Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

80 Achievements


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Complete all side missions


How to unlock the Sidetracked achievement in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - Definitive Guide

NOTE: Before going for this achievement I would highly recommend completing the main story and getting all three contraptions, although the latter is not entirely necessary.

There are a total of 6 side missions in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, all of them are pretty easy and don't take very long to complete. I'm going to give a description as to how to get each side quest, as well as a description for how to complete each side quest.

SIDE QUEST #1: Destroy The Tapes
LOCATION: Manhattan Nuclear Bunker District

To get this side quest, speak to Angela Cummings who is located at Hacker Central on the ship, although I have also seen her in the shooting range. Once you get into the bunker, Go into the first room (with the two guards) and on the very far side of the room, there will be some metal boxes. Climb the boxes and in the small area directly after we climb up will be 2 out of the 3 tapes we need to destroy. Leave that small area through the door and in the next room will be the final tape to destroy.

SIDE QUEST #2: Destroy the Sumerian Tablets
LOCATION: Roswell Underground District

To get this side quest, speak to Maya Gilliam at the Hanger Bay. Once you get about halfway through the district, there will be one single train cabinet that will have its front door locked. Go around the side and you will be in the storage area of the train, two out of the three tablets you need to destroy will be laying on pallets on the ground in the storage area. the third one will be in a hallway on the second floor of the same train.

SIDE QUEST #3: Save Hercules' Cousin
LOCATION: Venus Oberkommando District

To get this side quest, speak to Hercules Leclercq (that's not a typo lol) at the 2nd floor of Set's Lab. Go through the Oberkommando district until you use a elevator. When you get out of the elevator, keep going until you see a door on your right hand side. Enter the room and interact with the cousin.

SIDE QUEST #4: Feed Rosa the Pig
LOCATION: Eva's Hammer

To unlock this side quest, interact with Rosa the pig in the pig pen. It is right next to your room on the ship. After that, go to the stairs that lead to the bar, from the diner. Take a left instead of going up the stairs and you will be in a small food storage room. Scattered on the shelves and the floor are a handful of potatoes. Pick up the potatoes then head back to Rosa and feed her.

SIDE QUEST #5: Collect Toys for Max

All you have to do is collect all of the toy collectibles for Max. There are plenty of guides here and elsewhere on where to find them. See more details on the TA page for the achievement called "Toy Collector"

SIDE QUEST #6: Get Rid of the Rat
LOCATION: Eva's Hammer

To unlock this side quest, speak to Demont Conway, who is just to the right of the Ammo Depot. Go into the ammo depot and lift the flipped over box that's on the floor.

That's it! After you've completed all 6 side quests the achievement should pop for you.

04 Nov 2017 04:49

For me the quest giver for the magnetic tapes was Laney. But she was just next to Angela
By WerferAkrobat7 on 23 Feb 2020 23:13
I agree with the commenters, this guide needs more info, such as when do the quest givers become available? After what mission?

Thought I might help...

Available after you finish Ausmerzer (And acquire the Power Armor)

Feed the pig (right outside B.J. and Anya's room on the left)

Appears when you get A New Suit mission "Talk to Grace"......

Find Maria's Red Wrench

Note: DO THIS IMMEDIATELY!!!! Go to the hanger to listen to Maria bitch about her wrench. Once the mission appears, run straight to the Shooting Range to find the wrench at the same spot where Set told you to put on your first contraption. Grab the wrench, and run back to Maria.

(Reason I said to do it immediately was because after I got the side quest, I did the bunker mission and a couple ubercommander missions. When I got back, the wrench was gone. So I reloaded my save file where I was still in the jar ready to pick my contraption just to see if that would fix the problem. After I finished Set's obstacle course, I ran to the Hanger, got the mission, and loo and behold!! The wrench was back!!

Appears after Manhattan Bunker mission......

Gizela Balog (Max's Toys)

Demont Conway (Rat Problem)

I will update when I have more info.....toast
By Warboy925 on 13 Sep 2018 14:24
I have done all of these and my statistics page shows 89%. I have even gone to the places where these jobs are again and the stuff is gone (eg, tapes are no longer spinning on the reels, cousin not on ground, rat not there anymore). I have also gone back to a very old save and re-did every job to the same result.

