Worms 2: Armageddon

Worms 2: Armageddon

75 Achievements


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Ranked Master

Ranked Master

Achieve 17 wins in each of the following ranked game modes: Standard, Pro, Crazy Crates and Fort.


How to unlock the Ranked Master achievement in Worms 2: Armageddon - Definitive Guide

EDIT, April 2012: Apparently the game has been patched to award wins even if the other player quits. This may no longer be the most efficient way to win or even boost. View comments for more info, reply with any additional advice for each other. GLHF.

To get this achievement, you can ether play legitimately (which will take a LONG time) or boost (which will still take a decent amount of time).

I chose the boost option, and here are some hints for how to boost with a friend. If you are planning on playing legitimately, it will still be very helpful to take note of this first thing:

Record your wins! The worms recording system records games when the enemy quit as a win, but they do not count towards the achievement! >:(

Why you should keep your own record of Wins/not-really-wins-due-to-quitters:
When you are trying to get this achievement, you will not know how many wins you have that count towards the achievement vs. don't count towards the achievement. If you don't keep track you will not know when to switch to the next gametype.

This is what happened to my friend and me: (I had never played multiplayer online when we started boosting, he had played appropriately 15 games, some recorded as wins).
we boost for several hours over a few different days, each getting 17 wins in each lobby. on my last 17, the achievement unlocks. but for him, it did not. We could not figure out why until we figured out (by asking around) that sometimes (all the time?) enemy quitting is recorded as a win but does not count towards the achievement. Because we did not know what wins did or did not count, we had to go play another 10-20 games (spread across all the gametypes) in order for his achievement to unlock.

TL;DR version:
record your wins on a piece of paper or something. Quitters =/= wins.

Ok, now that I am done talking about that, here are some hints for boosting...
- Get in a party chat, both have microphones, etc...
- If you are having trouble finding each other (finding others instead): Have one person 'hold' (fill up) the hosting spot of the other person, while the other searches (trying to get a 'no matches found, want to create? y/n').
- If you are having trouble getting your friend into the lobby you have hosted... Wait to hit 'yes i want to host a lobby' until your boosting buddy is ready to search. Then host/search at approx. the same time.
- Approx time for boosting: 4-6 hours (it was over a few different days, so im not sure exactly. But this did include getting the sheep achievement)
- Surrender - it does not count as quitting, so the other person gets the win. (obviously faster than killing all your worms one-by-one).
- When going back into the 'custom search', if you accidentally hit the other one (i think it is quick match) be aware that it resets the gametype you are searching for back to standard. (which would make it hard to find your boosting buddy if you were trying to do fort, crazy creates or pro.)
- the game sometimes gets really laggy when searching, or canceling a search. you can always quit to dashboard if needed.
- the game sometimes crashes. No idea why (happened once to both my friend and I, when we were searching at different times)
- when surrendering, just remember: B+Up+Left+A+A (brings up weapon selection, goes to the bottom left item, goes to surrender, picks surrender, uses surrender).

If you have any additional questions, comments, concerns, or love, please comment or message :)

02 Aug 2009 09:53

This is a good solution. The white flag surrender trick! I like it!
By Shemp Howard on 07 Jun 2010 21:44
To add a little bit more...This guide was filled with useful information. Thanks so much! I will be using your solution tips when I go for this achievement.
By Shemp Howard on 07 Jun 2010 21:51
You can check the status of "Ranked Master" from the "Achievements" option on the main menu, so you wasted your time playing matches blindly for your friend.
By The Nerevarine on 12 Jul 2010 06:49
@The Nerevarine - Its been a long time since I've played this, but I'm 95% sure that the achievement progress bar only tells you how many total ranked matches you've won, and does not split it down based on gametype, therefore it is impossible to tell which gametype you still need matches in without blindly playing different gametypes.
By Flammmy on 15 Jul 2010 19:59
The Nerevarine is correct.

At the start of each match your win totals all wins for that category including ones where the people have quit

But if you go into the main menu - achievements - rank master it breaks down just the recorded wins for each category. If you edit that in it'll make your solution even better IMO.
By dancrozier on 21 Jul 2010 12:45
This is good news to know my friends...With you folks telling everyone how to check for the wins I think I will get me a partner to get these done now.
By Shemp Howard on 20 Nov 2010 23:44
Any idea if quitting still doesn't count as a win? It's getting very old with all the quitters and poor sports.
By DragonFangDan on 20 Jan 2011 00:28
No idea, sorry. Have not played this game after beating it (about when I posted this guide original)
By Flammmy on 22 Jan 2011 01:27
Gotta say, all these f'ing quitters are really getting annoying. I can't keep track of progress anymore b/c my numbers are all screwed up. This is a great game, but the community stinks. From my experience, most of the people who play online are d-bags.
By DragonFangDan on 23 Jan 2011 22:48
Ran into the inaccurate lobby count problem. I can confirm that quitting still adds to the lobby count and that the "Achievements" tab in the main menu has the accurate count.

