WWE 13
48 Achievements
You can't let down your guard
Land a Catch Finisher (single player, Exhibition Mode only). Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the You can't let down your guard achievement in WWE 13 - Definitive Guide
I did this in less than a minute.
You have to catch an opponent in mid-air with a finisher. I know you can do this with these wrestlers
1-Chris Jericho
2-Both Undertakers
3-Both Kanes
4-Randy Orton Thanks to Srl Klr for letting me know about this one.
5-CM Punk
6-Shawn Michales
7-Mark Henry
8-Big Show
Edit- To make this easier lower the difficulty.
You need to have a finisher Icon and when the opponent jumps off the top rope or does a springboard(Jumps off the ropes while still in the ring. Press Y to do your finisher.(Edit You can Spam the Y button it does not have to be pushed once)
Now there is literally a split second when you can do this so it will take practice. But you will know its possible when there character jumps and you see the Y Icon come up under there character and it says OMG or Finisher.
To help with getting this What i did is. Irish whip them in the corner (Press B and the direction of the corner to throw them)
Walk up to them and press UP on the RIGHT stick.(this should raise them to the top turnbuckle)
And wait for them to recover and jump at you. That is the fastest way I can think of to get them in the right position. I did it with Undertaker VS Rey Mysterio.
Edit- Gunrunner318 says that he got it while the computer jump at him while he was outside the ring. So you can get it inside or out...
Note- That when you are selecting your characters you can give yourself unlimited Finishers.
I hope this helps. If you need more help please let me know before down voting thank you.
when i did this match Bryan had a tendency of leaving the ring then when he was going to re-enter the ring he would get on the apron and jump in at me.... seems like it such a small opening to hit the Y button so if you miss it the first time be patient it will come in time.
Make sure Punk has infinite finishers as well makes it easier instead of trying to build up finishers for ths OMG moment
Catch finishers are new for WWE '13, and they are very difficult to achieve. I would recommend picking Undertaker and putting him against either Justin Gabriel, Hunico, Rey Mysterio or Sin Cara.
Next you will need to build momentum, before the match starts change momentum rate to high if you are having any difficulty doing this (My WWE -> Gameplay -> Momentum Rate).
Then when you have a finisher, hold to perform a stronger Irish Whip, try to stand near the ropes if possible. Your opponent will get up, and should perform an apron attack. Then when he is in the air, press
at the perfect time to catch your opponent and perform your finisher. This may take quite a few tries for the AI to jump into the ring off the apron. Just be patient, and eventually the AI will jump into the ring off the apron.
This one can be difficult. The easiest way it to use a Superstar of your choice (I used Randy Orton, as his makes it look so smooth and quick) and went against Justin Gabriel (Rey Mysterio is also a good choice). Stand close to the ropes and throw your opponent into the closest rope. he will grab on and stay on the apron. Let him come to, and stand somewhat close. He will try a maneuver over the ropes. As soon as he leaves the mat for his jump, you will see the OMG!' pop up under you. Thats where the difficulty of this comes in. You have about .1-.3 seconds to click that
. Best of Luck.