Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

80 Achievements


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I am death incarnate!

I am death incarnate!

Beat the game on 'I am death incarnate!' difficulty or higher


How to unlock the I am death incarnate! achievement in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - Definitive Guide

**Not an exhaustive guide more a collection of tips for some tough area on this difficulty, hopefully they will be of help, I will add to this based on my experience of the game as well as any suggestions**

General advice, not trying to teach anyone to suck eggs :)

Abuse the save anywhere mechanic, have a couple on the go to be able to revert back if needed
Use quick pulls of left trigger to snap aim to enemies when not dual wielding
Pick your fights, if you can stealth past an area do so
Let enemies come to you at choke points, spawns are not infinite
Grab gun upgrades but unless you intend to revisit areas via Enigma machine you wont get them all, so upgrade wisely, silencer on pistol, clip size and scope on assault rifle were first choices for me
Move heavy weapons up with you, the laser is devastating and you can spin it up with LT and makes short work of heavies

Manhattan penthouse:

This part is poison, there is next to no meaningful cover, you get swamped in an instant and you simply cannot move about killing as you go.

However after many failed attempts I discovered that you in fact do not need to kill everyone, there is a time limit, you just need to wait until the chopper arrives and it will kill remaining enemies.

What I did was at the start move to the right hand staircase and take cover behind the pillar, the upgrade kit will be just behind you 1-2 enemies come up these stairs and move to the middle of the room, stealth kill these, thrown axes are a godsend but make sure to not set off the alarm, 1 addition enemy should come up the left stairs, again quietly kill him, I then moved to the back left hand side and crouched to the left of the rear shelf unit, no additional enemies came upstairs, the were searching down stairs but were not in "active" search mode, after a very short while the chopper came and all hell broke loose downstairs until the game prompts you to end the level. I was successful on 2 separate tries where I reloaded to see if it was a one off (admittedly twice the initial enemies spotted my axe throw so it is a little luck based) but if others can confirm that this is reasonably consistent.

Roswell Bunker, The set the nuke section:

Once you have cleared the room, but before you plant the bomb, take the mounted laser gun and stash it to the right of the room, there is a slight slope to the wall, by a loading bay door I think, it is next where the commander was, if you can get an additional laser from the previous section after coming up the lift platform then great, as the extra ammo is a useful backup but not essential. Once you plant the bomb immediately run to this point and crouch into the corner behind the limited cover and kill the first wave of troops, the scoped rifle works well thank to its damage to drop them, there is some health and armour in the nearby boxes. Once they are dead the big mec breaks down the door, this is your cue to grab the laser, hold left trigger to spin it up and when you can see the top of the mec from your corner, shoot and don't let up, it will move but I killed it before it was fully in view, the salvo it fires should not hit you directly but you may take some splash damage. Once it is dead some more troops need to be mopped up. I managed this section on my first attempt with this method.

Additional method from Xx bRICKed xX

For the Roswell Bunker, I actually set the bomb, ran back up the stairs to the initial area where you killed that commander. If you’re fast enough, the enemies coming out that big centre door don’t even see you. I then sheathed a few enemies and ran to the door to get out, bypassing most of the enemies and the big mec that comes through.

The Courthouse:

Sigh, this is truly nasty and the one part I did wonder how I would do. That said the most frustrating part is the initial few seconds as you can not pause to gather your thoughts, and I seem to get stuck on the spot often.

Enemy spawns for me were pretty consistent as was their behaviour patterns, they can be memorised