Is there something missing? I have a feeling this is glitchy somehow.
By I AM CULLY on 04 Nov 2017 06:14
Check the mission/map tab and see if you have any side quests still active. Have you collected all of Max's toys? Did you speak to someone to get a side quest to collect all of the toys? If not then I found the person to speak to on the catwalks of the main level of the ship. I didn't state that in the guide because I didn't think it was necessary for the achievement.
By Hoodoo V on 04 Nov 2017 07:42
Same for I am Cully, stuck at 89% and I've done all of the above side missions.
By A 2rue Boofer on 04 Nov 2017 19:12
Popped for me with the above 6. Did you guys speak to the woman on the bottom floor of the sub who gives you the toys quest in your side quests log? Only thing I can think of. I didn't do a side quest for Fergus or Wyatt.
By Ubula on 04 Nov 2017 21:02
FleshMechanic, I've only done one playthrough of the game (Wyatt Timeline) and I still got the achievement, so I think you can get it in either timeline. I also didn't do any side quest involving Maria, only the six side quests listed above.
By Hoodoo V on 04 Nov 2017 23:26
With ref to #1, I got this mission from Laney rather than Angela, they are pretty much side by side in the hacker room, with ref to #2, Maya is in the Helm rather than the Hanger. Both instances are at the end of the game did try speaking to both earlier in game but missions never popped up.
By Jennitiger1138 on 05 Nov 2017 00:06
@thekennygambit my collection is at 100% including max's toys. The person on the catwalk is gone because that job is done.

@Ubula - yes. If you mean the max toy girl, she is gone because the toys are at 100%. If you mean the girl at the bottom of the big lift, then that's done as that's part of one of the contraption upgrades.

I think there's something we're missing here. the percentage doesn't add up if there's only 6 side quests. It goes up in intervals of ~11%
By I AM CULLY on 05 Nov 2017 01:49
I have looked at every single person in Eva's hammer, and doubled checked the side missions above and have definitely completed all of them including max's toys. So I think there's a way to glitch yourself out of the achievement, probably having to do with picking up the other 2 contraptions without beginning the quests for them.
By A 2rue Boofer on 05 Nov 2017 02:55
I completed all the above and 3 contraptions upgrades after I finished the story. you don't need to do anything from Wyatt/Fergus timeline If you are playing each of them.
By SoulyTheDude on 22 Jun 2019 08:12
This must be glitchy then because I've done all 3 contraption upgrades and the 6 missions above, but my stats page shows 89%. I've even done them all again and it did the same thing, so something is messing this up.
By I AM CULLY on 06 Nov 2017 03:41
I completed all of the Contraption side quests first, then the six listed above and the achievement popped without an issue.
By BiggDope on 06 Nov 2017 04:16
This is for sure glitched in some way.
By VveniVvidiVvici on 12 Nov 2017 07:10
post game, post toy collecting, who is the person you need to talk to to get the toy quest? i dont see anyone on the catwalks.
By FreeKi11 117 on 27 Nov 2017 01:25
Done all 9 potential side missions and am stuck at 89%... the 11% interval increase suggests 9 side missions and not 6. 100% on all other categories. Hoping there is a solution to this bug.
By Cish x on 28 Nov 2017 02:37
On a 2nd game I did all 6 of the side missions and have only 56%. I have not done the 3 contraption upgrade quests which are most likely 11%, which would give me ~89% again, so something is up with one of the original 6 side missions not counting.
By Cish x on 29 Nov 2017 03:43
@Cish x how do you see the progress %? none of my achievements in the game are showing progress. they are all at 0%. Only after i actually obtain the achievement, does it move straight to 100%.
By Mighty Crizo on 29 Nov 2017 05:43
@Mighty Crizo, not all of the achievements track (not sure if any of them do). You can check your game completion though. The game tracks certain statistics.
By Cish x on 04 Dec 2017 13:25
Stuck at 89% like everyone else. Had to do the rat mission again..
By chuckles MG33 on 05 Dec 2017 21:54
For those having issues with this achievement, look for Irina Yakova outside Club Kreisau. She'll give you the "incapacitate mr stubbins" side quest. As soon as I completed it, PLONK achievement unlocked. Good hunting, True Achievers.
By MongoBaer on 15 Dec 2017 08:42
Just got this... Got all the toys before speaking to woman. Had to load an earlier save and talk to her. That triggered the mission for the toys. Entered and exited a level to complete that mission. Had to do all side missions again after that.
By chuckles37v3 on 16 Dec 2017 20:36
I can't get max toys side quest, when I am next to Gizela Balog she says that she wants to talk to me but I cannot interact with her, unfortunately I have collected all toys already.
By Ink Splitters on 13 Jan 2018 02:49
So there's quite some misinformation in this guide...

