Worms 2: Armageddon

Worms 2: Armageddon

75 Achievements


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Stuck in the 90s

Stuck in the 90s

Complete Retro 11-15


How to unlock the Stuck in the 90s achievement in Worms 2: Armageddon - Definitive Guide

Difficulty: Easy

This is a very straightforward mission. With your first turn, you need to use the Bridge Kit to get across the first gap. Place up to four of the Girders across the gap and the rest over the enemy worm beneath, which will prevent him from being able to attack you during the enemy’s next turn.

Repeat this method for the next two gaps (you are given three Bridge Kits in total, so have plenty of Girders to make it across.) Once you reach the Vital Worm, stand a good distance away and shoot the oil barrel with your Shotgun. The explosion should then send him flying into the water. Mission Complete!

Difficulty: Medium

For the trophy Leave No Worm Behind, you must complete this mission with all three of your worms still alive. However, this is not as difficult as it may first seem. There are a number of Mines scattered around the landscape which you can use against the enemy worms, and you have two Health Crates nearby if a worm of yours starts to get low on health. Remember that you will need to move your enemy worms away from any water edge so that you lower the risk of them drowning, because the enemy is fairly accurate here.

The hardest part about this mission is that you only have 20 seconds per turn, so you will need to be quick. Start out by using your Bazooka on the first enemy worm called “Ames.” The impact should knock him into at least one Mine and instantly kill him. With your next turn, it is recommended that you remain on your cow, but move as fair over to the right as possible so that you don’t get knocked into the water. Again, a Bazooka is ideal for disposing of the second enemy worm named “Mather,” but killing him is not essential. Your third worm should use the Blowtorch to dig through the landscape to the right in order to make a tunnel so your other worms can retreat into once they’ve fired their weapons.

Once you have established a reasonably safe underground network, it is up to you how you choose to dispose of the enemy worms. You have a Homing Missile, Banana Bomb and Holy Hand Grenade in your inventory which can cause havoc if placed in good positions. You may also choose to make your way over to the enemy if any areas of their terrain have been destroyed and will allow access. Dynamite will come in very useful and is almost guaranteed to be a one-hit kill if you can get close enough. However, remember that you only have 20 seconds per turn, so you need to judge whether or not you can get close to the enemy, cause damage and then retreat to a safe distance after doing so. The best way to make your way over to the enemy would be to use your Blowtorch to dig underneath the landscape. Don’t leave yourself out in the open, as you will be an easy target and quickly killed. If any of your worms fall below 50 health, then have them retreat back into the very first tunnel dug by your third worm and keep them there as a precaution.

Difficulty: Medium

In order to obtain the We Don't Need Roads trophy, you must complete this mission without using the Bridge Kit. The only damaging weapon that can be used in this entire mission (both by you and the enemy) is the Bazooka. Although you cannot use the Bridge Kit, you do have two Parachutes which will be vital to making your way over to the worm named “Bunga,” who is by far the hardest to kill in this mission. However, before you attempt to infiltrate the enemy’s territory, make sure that you take out the two worms located here first. This shouldn’t be too difficult, as they are not always accurate, but please note that if any of your worms fall into the ditch below with the Health Crate, either kill them or restart the mission. This is a very bad place to be with only a Bazooka, and you’ll effectively be trapped, wasting a turn in the process.

Once the two worms have been killed, wait for the wind to be blowing to the left with at least two arrows of strength. Backflip by double tapping the square18x18.png button, and instantly release your Parachute and use the left Analog stick to guide yourself over. Your main objective will be to make it over to where the enemy is located and parachute down to him, although you can also use the Bazooka to slowly take chunks of the terrain and gain access to him this way.

Difficulty: Medium

The trophy Child's Play requires you to complete this mission without your Vital Worm (the Toy Master) taking any damage. You will need to show some good Grenade skills here, as it’ll be the main weapon that you’ll be using. The Toy Master is reasonably well protected; however you may wish to use some Girders to further fortify his position, because he is the enemy’s number one target and they will do anything to get to him. If possible, try and aim the Grenades so that it knocks the enemy worms into Mines and even better, into a ditch where they will be trapped. You’ll notice that the worm named “Barry” is trapped, however this will not be for long, as he will use his Shotgun to blast his way out. When he’s made an opening, use a Dynamite on him which should result in an instant death. If not, simply continue to throw Grenades at him until he dies.

It is most likely that you’ll need to change the timing of your Grenades (pressing the Triangle18x18.png button) to adapt to certain situations. For example, if you’re aiming at an enemy out in the open, a 1 or 2 second Grenade should be enough, whereas you may wish to use a 5 second Grenade at a worm in a ditch so that it rolls in before exploding.

Difficulty: Hard

In order to obtain the Crate Fishing trophy, you will need to collect all weapon crates on the battlefield. The hardest part of this mission is not actually collecting all of these crates, but rather completing it. Ammo is very scarce here, and there’s a chance that you’ll run out completely, in which case you will need to restart.

Begin the mission by using two Blowtorches to dig yourself out of your area and into the open. Next, you will need to use the Super Sheep to fly around and collect as many of the crates as possible. This is not an easy task, and you may end up accidentally destroying some of them, however don’t worry if this happens. Firstly, you have two Super Sheep so can try again, and secondly, you can actually destroy the crates and still obtain the trophy. As long as there are no crates remaining on the field at the end of the mission, then you will obtain the trophy. Ideally, you will want to collect a Holy Hand Grenade, Banana Bomb, Airstrike and Bunker Buster from the crates (any other weapons are a bonus) and then inflict damage on an enemy worm; however the damage is not mandatory. If you don’t have at least three of these weapons, then restart the mission, because you will run out of ammo.
Once you’ve built up your arsenal, take care of the worm directly in front of you by Fire Punching him into the water. Next, use either a Holy Hand Grenade or a Banana Bomb on the second worm slightly over to your right. Ideally, you’ll want him to die, but if he doesn’t and there isn’t a direct path to him, then restart.

Afterwards, you can use your Aerial-based attacks to chip away at the remaining two worms (try and get the two mines to detonate, as this will really help.) Next, you’ll notice that ammo is becoming scarce now, so you will need to make an opening to the enemy and get in closer. Make your way over to where the second worm was, and use the Blowtorch to make a path over to them.
You have three Shotguns, so use these to finish off the remaining two worms. You’ll notice that the enemy located to the far right will start trying to shoot you, but will end up making a tunnel in the process. Wait until the tunnel is complete before using your own Shotgun to finish him off.