I instantly ran to the front left corner, about 10 o'clock position, it is by some boxes where there is an large ammo box for the smg and there is a 50+ armour as well. I crouched here and killed who ever I saw, the cover is decent as enemies will have to walk in the open to try and get to you the only issue is grenades which if you don't see or hear thrown will kill you, if you cant toss them back move to the narrow alcove behind you which provides some respite, them move back to cover once it has exploded.
Eventually Frau Scarface will speak over tanoy, at this point the game also auto saves, I ran to the pile of corpses and grabbed what I could, beware of enemies who are still in the room around the perimeter as well as the Judge who may be up on the raised section, there are health kits armour and Rifle ammo, grab what you can and position yourself to the right hand side or the raised area (looking out from it) and aim at the tv camera (or it may be a lighting rig) as here is the position on one of the Supersoldiers will drop in.
Make sure you are dual wielding you best guns (I favour the rifle with scope as the aiming reticule is tight and damage is good) as soon as the big guy lands unload in his back until he is dead, if the door to your right has now opened dash through it (for me the door generally opened at this point but in some attempts I had to kill the supersoldier who lands to the left side as well before it did, this is tougher as you cant get his back to drop him as fast, use the cover up there as best you can).
Once through the door I ran upstairs and did a 180 turn to go up again and into the caged area with ammo and health, watch out for the dog that can jump you at any time from when the door has opened. I stayed here and peeked out to kill all regular soldiers and a couple of robots, cover is good and most will stay at the bottom of the slope only the robots came through the door to the left.
When no more soldiers appeared I ran down the slope and around to the ammo stash on the opposite side, I would not recommend going through the inside of the courtroom on the upper circle as you can get shot from any remaining soldiers inside on the balcony or below.
The other side has a mounted laser which will kill the supersoldiers who will spawn, they are slow to come looking and I did have to bait them by dashing downstairs and firing my gun and then running back up, if you look over the parapet to the stairs below you can shoot them in the back as they come up or aim across to the slope that leads up to you.
I had to go hunting for one last regular soldier who was in the middle of the upper circle.
All told took about an hour to do and most fails were at the immediate start to get to cover once out of the main room into the outer section I did it first go, amazingly it is not as tough as it first seems.

Ausmerzer, Final Fight:

Updated strategy 11/11/17:
Setup 200 shots in Lazerkraftwerk and Ubergerwehr from box by the railing (behind my starting position in video), be careful when shooting ubergerwehr through the windows and from cover as it is easy to hit an edge and kill yourself, beware of regular soldiers flanking from the left as you are exposed on this side in this spot, move to tunnels as soon as hatches close even if there is an ubersoldier alive, equip dual wield guns (whatever your preference) and keep moving. Once they stop coming use charged shots from Laserkraftwerk to kill mecs, there is a recharge station on top of deck but I would not risk it, dual Sturmgewehr will do the job as well if you need it.
Video of a run below, I have successfully done this several times in a row so it is pretty consistent as strats go, on top of deck is hardest part, once in tunnels it is much easier.

Sorry, this Game Clip has been removed

05 Nov 2017 20:47

+1 from me.
Your strategy in the courthouse saved my ass. Took a while to get it down but it works great when applied correctly.
For the Roswell Bunker, I actually set the bomb, ran back up the stairs to the initial area where you killed that commander. If you’re fast enough, the enemies coming out that big center door don’t even see you. I then stealthed a few enemies and ran to the door to get out, bypassing most of the enemies and the big mec that comes through.
Otherwise, this was so helpful from a strategic standpoint.
By Xx bRICKed xX on 10 Nov 2017 11:54
Thanks, it's getting that courthouse part down consistently to put it into practice on Mein Leiben. In the bunker I tried the dash back the way I came but kept getting shot in the back which is why I decided on the kill 'em all approach, I will add your method to the guide as an alternative method
By Jennitiger1138 on 10 Nov 2017 12:07
I have had the odd game crash but not consistently in the same spot.
By Jennitiger1138 on 16 Nov 2017 17:15
So I'm assuming that this achievement can't be cheesed by changing the difficulty on the last level?
By Sashamorning on 19 Nov 2017 20:18
Afraid so, no real shortcut to it, that said once you get used to the difficulty there are only a few parts that are an issue as you can save whenever you wanr
By Jennitiger1138 on 19 Nov 2017 21:14
Damn. Every other game by these developers had worked that way.