There's indeed 9 side quests, of which the contraption upgrades are three.

It seems that collecting all Max Hass toys before speaking to Gizela Balog glitches the achievements out at a 89% in the stat screen. (Which you can acces from the main menu).

The Sumerian tablets quest is started at the Helm, not the hangarbay.

The person giving you the quest in hacker central is indeed called Laney.

Down vote for now. You should consider adjusting the guide properly
By b0seiju on 26 Jan 2018 13:08
As someone posted before, talking to Irina outside Club Kreisau did complete side missions achievement. There are 3 side missions that is related with upgrade Contraptions. My understandig is that those missions are only avaiable after you unlock/acquire a Contraption.
By DukeVonLeo on 28 Feb 2018 05:19
@b0seiju said it best. Thumbs down for not letting us know about the toy glitch.
By TMONEYRKO619 on 29 May 2018 02:44
It did not matter for me that the toy lady had gone. I searched round the sub and found two more quests, stop the gas leak and knock the crazy bloke out and the achievement popped.
By Gippa on 31 May 2018 10:51
When do these become available? I’ve spoken to the toy lady and currently collecting them. I’ve done the pig one and delivered the letter but when I go to the people mentioned in these guides I get no speech interaction available. Any help is greatful.
By beets101 on 27 Jul 2018 14:11
Can confirm I only did the six above and the contraption side quests and got the achievement - no alternate timeline shenanigans.
By Yukito Kaminari on 19 Jul 2019 19:34
Did the 6 above. No achievement. As soon as I finished the contraption side quests the achievement popped. Needs to be added to the guide
By BushidoBrown305 on 04 Aug 2019 05:53
For me contraptions and upgrades were needed to unlock the achievement.
By MAJICO70 on 01 Mar 2020 05:14
No achievement... Needs update.
By ITSxMExB3 on 18 Jun 2021 13:57
Curious if this has been glitching for anybody else lately? I did the 6 side quests plus 3 contraptions and I triggered Max's quest before I collected all the toys. There is no way I am going for the full GS on this game but 50G is 50G, lol...
By Rum Geoff on 23 Feb 2022 22:16
For the "Destroy the Sumerian Tablets" mission if you have the Battle Walker you can use that to jump over the pipes to the left as soon as you start, the train is immediately in front of you then so you can just run in and destroy them very quickly.
By paramoreRyan on 16 Oct 2022 15:56
FEED THE PIG!! It is a hidden quest and you will have to go to the pig to unlock the quest. The achievement popped after completing this side mission.
By Drock#6054 on 04 May 2024 22:25
So i'm on my second play through. I chose Ferguson and i just discovered another side quest. At some point he is in the cantina writing a letter. After he does that you can actually take the letter and deliver it to Maria. It pops up as a side quest. Maria is the women in the hangar, the one who fixes the helicopter. On my first play through i chose Wyatt but i never discovered his side quest. I'm guessing it is one for him too. So yeah, the 100% achievement depends on who you choose to live in the beginning. Both of them have 1 side quest. And also about Maria, she also has 1 side quest. At some point she is fixing the chopper and she asks you to find her red french wrench key. The key can be found in the room with the shooting range score board. It is on the table next to some headphones.
By FleshMechanic12 on 04 Nov 2017 14:58
It could be the 6 above missions AND the 3 contraption upgrade missions, I am sat on 78% having done the 3 upgrade missions, and #3-6 from the above list, #1 & 2 I have active to complete that, so 7/9 =78%. 11% increments is 9 missions.

