Worms 2: Armageddon

Worms 2: Armageddon

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How to unlock the Modernist achievement in Worms 2: Armageddon - Definitive Guide

Difficulty: Medium

This mission involves taking out four enemy worms as you protect a Vital Worm on your team. In order to obtain the trophy Last Worm Scout, you have to ensure that the Mayor receives no damage whatsoever. After your 8th turn, the remaining enemy worm(s) will use Armageddon, so ideally you will want to ensure that you take out them out before this happens.

Ignore the Utility Crates, as you don’t have time to use them. First, Jet Pack up to the worm on the left and use the Baseball Bat. This should knock the enemy worm into one of the other enemies towards the middle. When you get your next turn, use your Jet Pack again, only this time, fly towards the worm on the right. Place a grenade to the right of this worm so that the resulting explosion knocks him over to the left and into the water. Make sure to stand well clear, and set a long fuse time.

Now that the 4 enemy worms are well bunched together, you should be able to take them out with your remaining 6 turns. Make sure to combine your attacks so that they damage as many worms as possible (Bazooka and Grenades are ideal.) Once these enemy worms are killed you have completed the mission. Providing you complete it within 8 turns you will unlock this trophy.

Alternatively, if you’re having trouble killing the enemy worms in time, you can also Prod the Mayor into the small ditch to the left and collect the Utility Crates (Bridge Kit.) These can be used as fortification barriers to protect him if the Armageddon weapon is used.

Difficulty: Easy

With your first turn, use your Ninja Rope to fire across to the highest pumpkin, going over three enemy worms, and avoiding the three Mines in the process. Now, move up to the single worm on top of this pumpkin and use Fire Punch to hit him into the three mines ahead. This should detonate two of them, and the other will fall into the water.

The enemy will now start to attack you, most likely with a Bazooka, however it shouldn’t cause enough damage to kill you. As long as it doesn’t knock you back off of the highest pumpkin and into the three enemy worms to your left, then you’ll be fine. If it does, then you will need to restart. On your next turn, continue moving over to the right. When you are in line with the top of the stalk of the final pumpkin, fire your Ninja Rope and pull yourself onto it. Simply walk across and collect the Vital Crate to complete the mission.

Difficulty: Easy

Keep using Skip Go until you are in control of your fourth worm, which starts on top of the animal on the right side of the map. By the time it is this worm’s turn, it shouldn’t have received too much damage. However, if it has less than 50 health at this point, then restart. With this worm, use the Blowtorch to cut through to the other side of the animal’s head. Once through, retreat back into your tunnel and take cover.

All you now have to do is keep using Skip Go with your other worms until you take control of the worm in the Blowtorch tunnel again. If for whatever reason this worm is killed whilst waiting for your next turn with it, you’ll need to restart. By now, the Vital Crate should have dropped, so when you next control the worm in the Blowtorch tunnel, simply move across to the left and pick up the Vital Crate to complete the mission

Difficulty: Easy

This is a simple Deathmatch style mission in which you must kill all the enemy worms. It shouldn’t pose too much of a challenge as your worms all start in very advantageous positions and the enemy is very inaccurate throughout this mission. Make good use of the Grenades and Petrol Bombs that you are given, as they can be used to move the enemy worms into the conveniently placed mines surrounding them. With your worm that starts on the right hand side of the map, you can move him towards the centre of the map to the enemy worms if you feel you need to by using just one Girder between the second and third flowers to the right. This worm can then provide very accurate attacks on the enemy worms with the Uzi, Grenade or Fire Punch.

If all else fails, simply keep your worms in their starting positions and use Petrol Bombs and Grenades until they are killed. The enemy shouldn’t be able to hit you too often, which also makes this a very efficient way of dealing with this level if you are accurate with thrown weapons.


For the trophy Can’t be Rocked, you have to collect the crate at the far side of the map and receive no damage. With your first turn, use your Jet Pack to fly up to the top of the mushroom that you start underneath. Move to the very top and then keep going to the right until you get to the end of the first white patch. Now here’s the tricky part - with your Uzi, you need to shoot at the two mines nearest to you on top of the next mushroom. The objective is to move them out of the way, so that they roll down the mushroom and hit the enemy worm nearest you. If they don’t, then you need to restart.

When the enemy takes its next go, it should shoot the two mines nearest to it. This will either make them roll down and kill the enemy worm on the ground, or put them into a dip in the mushroom. For your next turn, move just a little further down on the mushroom and Skip Go. If you failed to kill the worm beneath you it will be its turn, although you should have inflicted enough damage to kill it. You will now need to keep skipping your turn until the enemy worms have shot enough at the Mines to either move them out of the way or place them in a ditch that can be jumped over. Once the Mines are safely scattered, make your way over to this mushroom.

Climb to the peak of the mushroom and select your Parachute from the inventory (make sure that the wind strength is at least three arrows to the right before attempting this next jump.) Backflip and immediately activate your Parachute, ensuring that you guide yourself over to the right using the analogue sticks. If you make it over to the final mushroom with the Vital Crate on it, you can simply walk over and collect it. If not, then drop down to the small mushroom with the Utility Crate (Teleport.) You can also use this to transport yourself to the Vital Crate and collect it that way.