The Nerevarine, you've got issues.
By UIS Aquaguyy on 03 Apr 2011 04:47
StoneyMcCronic, Thanks again for the awesome reply. Just finished reading your reply to my Audiophile achievement for Halo ODST.

Thanks for the confirmation, again.
By Flammmy on 06 Apr 2011 01:47
not a huge fan of suggesting people to boost in ranked matches??? ... an achievement that requires you to play ranked matches ..... what does he has to suggest???? PLAYER matches???
Sick of joining matches where the host quits???
Be glad that that host maybe thinks: "Hey, sorry man, I quit out immediately, right away; I'm boosting" ... rather have that than playing 'for real' against a crybaby or d-bag that eventually quits out ...
By ComesBrothers on 20 Jun 2011 05:36
I've got multiple xboxes, so can do that "have-an-arcade-game-for-free-on-another-account" trick. I think I'll (we'll) maybe get this game; it looks pretty easy to complete, so ...
sorry in advance to those that'll experience quitting by me, .... but uhhm usually we don't have that much trouble finding each other (with our accounts) ...
Useful guide and will surely upvote as soon as I am able to!
By ComesBrothers on 20 Jun 2011 05:42
This game is absolutely horrible for attempting to boost. I just ran a session and my partner and I only matched up like 5-6 times in an hour. Luckily, we both managed an achievement out of it, but overall, the matchmaking system is terribly, terribly flawed.
By Rhyolitic on 05 Oct 2011 02:15
How is the matchmaking terribly, terribly flawed? Is it because you couldn't find your boosting partner?! Well, that's the point. You're not supposed to find them in a ranked match regularly because it's, you guessed it, ranked! Sick of all these quitters and even more so people boosting ranked matches for any game.

Be glad that the hosts quits immediately rather than playing for "real" against a crybaby? OK, sure...
By Tw1std Nitem4re on 28 Feb 2012 05:15
I can confirm that quitting will count as a win for the other player. This will save you some time. I used a combination of quitting out and surrender (if the losing player got to go first). I even quit out on the 17th victory and the achievement popped. Check the achievements from the main menu. It appears to be always accurate. Apparently this was not always the case. I read that a patch last year made it so that quitting counts.
By NBA Kirkland on 01 Mar 2012 00:39
I posted an earlier comment on the other guide about quitting not counting, but I am happily wrong about that. I had this fish quit on me very early in the match when he would make mistakes and the achievement counter kept going up. Nice. Almost there, just a few more matches...
By Tw1std Nitem4re on 01 Mar 2012 22:03
I'm glad they patched this because at/around release it was quite impossible to get this given how people would just quit out (not even maliciously) because they knew they were going to lose. I'll add edit at the top of my solution.
By Flammmy on 26 Apr 2012 07:55
So I'm curious if anyone else has had issues with just one mode. I'm double boxing this and have no problems with Ranked Crazy Crates, Pro, and Standard. I connect with Ranked Forts. "Search" waits a long time, then asks to create a game. No one can join (my other account as well). Both do the same..."search" for about 1 full minute, then asks to create a game..
Constructive Help/Advice appreciated! Thanks!
By EnbukanSquirrel on 03 Jun 2015 14:43
EDIT: Standard 17/17, Pro 17/17, Fort 17/17, Crazy Crates 17/17. This was tedious and boring but finally got it.
By Orran Durai on 13 Feb 2020 07:57
I'm looking to get this and the other multiplayer achievements. Probably will take multiple sessions to do. Message me if interested in working together on these.
By Dark Wander3r on 24 Apr 2021 14:42
I don't think the servers work anymore. I tried loading 3 sessions for 20 minutes each only for all 3 times to tell me "session not available". So I dont think this is available.
By millertyme12487 on 03 Jul 2021 03:03
Just pointing out - this game's servers are absolutely ATROCIOUS, the only reason this achievement takes about 4-5 hours of constant grinding is because you'll mostly spend the time trying to get in a lobby with your friend to begin with. Every single time we returned back to the menu we kept getting "A network error occurred. Press A to continue." pop ups, it's still possible but REALLY slow and boring
By KindredT7 on 26 Aug 2022 23:47
It took 4 hours and 45 minutes to get one pro victory, 25 sheeps and this achievement. I confirm that surrender works.

If you try to create a game or search for a game too quickly, it shows a network error. So the host can wait a little then try. The booster can wait about 50 seconds before attempting to find the host.

The in-game tracker is accurate, but the one from the main menu (select “achievements”), not the one from pre-match that may show wins from people quitting the game before the game was patched.
By Moe GZ on 25 Feb 2024 00:48
Ok, well I've been playing daily and I'm 100% sure it shows you the 4 game types and how many you've completed. Why would you call me a liar when you could simply boot the game and verify?

I'm also not a huge fan of suggesting people to boost in ranked matches, I'm sick of joining a match and having the host quit over and over again looking for their boosting partner that never shows up.