EDIT: Can confirm doing last 2 outstanding missions popped achievement, does look like its 9 total.
By Jennitiger1138 on 05 Nov 2017 10:10
For those having issues with this achievement, look for Irina Yakova outside Club Kreisau. She'll give you the "incapacitate mr stubbins" side quest. As soon as I completed it, PLONK achievement unlocked. Good hunting, True Achievers.
Posted by MongoBaer on 15 Dec at 03:42
This was the same for me, I already completed the first 6 side missions before getting my last contraption, also gave me my final contraption upgrade.
By deluxnugs on 17 Dec 2017 18:38
Although some of the locations of the mission givers aren't the same as mine, I still found them. The other info on the mission is correct.
By TheAnonymity on 30 Jun 2019 07:17
Great guide, except that there are 9 side missions because the 3 contraption upgrades are part of the achievement.

Also, I couldn’t find Maya Gilliam in the hanger after completing the story.. after some searching around, she was in upper section of the helm just before exiting into the centre of the sub.. just in case anyone else is having difficulty finding her..
By MIKE1989TW on 28 Apr 2022 14:16
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There’s are 9 side quests in Wolfenstein II.
One of them is to collect all of Max’s toys
Be sure to talk to the lady on the catwalks of the main floor of Eva’s Hammer BEFORE collecting the last toy. She disappears once you collect all toys and your progress will be stuck at 89%.
You must also complete all 3 of the contraption upgrade missions.

NOTE: This is not a complete guide. thekennygambit’s guide does a nice job explaining the other side quests. I just thought this guide could compliment his in order to give you the best information to unlock this.

25 Feb 2018 07:31

1 of 9 in this youtube video link = save cousin dimitri =
2 of 9 in this youtube video link = Sabotage the Magnetic Tape Units Side Quest ( 1 of max toys ) =
3 of 9 in this youtube video link = Destroy the Sumerian Tablets Side Quest =
By mongrominet on 05 May 2019 20:20
The Toy Collector achievement pops when you get the last toy. The lady gives the quest, that’s it. No need to see her again.
By EliteAssassin13 on 18 Jul 2019 01:17
Didn't talk to her before last toy...although I did talk to her earlier. Found last toy...then did my last upgrade for my contraptions and it popped. So for me I guess I got lucky???
By Oxmix on 21 Aug 2023 08:39
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This is solely meant as a possible tip for those who, like myself, have already collected all of Max's Toys before knowing there was even a person to talk to to start a side quest. For those looking for a more detailed list of the sidequest givers and locations, please check out the other posted solutions here. I am writing this purely because I managed to get myself out of needing an entire 2nd playthrough for this.

Let me say up front and then I'll explain in more detail, what did it for me was accidentally having a versioned save from before I completed the final level. Understandably, your mileage may vary with this solution depending on your save situation although it is *possible* that a save from nearly any spot before the final level will do. Mine was right before exiting the Evas Hammer section that led into the final level (

In my playthrough, I finished hunting the Ubercommandos before turning to the sidequests and made a note to try and finish as many collectibles as I could to cut down on re-visiting districts. As such, I finished Max's Toys before realizing it was *also* a sidequest that could be missed. Naturally, the first thing I thought of was trying to revisit an old save to maybe avoid having to replay as much as possible.

What I discovered was that save files were unique to whatever Progression Slot they were made under. But more over, collectibles were specifically tied to that Progression Slot and not the individual saves within one. Meaning, I could have reloaded a save from near the beginning of the game but my, at that point, 100% collectibles would all still be marked off, impossible to recollect.

