Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

80 Achievements


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They did Nazi that Coming

They did Nazi that Coming

Stealth kill 10 enemies in a row


How to unlock the They did Nazi that Coming achievement in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - Definitive Guide

If you're having a hard time doing this with standard enemies, I found it easier to do during the final Übercommander mission that takes place in the Riverside Abandoned Bunker. During the beginning of this mission, you'll mostly be met with patrolling robots and sleeping robots, which will allow you to easily stealth kill them.

You will need the Battle Walker and Constrictor Harness contraptions to properly avoid other enemies as you get your last two kills, though I'm pretty sure you have to already have them by the point of tackling the Riverside Abandoned Bunker anyway.

29 Oct 2017 21:06

I did this area about 5 or 6 times and it never unlocked. I even managed to get 12 on a few runs. So I looked around and found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-nlLxu8adQ&ab_channel=F... which did the trick. Also you can replay the areas and you can save and reload if you get seen.
By FoolsAndKings on 15 Mar 2021 17:34
I think a "Stealth Kill" counts as any kill where the enemy isn't alerted - as in, off angle melees, hatchet throws, and even suppressed headshots will count, but it would be cool if someone could verify this.
By CR4SHED on 31 Oct 2017 17:58
You can't abuse the save system to get this achievement as I just found out
By NuttySandman123 on 06 Nov 2017 08:14
the auto-save for passing each part which work for the achievement~ after this last kill in the video just pass the heavy armour soldier and get the auto save. Then just hatchet throw the next human soldier and let the achievement pops!!!
Thanks for the guide!
By NeoFibonacci on 13 Nov 2017 15:25
manual saves do work just did it saved after every stealth kill and achievement popped
By SwAGgyC24 on 17 Nov 2017 08:30
Suppressed headshots counted for for me, got a bunch of hatchet/melee followed by 4 consecutive headshots.
By LordSamoni1 on 20 Nov 2017 09:48
I killed like twelve in a row from behind/as they slept with the hatchet and no achievement... wtf?
By ClaytThaGreat on 08 Aug 2019 03:44
Also it would be really helpful if your video wasn’t removed roll
By ClaytThaGreat on 08 Aug 2019 04:21
Thanx, Easy place to get them
By on 28 Mar 2020 01:50
Riverside opens on the map after you have killed all the other ubercommandos
By ugli on 13 May 2020 18:19
Thanks. It would be nice if the solution author included that tidbit.
By ICE Faux Pirate on 13 May 2020 19:45
Don't be an ingrate
By Puffro on 15 May 2020 04:57
This doesn't work for me. These robots can't be killed by throwing a hatchet or by headshots so you need to stealth takedown them. I can get as many as 12 or 13 in a run and it never works.
By YaIrishMick96 on 03 Jun 2022 09:36
I got this on the traincar mission by accident. Surprised ppl are struggling. wink
By LifeExpectancy on 10 Aug 2019 12:50
I don't see any mission named Riverside Abandoned Bunker. There's a Manhattan Nuclear Bunker district and a Lakeview district in New Orleans but neither of those could be it. Can you better explain please?
By ICE Faux Pirate on 13 May 2020 02:48
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Another simply way to get this is in the Manhattan Nuclear District, through the kill board/death card mission. As Wolfie McG stated, if you want to speed this up you can use throwing hatchets but make sure you hit the guy and not his equipment.

1) There are two enemies in the room right in front when you start, stealth kill them

2) When you crouch out of this room WAIT until you see the guy on your left walk past
-Sneak kill this guy (guy that walked from left side)
- Then sneak kill guy in control room, should be ahead of you

3) After killing the guy in the control room, turn around to the hallway where you came from and follow the right wall for a constrictor tunnel. Once in the tunnel you should see a guy and a armored guy. Wait for the yellow guy to come close then turn back around, this way the armor guy doesn't see you. Stealth kill yellow guy

4) Now immediately after the kill go down into the half circle with the computers (armor guy won't see you down here as long as your crouched). Once you reach the end STOP and wait for another guy to walk in and go against the pillar in front of you. Once he's against the pillar sneak kill him. Then continue up elevator

5) Make sure you save at the top of the elevator. I wasn't sure if you had to do this without being seen but this is how i got past this part. Wait by the shifting doors and when they open crouch and walk to the left. Stay hugging the left corner of the rail cart and only move out when the armor guy is walking to the center. Now go under the rail cart in front of you and wait for the flying robot to pass. Once it passes crouch and go through the rotating doors in front of you.