All in all, I'm not a huge fan of your suggestions or your replies.
By The Nerevarine on 15 Jul 2010 23:39
While quitting does work, you still need to manually save your game as well. I lost a couple of wins on Standard because I didn't save. Not a big deal, just a heads up.
By MH The Rockstar on 03 May 2012 16:40
Yes, if you are going to do this in more than one session, make sure you save (on the main menu, under help & options). I lost a lot of wins toward the achievement by not doing this. It shows all my wins in the lobby of the matches, but the achievement list on the main menu had lost most of my progress. :(
By Hords on 20 Feb 2013 19:07
if your game freezes and you have to reset you'll lose all progress since your last completed game, I lost 20 games that way
By xCENAxMOD on 07 Nov 2023 02:08
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You need to win 17 times in each of the playlists listed in the achievement. You can get this by playing legit and beating people which will take a long time or you can boost this by searching for a room and usually you dont find one and then telling your boosting partner to search for the same type of room. You should probably prefer each other so it makes things easier. After you get in the same room the person who is not going for the achievement needs to use the "Surrender" weapon, its the white flag. According to new information Quitting will now count towards the achievement. (As of March 2nd 2012)

06 Jul 2009 15:02

One note about this achievement: I went to a friend's house and recovered my gamertag on his xbox so that I could earn achievemets there. Well, when I got home and recovered my gamertag on my xbox, all of the ranked matches I won went to 0. Xbox LIVE showed that I still had over 17 wins on all of the playlists, but the hard drive showed 0. You need to win 17 ranked matches on each of the playlists without recovering your gamertag on another system, or start over from scratch.
By fragilesound on 21 Jul 2009 18:00
if you have no skill at worms i suppose this solution would work for you
By MANNIK on 24 Jul 2009 08:47
Just to say that the achievement can now be obtained by quitting. Just got it :)
By Trist and Sea on 06 Jan 2010 01:41
Had at least 23 wins in each and no achievement. Played a standard ranked match yesterday and opponent quit. Bingo 30gs. About time
By TEEMOS MAYHEM on 06 Jan 2010 10:49
fragilesound, notice that every achievement is unlocked by a save in the hard drive/memory card, so by creating another save in your friend's xbox, all your actions (wins in this case) stay in that save, just so you understand what happened.
By Redodua on 29 Jan 2010 03:42
This is a good solution. The white flag surrender trick! I like it!
By Shemp Howard on 07 Jun 2010 21:43
Based on the tracker from the in-menu achievement list, I don't think people quitting counts as wins toward Ranked Master. They're wins for the leaderboards but not for the achievement.
By Tw1std Nitem4re on 28 Feb 2012 05:02
I can confirm that quitting will count as a win for the other player. This will save you some time. I used a combination of quitting out and surrender (if the losing player got to go first). I even quit out on the 17th victory and the achievement popped. Check the achievements from the main menu. It appears to be always accurate. Apparently this was not always the case. I read that a patch (last year?) made it so that quitting counts.
By NBA Kirkland on 01 Mar 2012 00:41
Ditto. I was wrong, thankfully!
By Tw1std Nitem4re on 01 Mar 2012 22:04
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This can be done in about 3 hours using the surrender method. The player that starts the match seems to be picked at random. It will save time if the player who starts the match always surrenders instead of trading off wins. The total wins will be close to even by the time each player reaches 17 wins. I only had to catch up 3 wins at the most once my partner reached 17 wins when we both started at zero. If I was picked to start the match after my partner had 17 wins I would skip to him and let him surrender. Very quick. We also found that Sheep are instantly available in the forts mode which allow for quick release instead of waiting 3 rounds as in standard mode when going for the cheeky flocker achievement. Hope this helps and saves you time. HAPPY BOOSTING

25 Apr 2013 08:58

For this achievement, you must win 17 RANKED games in the following playlists: Standard, Pro, Crazy Crates and Fort. This will take quite a long time if you play solo, but if you boost with a friend, it can be achieved much quicker.

To boost, you and your friend must search for the same playlist and the same time. If you get paired with someone else, quit and search again. When you have found your friend, start the game. The person who is NOT going for the achievement should surrender. To surrender, bring up the weapon panel with and select the white flag that is in the bottom right corner. Close the weapons panel and press . The other player will automatically win the game and have 1 win in that playlist. Repeat his procedure 17 times for each playlist. In total, you will have to do this method 68 times for the achievement.

Please note that the game will NOT count as a win if the other player quits the game.

This trophy is self-explanatory and will come over time. You can look at your Save File to see how many ranked games you have one, but bear in mind that this is only an overall figure, and thus does not tell you how many wins you have in each mode. Therefore, I would recommend that you keep a record of your wins yourself.
You can get it by playing with a friend in 2 hours: select Custom match -> Standart mode and enter the game, until the game server asks you to create a game lobby, your friend constantly tries to enter until he gets into your game. You start the game, your friend surrenders on his first turn (there is a white flag in the list of weapons), repeat the entire procedure in each mode 17 times (Standart, Pro, Fort, Crazy Crates)

15 Oct 2010 10:33

17 victories must be achieved in EACH of the modes: standard, pro, crazy boxes and fort.

12 Sep 2010 14:48