will then unlock upon returning to Eva's Hammer.

The officers raise the alarm. First, you quietly kill the officers, and then you clear the level as you wish and the trophy is yours.

29 Oct 2017 12:22

So, first you need to get a “compression corset”. It is located in Manhattan, in the area of ​​the anti-nuclear bunker (or you can choose according to the plot). Then we go to Roswell, the central area and do as in the video https://youtu.be/vGh19N25DA0 . After this, we exit the level and the trophy is received.
By Dersonwill on 01 Nov 2017 01:53
The easiest way to do this is in the Manhattan Penthouse location, because the location is small and there are not many enemies in it
By Olen13olen on 11 Nov 2017 02:40
Easily done on the last 16th Chief Commandant. You just need to kill him before he raises the alarm, that is, just run up to him and press r3. Voila! The trophy is yours!
By VityaMashna on 01 Dec 2017 19:02
I did it in New Orleans, since the trophy can only be obtained by completing the location for the first time
By plyush on 17 Jan 2018 13:10
As soon as you see that the alarm level is rising, immediately press start and load the last save and start the area again, if the alarm level reaches the end and the alarm goes up, then you will no longer be able to get trophies in this area.
By Evgeniy47Rus on 08 Jul 2020 21:55
The trophy can only be obtained by selecting areas in the hub (Eva’s Hammer, a table with a map that opens according to the plot) there, in the first area, I went through stealth, killed the officers and simply left the area by pressing in the menu with the map (there is an option to return to Eva's Hammer after completing the task).
By Wanbullet on 05 May 2022 17:04
Quite a glitchy trophy. I tried it in different ways. The only time it worked was when I went to a location where I had never been, and did everything quietly. If you passed this location noisily, and decided to load the save and do it quietly, I will not count the trophy. That is, either make the next location quietly, or a new game.
By darkbridge on 17 Mar 2018 04:16
It seems like you can’t reboot either, otherwise the trophy won’t drop, that is, you have to go through the area in one gulp, as soon as I tried, I didn’t raise the alarm, but I rebooted, they didn’t let me, although I ran through it in stealth. The method from my friend Dersonwill helped, it fell out the first time.
By m1xsonne on 05 Nov 2018 11:49
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To get the trophy you need to go to the zone in which there is a “blue” officer, your task is not to raise the alarm from this or other officers, if any. If the place is without an officer, then we deal with the enemies as you wish. If there are officers, then we act secretly until we kill the “blue” officer. The trophy will drop as soon as you go to Eva's Hammer.

29 Aug 2021 23:13