However, once reloading the save from before starting the final level, I found that quest giver for Max's Toys had in fact re-appeared and gave me the quest, even though my Progression Slot still showed them all found. With a little bit of hope, I traveled to the first district I could select (don't think it mattered which) and immediately left and traveled back to the Evas Hammer. Upon returning to the sub, I think the game did a check for conditions and found that my Toy collection was complete and thus checked the quest as finished.

From there, I had to quickly replay a few of the other sidequests, but having already done them, it was very quick to drop into a district, quickly run to where they were, and bounce out. Once all were complete, including contraption quests, the achievement popped.

I returned to my original "primary" save after that and sadly my Progression File is still stuck at 98% but the achievement popped so whatever, it's fine. If I'd redone a few more things on that versioned save and made it new primary, I imagine the file might? change to 100% but I don't know. I didn't really care to re-do more.

So... if you find yourself in the same spot, I hope you have a backup save. I had accidentally created some by clicking through the menu too fast. So I recognize there's a little bit of luck here in terms of having the right conditions but I wanted to offer at least a chance of hope that I discovered. Good luck!

07 Jun 2021 22:42

Man I really had hope but it isnt working... I had two saves for practicing, one at the corthouse and other with the panzerhound (before the party, the section you said) but neither of them have the quest giver. Although I think I know the reason.

My saves are located on missions and, for this to work, the save needs to be specifically on evas hammer. So when you save, it saves also the characters on evas hammer at that momment. Mine isnt working because it loads the level from scratch.
However it's a good tip, might help someone but Im afraid i have to do everything again...
By UnfurledEmu75 on 19 Jul 2021 21:38
I confirm that it works, you must have a save on Evas Hammer, reloading the save the game will count all the collected collectibles, recompleting the secondary missions, including the missable one, will unlock the achievement, this solution is very useful it avoids having to replay everything up to unlock side missions.
By Smoka Tech on 17 Mar 2023 22:28
After failing to get this achievement on my first playthrough, I discovered that two sidequests can be missed entirely. I suggest waiting until you have completed the main scenario story and return to Eva's Hammer before attempting this achievement.

On my first playthrough, I discovered the other two contraptions (the two you did not choose during the story) while revisiting districts gathering collectibles. I did not realize that the contraptions were related to other side quests.

If you grab these items before getting their corresponding side quest, you lose the opportunity to complete them, thus missing the achievement. Once you've completed the quests to gather both contraptions, you'll also have an additional upgrade quest for each.

*Most side quests can be found by using the hint function while on Eva's Hammer with the exception of feeding the pig. It should display a very small icon that will lead you to a quest giver.

Below are the 10 side quests needed to unlock Sidetracked:

1. Collect Toys for Max
2. Save Hercules' Cousin
3. Destroy the Tapes
4. Destroy Sumerian Tablets
5. Feed Rosa the Pig (Interact with Rosa to activate)
6. Get Rid of the Rat
7. Contraption A
8. Contraption B
9. Contraption Upgrade A
10. Contraption Upgrade B

Once these 10 side quests have been completed, you should unlock Sidetracked.

12 Nov 2017 00:00

This achievement is best done post-story.

In total, there are nine side missions in the game, almost all of which are initiated aboard Eva's Hammer by interacting with various NPCs. Most of these side missions are simple tasks that require you to revisit a district and destroy various items, while others involve completing small favors to upgrade your contraptions.

For those side missions related to upgrading the three contraptions, please refer to the "Complete Package" achievement for more information.

For those side missions that are not tied to the contraptions, please refer to the checklist below for more information.

Side Mission: Collect Toys for Max
Location: Various Districts

  • For this side quest, you must collect all of Max's toys in the game. Fortunately, there is no NPC that you are required to speak with in order to initiate this. Simply collect all fifteen toys and the side quest will then be marked as complete. Please refer to the "Art Aficionado" achievement for more information and a video guide playlist.

Side Mission: Feed Rosa the Pig
Location: Eva's Hammer

  • Interact with Rosa the Pig aboard Eva's Hammer. Her pen/room is located right across the all from BJ's and Bombate's room. After speaking with the swine, make your way to the storage room - it's located near one of the side entrances to the Cantina Kitchen. Interact with all of the potato piles and then return to Rose's pen. Interact with the pig once more to feed it, and then the side quest will be marked as complete.