By Sashamorning on 21 Nov 2017 21:41
Honestly, IADI pales in comparison to doing Mein Leben.
By Jennitiger1138 on 21 Nov 2017 21:57
This isn't even that hard to be honest, just save every 2 to 3 kills and you're set. Mein Ieben on the other hand, now that's a real nightmare.
By TheMrAction123 on 04 Dec 2017 19:20
Indeed, practicing for that will have you running through the game on IADI many times.
By Jennitiger1138 on 04 Dec 2017 20:07
Your health and armor in the courthouse directly transfer from the Mesquite level, so make sure you do that part as cleanly as possible and it's much easier.
By Guirec730 on 28 Jun 2018 19:00
Glad it helped, now go knock out Mein Leben wink
By Jennitiger1138 on 25 Oct 2018 16:14
If it helps anyone, for the courthouse I kept getting killed by grenades in the corner mentioned but I tried going to the stand before where the judge sits and there is a heavy weapon under the stand. If you sit under there you can shoot the people as they come around and I had no problems with grenades.
By Stephan870 on 23 Nov 2018 10:55
That spot is a godsend on Mein Leben tho can be slow, didn't use it on IADI as I abused the save anywhere trick and amazingly didn't get 'naded that much, Mein Leben however I died many times due to them.
By Jennitiger1138 on 23 Nov 2018 17:55
I don't know what's going on. I'm currently on the Subway part of Manhattan, and every time I die the game crashes.
By Level 75 Noob on 16 Nov 2017 15:19
Great set of tips for the tricky sections they helped a ton saved me a lot of stress and probably saved my controller from getting smashed lol

Thanks Jennitiger1138 clap
By NE0 31 on 24 Oct 2018 09:58
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The "I am death incarnate!" difficulty is the game's second hardest difficulty setting to experience; however, given that large portions of some missions can be handled stealthily (thereby reducing the amount of confrontation with the enemy) and the surplus of ammo and armor throughout each and every mission, you should find that "I am death incarnate!" isn't too difficult a task.

In total, there are eleven missions you must complete in order to achieve full Campaign completion. Each mission can generally be tackled in one of two play styles: guns blazing or stealthily. Several missions are much easier to complete with a silent approach and thus unlocking the suppressor for the Pistole and/or Maschenpistole and using silent takedowns and throwing hatchets will help you clear rooms quickly and quietly. Conversely, some sections need to be handled aggressively either with pure firepower or by rushing past the enemy altogether. As such, it's also worth upgrading the Sturmgewehr and Schockhammer over the course of your playthrough.

Whichever way you choose to tackle the Campaign, keep these key tips in mind:

  • Throwing hatchets can be picked up after thrown
  • Killing Commanders while undetected prevents reinforcements from being called in
  • Dual-wielding increases damage output, but reduces your accuracy
  • Use the lean feature to your advantage when taking on enemies from behind cover; in fact, abuse the lean feature often
  • Stealth through anything you can, especially if there is a Commander in the area
  • While sprinting, the enemy will have trouble shooting at you from a distance
  • Avoid using melee executions during combat entirely; the animation lasts too long
  • Reaching certain sections of a mission will force the game to despawn enemies behind you, even if they were on alert
  • Many sections of a mission will still be accessible after passing through them, allowing you be return and collect ammo, armor, or health
  • You can distract enemies by firing suppressed bullets or throwing hatchets
  • Armor and health carries over from scene to scene, so aim to finish portions of a mission with as much armor and health as possible
    • This is especially applicable for the "Mesquite Farmhouse" mission; aim to complete this mission with as much armor and health as possible since it will carry over into the Courthouse fight (the hardest portion of the game)
  • If you saved Fergus during the opening of the game, you are given access to the Laserkraftwerk during the "Section F" mission
    • Unlock the supercharge upgrade for the Laserkraftwerk as early as possible
    • One hit with just 20 kWz can kill a Supersoldaten with ease
  • Make sure to fully upgrade the Sturmgewehr and Schockhammer as early as possible; the suppressors for the Pistole and/or Maschenpistole are absolutely vital
  • When it comes time to choose a contraption, pick the Battle Walker and the complete its side mission on Eva's Hammer in order to unlock the Stamina perk

Overall, completing the entire Campaign on "I am death incarnate!" will prove to be challenging, but with the right mindset, patience, and prep, it shouldn't be too hard compared to the entirety of The New Order. Once you deal with Frau Engel at the end of the game and the credits begin to roll, the achievement will unlock.