6)Now when you get to the ramp leading to the next open area with the last signal do not run into this room. Instead, crouch and walk to the right side of the entrance and shoot your silenced pistol at the other side of the room (make sure its at an angle so the guy walks in facing away). Once the guy walks in stealth kill him.

7) Same area! Now move to the left side of the door and shoot your silenced pistol towards the center floor of the big area. IF the other guy on the left side is on your level he will walk to the center of the room and you can sneak out and kill him.

8) 2 MORE!! Crouch walk up the ramp on the left side. Follow it until you reach a ramp leading to the next level. Once on the ramp turn around and, if you have the double jump ability, climb up the two ledges to the next level. Once on top stay crouched and head to the constrictor tunnel on the right wall and do not exit it. Wait to see where the ubercommander is (he should be right outside the tunnel). If he is not standing to your left then head out and he will be to your right. Kill him......like a slippery snake

9) LAST ONE!! Now there will be a guy walking to the railing to your right. So after killing the commander go straight ahead to the wall and wait for a bit (you can corner lead on the right of this wall to see where he is). Once he passes you and goes behind the wall use the constrictor tunnel and stealth kill him once he's on the railing.

If for some reason you don't get it, then roam around all sneaky beaky like and chuck a hatchet as someone (there should be a guy on the railing across the room if you look over the railing where the 10th kill was)

02 Nov 2017 02:20

Great guide. Didn't want to use the other method because I needed this achievement specifically, so I used this spot, just saved after every set of stealth kills/movement. Perfect.
By Seitzz on 18 Mar 2019 18:30
Thank you! Glad it worked for you headspin
By hyper devil cat on 18 Mar 2019 21:49
Excellent guide. Can confirm you have to get past the enemies at the top of the elevator without being seen. Thanks for the help!
By Phr3d83 on 12 Sep 2019 11:03
Hey Phr3d83, unfortunately I have not played this game in a long time. If the enemies you are talking about see you and they alter their "unaware/unsuspicious animation" then you'll more then likely have to try this again. But if these enemies are not in the section of the game described above, it shouldn't matter, just as long as you're undetected from the start to end of this run.
By hyper devil cat on 15 Sep 2019 13:34
Great guide. Worked for me. Just a side note: Step 5-- To exit the elevator use the stilts. Bashing through the wall will obviously alert the drone. Just look up and you'll see the opening.
By PLAST1CFANGS on 01 Nov 2021 16:43
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Edit: I got confirmation from a few sources that this does indeed work.

The game remembers your progress towards your ten when you save/load. I stealth killed enemies, and manually saved as I went along. Even though I reloaded my save 2 or 3 times due to be being seen, I still got the achievement once I got my 10th stealth kill.

So, what you to do is get a stealth kill, then save. Then go for another stealth kill, if you get it, save again. Now you are at 2/10. If you get spotted going for your third, reload, and try again. Keep doing this until you finally get all ten.

Note that your ten enemies have to be different enemies, you can't keep reloading a save or checkpoint on the same enemy and kill them ten times. Hope this helps.

15 Nov 2017 04:46

I can confirm this method works. I saved multiple times, almost saving after each stealth kill. I was also able to load from my save when I was spotted and still get the achievement after getting the 10th kill.
By Mighty Crizo on 26 Nov 2017 04:29
Nice, thanks!
By GrimaceTheGrey on 26 Nov 2017 20:56
So let me get thsi straignt, you can kep killing the same guy 10 times or what?
By imoneoldfart on 27 Nov 2017 13:46
You cannot kill the same guy ten times ( I tried that and nothing). But if you save every time after successfully killing someone without being noticed, you can then reload your save if you get spotted, and continue on as normal.

