Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

80 Achievements


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Ultimate Spy

Ultimate Spy

Beat 'The Diaries of Agent Silent Death' on 'Mein leben' difficulty


How to unlock the Ultimate Spy achievement in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - Definitive Guide

My attempts at the Ultimate Spy Achievement in Wolfenstein II: The Diaries of Agent Silent Death. There wasn't really any good strategies that I could find so I am posting my last 5 attempts in Mein Leben difficulty so people can get a general idea of my routing and strategy (A good chunk of the basic concepts and general strategies have been taken and adapted from Kreeper V's guides for the main game Mein Leben and Gunslinger Joe Mein Leben, so shout out to him for those).

The successful run starts at about 22:00 into the video, but I recommend watching all of the runs to get a better idea of the strategy I was going for.

If you die, don't forget to change difficulty back to Mein Leben before you start.

Some Tips:
1. Like the other two DLC, to get the Mein Leben difficulty achievement you only have to finish the third volume.
2. PRACTICE!!! Go through the level in I Am Death Incarnate at least once. Being able to figure out where enemies spawn and how they act and move, plus having saves makes this much more tolerable.
3. Agent Silent Death has an ability essentially the same as the constrictor harness in the main game. You WILL need to take advantage of this ability in this level. You seem to have no time limit on how long you can stay constricted, so up until you blow up the life support for gamma station you can take as much time as you need sneaking around.
4. Don't bother picking up any armor or weapons (other than any pistols and pistol ammo). You will be dead in about two shots even with full armor and the other weapons will alert everyone in the map, which will cause bullets to be forcefully placed into your skull, which is bad.
5. Aim for the head. With the pistol this should always be a one shot kill if you hit them right. You want to save as much ammo as you can because you kinda have to lay into the general to kill him, so extra ammo is good.
6. Ignore the Supersoldaten and Panzerhund, you wont be able to kill them, at least not without dying immediately after.
7. Make absolutely sure you are NOT seen by the Laserhund (The annoying fast dog robot with a laser face). It will ruin your day. It will despawn after you destroy the stations life support, as long as you don't alert the general before or while doing that.
8. Kill as many of the regular guards as possible and if you can, kill the generals dog. They will also ruin your day if you leave them.
9. After killing the general, book it for the exit, and pick up a health pack on the way there (see video for where I grab it).

I kinda messed up my strategy for killing the general at the end but it still managed to work out. My original plan was to kill the dog when he is next to the general, then turn to the right and exit out into the large hallway. Wait for the general to walk in front of you, then aim and lay into him with the pistol. Once hes dead book it for the exit, stopping in the first control room for a health pack.

Hopefully this helps someone get through this since it can be a bit of a pain.

29 Dec 2018 05:29

I just unlocked this. Kreeper got it just right although the approach can be improved. After destroying the oxygen system, eliminate the 3 soldiers without raising caution. Approach the commander's room without sprinting. Either slip in behind the heavy and break right (sometimes prone-kill the dog), or wait for the commander to advance. Once he advances out of the room, position behind him and try to kill his dog or one guard without raising caution. Wait for the commander to advance again, and now you have to follow him without sprinting and take out the remaining guards. When he's all alone, then finish him. On my run, he was almost at the last turn before the final hallway; i wounded a guard, combat takedown on the commander, and was lucky to finish the guard and run. Finished with red hp.

Commander's doggie is priority.
By Aeon Commando on 27 Jan 2019 07:32
TIPS: it seems that until the life support blows up, this is 99% static with enemy routes and such. However, after that, when you get the blue indicator to reset the enemies are random. Sometimes the super solider would come out, other times he'd rage in the room until the target walked out of the room. Most important, wait for a time where the super solider and normal soliders leave to check out the life support, THEN wait, patiently, for the dog to come out. If you hide under the boxes right infront of the door, he will see you and run to you but cannot kill you but you can kill it. Then wait a bit more since the target may come to you and even let you sneak kill him, but if not, then quickly go for him. If you have waited long enough, just a small sweet spot, no one else will be in that room and you can kill him. Then exit the room at the far door from where you came in and follow the hallwayAROUND the other super solider who waits inbetween the two rooms. REMEMBER - you are on a time limit. And all the waiting leaks times from you since the TIMER is not connected to him escaping, it starts and does not stop until you exit after killing the target. Your health will decay moments after the blue indicator resets when you approach the room where the target starts his escape.
By Kanchanaburi on 24 Dec 2019 03:03
So this one took me about 20 tries and was extremely frustrating. What finally worked for me was killing everyone in the level (except for the Supersoldat, Panzerhund, and dog) from the beginning up until sabotaging the life support and not being seen at any point. This includes the two guys who show up in the corridor outside the life support sabotage location after it blows up. If you can mantain anonymity up to that point then it's likely (not 100%) possible that when you show up to the room with Dunkel and hide under the crate right outside the door, the heavy should walk left and a guy should walk from the outer ring of the room toward the middle. If that happens then you are golden!

Just shoot the right wall as you're entering the room to distract the dog and Dunkel so that you can sneak under the computers around the corner and sneak kill Dunkel. From there you can sprint right to the exit.

