World of Tanks

World of Tanks

580 Achievements

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Earn at least 80 capture points on the enemy base.

How to unlock the Invader achievement in World of Tanks - Definitive Guide

I'm going to write a solution for this, but I'm afraid it won't be fast or easy! I'm simply writing this to hopefully give a few tips that might help. I had a very hard time getting this achievement, it was my second to last achievement for the game!

The problem is that your team usually either kills the enemies before you finish capturing, a teammate jumps on the flag with you and captures 21+ points(you must get 80 out of 100 points), an enemy damages you and restarts the counter, etc. I have only 7 Invader medals over nearly 4,000 games(The previous 4 medals didn't count when I started the Xbox One version). Now, I didn't try for them every game, but that does say something!

Some possibly helpful ideas:
1. Wait for the right opportunity while going for other achievements!! I can't emphasize this enough. Since this is extremely luck based and requires MANY factors to go your way perfectly, just wait for the opportunity and don't try to do it faster than it naturally happens.
2. Look for opportunities! If there are a few tanks left on both teams, and the other team has a heavy/arty/tank destroyer, you might be able to make a base capture.
3. Tier 1 is possible, but only on certain maps. Mines is a good option, Province is pretty much NEVER EVER going to work unless the enemy is AFK.
4. The longer you survive in your matches, the better chance of getting this achievement, so, figure on getting this with Heavy/Medium/TD's. Light tanks and Artillery just aren't built for this, although you might get a very very random match where it actually works.
5. If it comes down to a 1v1, try to figure out where the enemy tank is. If it's a slow tank, then you have a very good chance of doing this, but pick your capture location very carefully. My last Invader medal happened when I was 1v1 in a Tier 6 Chinese Medium vs a British Tier 6 AT6. He didn't have enough time to get back to their base... almost. He had time to get off one shot but I was hiding behind a destroyed tank. LOL. Alternatively, tracking Tank Destroyers can help you capture. If they can't shoot you because they can't turn, then you're safe.. just don't kill them.

Another options that I didn't have available is possibly platooning this. Do it on a Tier 1 match, have your teammates wipe the map after letting your random teammates die, then have them either track the last enemy, or keep him busy while you capture. Still, quite luck based, but slightly better chances!

If anyone has any tips, please add them in the comments!! This was a pain to get.

06 Aug 2015 19:13

Do you know whether there's a tracker for this achievement? Captured 100/100 of the enemy's base once, but the achievement hasn't updated it to 33%.
By Itzz Sh0wt1m3 on 04 Sep 2015 18:08
You can go by your count of invader medals if you started playing this since the Xbox One version was released, otherwise your former count might mess that up. You can view your medals/ribbons under stats and that should show how many of the medals you have?
By Shadow 00 Fox on 04 Sep 2015 18:22
From my understanding, you have to catpure 80+ points, 3 times, in ONE MATCH. This must be the case or this achievement is glitched. So for you Itzz, getting 100/100 one match doesnt matter, you need to get 80-99 points 3 times in a single match.
By SinisterPledge on 13 Sep 2015 18:54
definitely not in one match--it's tied to getting the ribbon--if you get the ribbon, then you are 1/3rd of the way.
By Shadow 00 Fox on 13 Sep 2015 20:00
Sorry for the late reply, Thanks Shadow, ill have a look over there.
By Itzz Sh0wt1m3 on 13 Sep 2015 21:47
Hm. Bugged then.
By SinisterPledge on 14 Sep 2015 19:31
got this today...i agree what shadow said and be patient...just hang back and let every 1 fight reducing numbers on the feild..after a couple of minutes go to the side of the map and get to the enemy base..,it is luck based but having a full tank power when your in the base to fight of any players hanging back is key ..also i didnt get 1 capture with a tank above teir 6...5 and below is the way to go
By shammy1975 on 21 Feb 2016 22:06
IT IS bugged, just taken two flags of over 80 points in two matches and I should have the ach but it's not moved from my 33% that I was on. If two of you are on the flag and say you capture it with the full 100 points, does it give you both 100 points or does it give you both 50? Because I'm starting to think it's the second since it's not working.
Is it a late updater on the achievement or something? I've gotten 3+ captures since the ach came out and still nothing
By Monkeyman1188 on 03 Nov 2016 00:50
The flag capture points is divided by everyone capturing, minus the percentage since someone capturing was last hit... if that makes sense.

You get on the flag, capture 20%. Someone joins you. You'll end up with 60% and they'll have 40% of the total.
By Shadow 00 Fox on 03 Nov 2016 07:03
Btw, I mention that in my 2nd paragraph--if a teammate helps capture 41+ points, you're toast. Basically, you have to be on the flag until it hit's 60-61, otherwise you won't reach the required 80 if 1 teammate joins you.
By Shadow 00 Fox on 03 Nov 2016 07:09
Okay okay, so you must get the full 80 points yourself, alone. If you get to say 50 and someone else joins the flag, that means, you get 75 points because you only get half of the last 50? Just so it makes sense to me. Lol that's not fair though, so not fair.
By Monkeyman1188 on 03 Nov 2016 09:19
Yep, you've got it right, and no....... not fair. angry This was a very annoying achievement which is why I said to only go for it when the planets align and it's your sign. wink
By Shadow 00 Fox on 03 Nov 2016 16:11
And I've discovered that it must be on a base capture. I had the 100% solo, but there's that gap afterwards before it registers the win. My allies went chasing after the lone light and killed it, awarding us a victory by kills, not the capture. I was pissed. Do you know how long it takes to cross the entire map at 18km?
By Barrenechea on 04 May 2017 20:28
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Personally did this at the first tier, with the light tank. Would flank round the outside hoping to avoid to much contact but on the look out for defenders and then hope to hold the flag. Hopefully your team mates will keep the enemy occupied long enough to grab the full capture. Deff luck based. Found it easier on tier one due to less players.

02 Oct 2015 18:37