So say you are at 5, save. You approach number 6, he spots you. Under normal circumstances this would reset the counter. Just reload the save and you will be back at 5, and have a fresh shot at number 6.
By GrimaceTheGrey on 27 Nov 2017 16:17
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The easiest place BY FAR to get this is in Roswell underground!! There are 9 enemies at nicely placed distances from each other, 1 below you as you enter, 2 on a platform (1 of them got me the cheevo "Hail Mary"), 2 along the west side of the train, 1 patrolling west of the other 2, 1 standing on the east side of the train, the commander and his dog at the mission objective.

When you drop down, make a manual save, there is a yellow auchug? sign to your left, from there aim a bit above one of the guards, and you should nail him giving you the Hail Mary cheevo, if you miss, just reload. You should easily hatchet throw or stealth kill all 9 with ease, being sure to save after each kill, its SO MUCH easier if you have the silent pistol!!

At the control panel, make another save just to be safe. After you lower the engine, and you see more guards coming, leave the room through the right side, you will see a robot and a single guard, hatchet throw or use the pistol for the cheevo!!!

12 Sep 2018 15:06

This can be obtained with your Throwing Hatchets once you are tasked with shutting off the broadcast in Section F

There will be ashort cutscene where you enter a doorway that was hidden by some lockers. After this enter the vent, follow the pipe, and climb the ladder.

This is where the real fun begins If you don't have 2 hatchets there is one on the wall behind you and one in the dart board on the middle pillar

Make sure to pick up your hatchets as you throw them

1) Throw a hatchet at the guy walking to the right corner.
2) Go to the left, crouch under the pipe and stealth kill this guy.
3 & 4) Through the doors you'll see two enemies, throw a hatchet at the guy on the right and then quickly throw your other one at the guy on the left. (you'll hear shouting but, trust me, you haven't been spotted)
5) Go up the stairs and move forward to just about the orange section, this enemy will start to walk towards you, take aim and throw.
6) Move forward and close to where the last guy was there will be an enemy leaning on the rails, use stealth takedown on this guy.
7) Through the door there will be an enemy with his back to you, sneak up and stealth attack.
8 & 9) After progressing through a part where you have to swim and go through a vent, take the stairs up and walk around to stealth kill the green enemy and then the white enemy to his left.
10) The enemies will sometimes notice the men down at this point so head back towards the stairs, look over the rail and choose the easiest enemy for you to hit with a throwing hatchet.

Upon killing him the achievement should pop, and this strategy is possible on I am death incarnate

28 Oct 2017 05:53

I don't have an in-depth guide or a video or anything, but considering it sounds like you can only get this achievement if you're completing a district for the first time I didn't want to wait until the very last mission (Riverside Abandoned Bunker) like the top voted solution suggests (because if you mess it up there, you have no non-finished districts to fall back on).

Instead, I unlocked this on the Manhattan Harbor mission where W. Hauser is the target. It's a fairly long level with plenty of solitary yellow-clad (i.e. non-armored) enemies to pick off. Essentially just save scum your way through it and reload if seen, and focus on the yellow guards (avoiding the armored).

There are two yellows immediately in front of you when you start, just wait for them to finish their conversation and one will start walking away, allowing you to pick off the one that stays behind. An armored enemy walks your way shortly after so hide until he leaves, then you'll find the guy that walked the way to your left.

My 10th stealth kill was the very first commander (not Hauser, just a regular commander) so know that you can get the achievement by then at the earliest. He was standing at the top of some steps -
I threw an axe at him for the last stealth kill.

There are probably 5 or so additional yellows past him, if you missed any before. Only one guard was somewhat hidden - he is patrolling on top of what looks like a giant parking garage maybe, toward the beginning of the level. You get to him by going the second floor of the building next to him then crossing over to his building on a pipe that crosses the street.

Just take your time and this district is pretty easy to get the achievement on.

01 Dec 2017 22:38

First off, I know I'm providing my solution a lot later than the others, but I've only just got around to the game...

Anyways, something not mentioned by the others is that the Dieselkraftwerk can be used for "stealth kills", as long as you don't hold cn_LT as you're shooting - the enemies don't seem to notice that they've been hit by one, so you can sneak in a way behind someone, pop a projectile on their back and then blow it up once you're out of range... their friends come and look, but as you're already nowhere near, you won't be spotted.