I tried this so many other times not killing everyone and being more sneaky or continuing after one of those two guys saw me leaving the sabotage room. While it's still possible to beat it at that point, everyone is extremely alert and moving around constantly to the point where you have to stab the dog to even have a chance at getting to Dunkel. Everytime I tried at that point though he seemed to take an insane amount of damage and I couldn't kill him before everyone was alerted and killed me or I missed the dog and he got me right at the exit due to me having to spring after shooting Dunkel to make it out. I also died from the lack of oxygen right at the exit three different times so that was tons of fun.
By MassiveAssault5 on 05 May 2021 18:09
I completed volume 3 - no achievement. I completed each of the 3 chapters individually on Mein Leben - no achievement either. I guess you have to do it all in one sitting now?
By Bridge188 on 28 Jan 2019 09:15
03/05/2019 The method of loading the third volume in "Mein leiben" still works
By Joeldrt on 06 Mar 2019 01:22
Pretty sure I was on Mein Leben when I got through this, but the achievement didn't pop. Must've not realized I forgot to change the difficulty first.
By Seitzz on 20 Mar 2019 17:11
Definitely was not on Mein Leben..guess I'll be trying again
By Seitzz on 20 Mar 2019 17:25
Also in agreement with the first comment. DO NOT try and outrun the dog. I did this twice and died in the tunnel to finish the mission. You can always just prone camp under the boxes right in front of the first room the commander is in. You can also prone takedown the dog without getting hit by it or popping fully out of the cover, then just find the commander kill him and make a break for it.
By Seitzz on 20 Mar 2019 18:35
I played maybe 50+ times and still couldn't get a good run after you trash life support. However I waited around 30 seconds, was able to kill both enemies from behind stealthily. From there another 30 seconds of guard chit-chat in the next room, and as I was leaning from the crates I noticed the heavy guard was leaving, went in and ran straight away to a guard and a dog in the doorawy, but was able to silence kill both with the pistol. To give an idea on the total delay, I ran to the chase the target, and killed the remaining guard and target just outside the airlock entrance and finished with 60%+ health left. So, the oxygen doesn't run out until you kill your target, and killing the target was easisest by the exit IMO. I think patience after the life support section is must more important than has been quoted to-date.
By No 1 Richy on 03 Jul 2019 21:28
Date 05/10/20 want to confirm doing the last level still unlocks the achievement
By KHALIL PHEONIX on 11 May 2020 03:59
Just unlocked this one. Really tough and unpredictable once the life support blows up.

It feels all types of different events happened to me once crawling under the boxes outside the commander room, including:

Heavy rages back and forth killing enemies in the process.
Heavy comes out and stands to the left.
Heavy comes out and walks to the right.
Heavy and one soldier come out and walk to the right.
Heavy and two soldiers come out and walk to the right.
Dog and commander come out.
No one comes out.

In any case, I believe the best stategy is to wait until the commander indicates that he will leave the room and then wait an additional 10-15 seconds. After that, try to walk by the rightmost side of the corridor and intercept the commander by the exit. If necessary, silent kill any enemies you find (except heavy). In my successful run I did not see a single enemy and I killed the commander right where you start the mission with about 30 health to spare.
By teddieboi on 24 Oct 2020 17:17
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As stated elsewhere you only need to complete chapter 3 of "The Diaries of Agent Silent Death" on "Mein leben" difficulty. I found with the other video guides that it could be followed almost everytime exactly, as enemy placements were generally always the same, but once you destroy life support it becomes more random. I discovered a technique that makes the end sequence much easier, faster and works nearly everytime, i would recommend a few practice runs on "i am death incarnate" just to get it down. Most times the dog cannot keep up but if he does just unload on him mid run.

I have also linked the video that i used to practice the start which was very helpful. All credit to the original owner as i do not own that video.


21 Jul 2023 14:19

The "Mein leben" difficulty for this DLC is actually available from the get-go. When you boot up "The Diaries of Agent Silent Death," you can toggle the difficulty by tapping until the bar in the lower right-hand side of the screen is maxed out.

On this difficulty, which is actually set to "I am Death Incarnate," you will only have one life. Additionally, you cannot save. This means that if you die during your playthrough, you are sent back to the Main Menu. Fortunately, you are able to pause your game should you need a break.

For high-level tips and strategies involved with this difficulty setting, please refer above to "Expert Spy" for more information.

A successful, uninterrupted playthrough on "Mein leben" should take around half an hour to complete depending on your playstyle. Feel free to utilize the commentary-assisted video walkthrough below, courtesy of KreeperV.


The "Mein leben" difficulty for this DLC is actually available from the get-go. When you boot up "The Diaries of Agent Silent Death," you can toggle the difficulty by tapping until the bar in the lower right-hand side of the screen is maxed out.

On this difficulty, which is actually set to "I am Death Incarnate," you will only have one life. Additionally, you cannot save. This means that if you die during your playthrough, you are sent back to the Main Menu. Fortunately, you are able to pause your game should you need a break.

For high-level tips and strategies involved with this difficulty setting, please refer above to "Expert Spy" for more information.

A successful, uninterrupted playthrough on "Mein leben" should take around half an hour to complete depending on your playstyle. Feel free to utilize the commentary-assisted video walkthrough below, courtesy of KreeperV.

NOTE #1: For an additional video walkthrough, there's also THIS GUIDE by nekov4ego. Thanks for the excellent walkthrough, nekov4ego!

NOTE #2: This Episode works a little differently than "The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe" in that you are not returned to the Main Menu after completing a Volume. Despite this difference, the game will still track which missions you have completed on "Mein leben." For example, once you have completed Volume 1, you can still die on Volume 2 or Volume 3 without needing to redo already-completed Volumes. Do keep in mind, though, that you still cannot shut off your console in between Volumes, as this will wipe progress.

I hope it is useful to someone.

29 Feb 2020 08:48