Side Mission: Get Rid of the Rat
Location: Eva's Hammer

  • Speak to Demont Conway aboard Eva's Hammer. He is located in an alcove of the U-Boat next to the Ammo Depot. Now make your way into the Ammo Depot and interact with the upside-down box on the ground. Once the box is flipped, the side quest is marked as complete.

Side Mission: Destroy the Tapes
Location: Manhattan Nuclear Bunker District

  • Speak to Laney inside Hacker Central to initiate this side quest. Now use the War Map to revisit the Nuclear Bunker district of Manhattan. When you arrive, press to see waypoints to the objectives. Follow these waypoints on your HUD - they will bring you to the offices of the bunker where you can destroy red tapes. Once all three sets of tapes are destroyed, the side mission is marked as complete. You can return to Eva's Hammer by any time by opening the Journal, going to the "Missions" tab, and pressing to exit the mission.

Side Mission: Destroy the Sumerian Tablets
Location: Roswell Underground District

  • Speak to Maya Gilliam aboard Eva's Hammer. She can usually be found around the Hanger Bay or on the second floor of the Helm. Now use the War Map to revisit the Underground district of Roswell. After making your way down the initial area and emerging into a large cavern with Supersoldats, press to see waypoints to the objectives. Follow these waypoints on your HUD - they will bring you to the one of the train carts where you can destroy the Sumerian tablets. Once all three tablets are destroyed, the side mission is marked as complete. You can return to Eva's Hammer by any time by opening the Journal, going to the "Missions" tab, and pressing to exit the mission.

Side Mission: Save Hercules' Cousin
Location: Venus Oberkommando District

  • Speak with Hercules Leclerc aboard Eva's Hammer. He can be found on the second floor of Set's Lab. Now use the War Map to revisit the Oberkommando district of Venus. When you arrive, make your way through the station until you reach the elevator. Take the elevator up, and then press to see the waypoint to the objective. Follow this waypoint to a closed off room on the right-hand side of a long hallway. Inside, interact with Leclerc's cousin and you will complete the side quest and automatically be brought back to Eva's Hammer.

Once all six of these side missions have been completed, as well as the contraption upgrade missions, the achievement will finally unlock.

There are not many side quests, you can take them on the submarine "Eve's Hammer", if a square lights up next to the character, then click on it, listen and get the task. At each level (in height) in the submarine, look at the map, the magnifying glass sign is additional tasks. There are 11 tasks in total:

- Two tasks to find improvements for a new body. Depends on which one you choose initially.
- Three tasks for leveling up these same improvements.
- One task to destroy repeaters in the bunker.
- One mission to destroy artifacts on a train in Roswell.
- One mission to rescue Dimitri in Oberkommando.
- Catch a rat (Don't miss it if you collect all collectables)
- Collect all Max's toys, you need to take the task from the NPC, and then go up to her and complete the task.
- And don’t forget to feed the pig on the submarine , he will need to bring some potatoes from the pantry.

29 Nov 2017 13:39

1 Comment
The trophy is glitchy!
Do not collect Max's toys or destroy the artifacts on the train in Roswell before taking the corresponding quests - otherwise you will not be able to engage in dialogue with the characters who give the corresponding quests. I destroyed the artifacts ahead of time and could not take the task. And even when loading an earlier save within one save cell and when going through all the additional ones that have not been completed. missions, the statistics will freeze at 89%, like mine. The only way out is to start the game again and run through the game on minimum difficulty without any mistakes in the extras. missions.
By Igrun on 20 Feb 2020 19:36
The trophy seems to be buggy. Collected all body upgrades without a task - completed everything else - does not drop out. There is no magnifying glass icon on the map.

31 Dec 2017 01:02

1 Comment
The trophy is not glitchy, I got it, check that you have completed all the steps listed above!
By Brilliant_Dragon on 18 Jan 2018 18:29