I got this in Manhattan in the first section, picking a couple of guys off by hand during it, but the rest were with explosives! The first section was cleared without an alarm & getting 2 Quick Commander Kills in the process.
Don't ask me how I didn't get start the level with the Laserkraftwek, but I somehow brought in the Diesel one from the previous level.

09 May 2019 17:52

This achievement can technically be done post-story when revisiting districts, but it can easily be obtained with throwing hatchets while in Section F during the main story.

After dropping into the locker room that connects into Section F, press on through until you are required to climb a ladder. When you reach the top, assuming you do not have any throwing hatchets, collect the one on the wall behind you and another wedged into the dart board in the middle of the room. Now make a manual save, and after each enemy killed, make a manual save in case you mess up.

  • The first enemy you'll want to kill is patrolling on the right side of the room.
  • Next, follow the left-hand side of the room, crouch under the pip, and stealth kill the Nazi here.
  • Move through the doorway and into the next room. There are two enemies here. Use throwing hatchets to kill them both.
  • Follow the stairs up and onto the catwalk. There are two enemies here - one patrolling back and forth and another who is stationary towards the end of the catwalk, leaning on the railing. Use a throwing hatchet on the patrolling enemy when his back is turned (but is far away from the other enemy), then stealth kill the second guard.
  • Move through the next door and there is an enemy with his back towards you. Get up close and stealth kill him.
  • Continue on through the mission. After you swim through a vent, follow the stairs and you will find yourself in a large room. There are various enemies in this room, patrolling the catwalks. There is no set way to tackle this room - just use your throwing hatchets, save often once you get a stealth kill, and be cautious.

Once the tenth enemy has been killed stealthily, the achievement will unlock.


This achievement can technically be done post-story when revisiting districts, but it can easily be obtained with throwing hatchets while in Section F during the main story.

After dropping into the locker room that connects into Section F, press on through until you are required to climb a ladder. When you reach the top, assuming you do not have any throwing hatchets, collect the one on the wall behind you and another wedged into the dart board in the middle of the room. Now make a manual save, and after each enemy killed, make a manual save in case you mess up.

  • The first enemy you'll want to kill is patrolling on the right side of the room
  • Next, follow the left-hand side of the room, crouch under the pip, and stealth kill the Nazi here
  • Move through the doorway and into the next room. There are two enemies here. Use throwing hatchets to kill them both
  • Follow the stairs up and onto the catwalk. There are two enemies here - one patrolling back and forth and another who is stationary towards the end of the catwalk, leaning on the railing. Use a throwing hatchet on the patrolling enemy when his back is turned (but is far away from the other enemy), then stealth kill the second guard
  • Move through the next door and there is an enemy with his back towards you. Get up close and stealth kill him.
  • Continue on through the mission. After you swim through a vent, follow the stairs and you will find yourself in a large room. There are various enemies in this room, patrolling the catwalks. There is no set way to tackle this room - just use your throwing hatchets, save often once you get a stealth kill, and be cautious

Once the tenth enemy has been killed stealthily, the achievement will unlock.

When there are officers somewhere nearby, you always have the opportunity to go through the place, killing all opponents secretly. The easiest way is to save after each stealth kill. If you are detected, reload your last save. This way you can have a series of stealth kills. To make a stealth kill, you need to crouch and sneak up on the enemy from behind to perform a melee kill (you need to do it 10 times in a row). (You don’t have to kill in close range, you can use a pistol, just wear a silencer)

05 Nov 2017 02:07

It is not at all necessary to make stealth kills in close combat; you can throw axes and shoot a weapon with a silencer in the head.
By totalbloodman on 24 Nov 2017 08:49
I tried to do it on the easiest difficulty level after completing it, it didn’t help. I set it to maximum and knocked it out the first time. guides to help, knocked out the top commando at the last level.
By Zvukogenii on 01 Feb 2018 01:07
Here's a video guide .
Venus, Oberkomander
By chegevaro on 05 Mar 2019 15:08
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Got it on a submarine in compartment F. If you start silent killings from the very beginning of the mission, then there are enough enemies. After each silent kill, save and, if you fail to kill quietly, recover - this does not interfere with obtaining the achievement.

06 Nov 2017 21:05