Worms 2: Armageddon

Worms 2: Armageddon

75 Achievements


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Complete Retro 16-20


How to unlock the Retrograde! achievement in Worms 2: Armageddon - Definitive Guide

Difficulty: Hard

This mission is one of the hardest in the set to complete, and you’ll need to execute some patience and strategic play in order to finish it. Before you begin, it should be noted that this mission is much easier if you are able collect the two Health Crates located in the middle of the map with one of your worms. It is recommended that you have only one of your worms collect them, as one high powered worm will actually be far more beneficial to you here rather than two mid-powered worms. Also note that the enemy worm called “Cruetzfeldt” is trapped and will only use Poison Strike attacks on you if the match time has elapsed far enough. Because Poison Strike can only whittle your health down to 1, but not actually kill you, it is recommended that you leave this enemy worm until last.

Start out by aiming for the enemy worm situated above “Crutezfeldt” either with a Bazooka or Grenade. You’ll want to try and get this worm off of the high ground, because he is a deadly foe up there. Don’t worry if it takes a few turns to do this – as long as he dies or falls off, then you’ll be fine.
With your second worm, move down and collect the two Health Crates located near the enemy worm called “Frederick” Now you’ll want to shoot him using whichever weaponry you feel appropriate.

Back with your first worm, you’re going to want to aim for the two worms located next to each other. Try and throw a Grenade in there and get the two Mines to detonate. It’s not essential to do this, but it will help.

Now that the enemy worms are not in their original positions, it should be slightly easier to finish them off. It is still by no means easy, so think strategically and try to pick the worms off one at a time. You only have three Grenades in this mission, so if you run out, you may wish to consider making your way over to the enemy and using the Bazooka on them. Whatever you do, do not touch “Crutezfeldt” until all of the other worms are disposed of.

After a while, you’ll notice that “Crutezfeldt” will start using Poison Strikes on you. Ideally, you need to have killed all of the other enemy worms before this happens; otherwise it is going to be a lot harder for you. Use your Blowtorch to dig yourself a path to “Crutezfeldt” and then simply continue to use Bazookas on him until he dies. You don’t need to worry too much about exposing him, because he is extremely likely to only use Poison Strikes on you. However, make sure that you have a means of escape just in case he changes his mind and uses a different weapon against you.

Difficulty: Medium

Those who played this in the original Worms: Armageddon game will remember this mission as a particularly challenging one. Fortunately, it is now much easier than its PS1 counterpart.

Start out by collecting the three weapon crates in front of you (Fire Punch, Gas Pump and Grenade.) On your next turn, jump across to the polar bear and use your Jet Pack to fly up and collect the weapon crate on the polar bear's head (Uzi.) If you're able to, try and fly over in small thrusts and over to the sleigh which contains an additional weapon crate (Electromagnet.) Don't worry if you cannot get to the Electromagnet, because it is not essential to completing the mission.

You will now need to break the ice bridge and clear a path to the enemy worm. Skip your go, and the enemy should try to fire a Bazooka at you, opening up a gap in the process. If you weren’t able to collect the Electromagnet, then you’re going to need to drop down and Fire Punch the enemy into the water. If you did collect the Electromagnet, then you can set it to attract and drop it down into the enemy area. All you'll then need to do is throw a Grenade (assuming you didn't use it earlier,) which will instantly stick to the magnet and finish him off. Any of these options are suitable, but if you find that they don't work, then you still have a Grenade and Uzi at your disposal.

Difficulty: Easy

You only have five turns to complete this level before the vital crate drops into the water. You don’t need to kill any of the enemy worms here, so make collecting the crate and preventing it from falling into the water your main priority.

On your first turn, use the Blowtorch and dig upwards towards the Mine. Once your Blowtorch has run out, immediately walk underneath the Mine to set it off and retreat to a safe distance. The reason for doing this is twofold – firstly, you’ll want to make an opening to the main land to save wasting another turn breaking through to there, and secondly, the small crate will provide protection from the enemy worms.

Once the enemy worm has skipped his turn (this one always does this,) then Teleport into the crater that was recently created by your first worm. Make sure that you are not in direct sight of the enemy worm to the right.

It is likely that the enemy worm will use some sort of thrown weapon against you here, which is the best situation to be in. If you did not have the protection of the crater, the enemy would have sent you flying off of the edge and into the water with an Uzi.

Next, you’ll see a notification on screen stating that this is your last turn to prepare for the incoming crate. Simply place a Girder on the very edge of the map which will prevent the vital crate from falling into the water and collect it on your next turn.

Difficulty: Medium

Start out by positioning yourself underneath the enemy worm and using the Fire Punch to send him flying into the water. Next, Blowtorch your way through the tree, but continue digging and make a small tunnel into the land in order to protect yourself from enemy fire.

On your next turn, backflip up to the top of the tree and collect the Utility Crate (Bridge Kit.) Use this to build yourself a network of bridges leading up to the top of the train. Once you’ve finished, make sure to retreat back into your small tunnel to protect yourself.

After the enemy worms have stopped firing at you, make your way to the top of the train. If you’re lucky, the enemy worm may have already disposed of the mine in front of you by firing an inaccurate shot at you earlier. If not, then use the two shots granted to you by the Shotgun to move it out of the way.

Next, make your way over and drop down to the second Utility Crate (Jet Pack.) Use this to fly over the lights and collect the Vital Crate. Make sure that you don’t use all of your fuel at once and fly up in small thrusts.

Difficulty: Hard

The final mission in the DLC pits you against dozens of enemy worms. Being severely outnumbered, you’re going to have to play a tactical game in order to win this one. Start out by using your Uzi and shooting the three worms directly to your left. If done correctly, they will be knocked into the Mines and at least one of them should die.

Next, you’re going to want to focus on the two worms situated on the letter “A.” Use a Bazooka to knock both of them into the ditch between letters. This should get them out of the way for a while, thus buying you more time. After, you should turn your attention to the three worms located at the far end of the map on the number “7.” Use either a Banana Bomb or Holy Hand Grenade to kill as many of them as you can.

You may notice that your health is starting to get considerably lower now, but try to hold on if possible and take out at least one enemy worm located in the ditch between the letters “E” and “A.” If your health drops below 45, then use your Teleport to collect the Health Crate contained inside the letter “A.”

Once you’ve collected the crate, it’s best to stay where you are and pick off any remaining worms. You may wish to use your Blowtorch to dig yourself an opening out, or you can use your Aerial attacks and wait for the enemy to chip away and make an opening for you. The best way to kill the enemy worms is to drown them, and this should be your main priority. Remember to be patient, and don’t make any foolish moves in an attempt to speed things up, as you have plenty of time to complete this mission.