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How to unlock the MVP achievement in XDefiant - Definitive Guide

There is a lot of ways to go about doing these medals, but I'll put what I used.

M249 (obviously with whatever attachments you are comfortable with, I constantly changed mine).
Any Secondary (I didn't use mine at all basically).
Sticky Grenade (or Frag Grenade).
Ghost Recon Phantoms Faction, using the Mag Barrier.

As for the game modes, you have multiple options. If you are good at getting kills, you could run Hot Shot, it's similar to Kill Confirmed in Call of Duty. What I did instead, was make a playlist with only Zone Control, and Occupy, and use the Mag Barrier at the objective points to get points for defending, getting as many kills as possible while also playing the objective. Kills while on the objective give more points.
Zone Control is similar to Rush in the Battlefield games.
Occupy is basically Call of Duty's Hardpoint game mode.
One last thing to mention, YOU DON'T NEED TO WIN THE GAME TO GET THE MEDAL, two of my three MVP medals were in games where my team lost.
Good Luck.

29 May 2024 01:55

A decent guide which annoys me about the neg votes.
By Har Miggido on 31 May 2024 11:14
I feel it man, I try to be helpful, but I'm sure people have their reasons.
By grizzly861 on 31 May 2024 16:17
Excellent guide, I used this setup and got it on domination and escort
By HowieX on 23 Jul 2024 16:27
You really need to get this done early. Finding impossible now.
Times im hitting 7k in score, with alot of points to Objective and support, yet still beated by ppl with high k/d. Ive seen ppl with scores of 9-10k, just cant get that close.
By FroZeNSouL on 01 Aug 2024 16:41
Seems to be buggy and only unlocked for me after getting MVP in 3 separate game modes. I had 4 MVPs between domination and hot shot with no achievement. I then got one in occupy and that popped it
By ZilchMass on 02 Aug 2024 19:49
I can confirm it needs 3 different game modes...
I did: 2xDomination,1xHotshot and 1xEscort that unlocked it.
By tntiseverywere on 29 Sep 2024 19:40
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The other guide is about using the Welcome Playlist, which works but you get SBBM here so if you do well your lobbies get harder. And at the moment there is a lot of good players farming kills in that playlist. I completed this on the Domination mode, which awards you with a lot of points simply for capturing one of the zones. Move to the enemy spawn and capture the zone there, since most people are conflicting the middle zone.

23 May 2024 17:06

Thank you this was definitely the easiest method! Finished first in 3 out of 5 games.
By DeLpHo114 on 23 May 2024 20:46
This method worked for me even in the Welcome Playlist. FYI even after getting the requirements it took 2-3 matches before the achievement popped.
By neocringer on 27 May 2024 17:11
Got MVP at least 10 times and tracker is stuck on 66%
By Rolodium on 30 May 2024 03:21
Mine stuck at 66% too. I was MVP for like 13 times or more
By BringMeAmmo on 30 May 2024 12:15
Mines also stuck have 7 mvps 🤦🏻
By Grey on 04 Jun 2024 01:33
If you’re having trouble try playing a different game mode other than the one your using to get the achievement I had 2/3 on hot shot and gotten well over 10 mvps on that mode and haven’t unlocked it but Reddit suggested that you play a different game mode and a lot of people are confirming that is what’s working for them to unlock the achievement hope this helps
By RacialBanana on 16 Jun 2024 17:24
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To complete this achievement, you need to finish 3 different match types as MVP.
MVP is the player with the highest score in a match no matter if you win or lose.
Here is a visual representation of the achievement for Escort, Domination and Hot Shot.

Some tips for each match types that will help you become the MVP:
Escort: (00:00)
The key here is to play the objective, either by pushing or defending the package.
Constantly pushing the package adds up to your score. You start with 50XP and it keeps increasing by 50XP each second you push. The longer you push the more you get. Reaching the objective gives you an additional 200XP.
Holding a shield while pushing gives you extra XP because everyone is shooting at you giving you massive 200XP blocking damage bonuses. EMP grenade helps accumulate even more XP as you destroy defenses around the package. Of course, kills and assist provide additional XP as for all match types.
Constantly defending the package while the enemy team pushes give you extra XP for your kill as you get the Defensive and Cleanse bonuses for 50XP each making each kill worth 200XP instead of 100XP. If you keep the enemy away from the package for a time, it will start retreating granting you 200XP. Being in the vicinity of the package defending it gives you 50XP and it increases the longer you are defending it.
Using a The Cleaners while defending makes the process easier as Incinerator Drone is ideal to clean the area netting you more kills and more bonuses. I used the sticky grenade as well so i could kill easier by sticking it to the package to kill the bystanders while they push...

Domination: (16:44)
The key here is to capture the points and keep defending them.
You get 25XP for each second you are capturing the point. If you kill people in a captured point area you get 50XP as Offensive bonus. Killing people in your captured point give you 50XP as Defensive bonus. Land mines really help to defend the already captured points netting you "free" defensive bonus kills while fighting elsewhere. In order to score more points, you have to constantly be involved in and around the capture areas, killing, capturing and defending...

Hot Shot: (23:28)
The key here is to keep collecting the bounties to become a Hot Shot. While a hot shot each bounty you get nets you even more XP.
Each bounty pickup worth 50XP, killing an enemy Hot Shot give you 200XP. If you become the Hot Shot the XP increases by 10XP as the time passes. Every 10 bounties you collect you get 200XP bonus for playing the objective. Protecting your Hot Shot gives you extra XP on your assists and kills.
I think the ideal class here is Libertad, which will help you stay alive longer if you are the hotshot while netting extra XP to the teammates around you trying to protect you. I strongly believe an LMG here is important as well as when you start getting the bounties you run faster even when you are on ADS making the LMGs ammo capacity important to chain kills while negating it's main disadvantage them slow movement speed.

All the above are my opinion on how each mode should be played in order to achieve an MVP. Every game is of course different and depends on the team and the opposition. All XP values are deduced by me watching the replays and trying to understand how the complicated scoring system works so they may not be accurate...

30 Sep 2024 15:15

MVP is awarded to the highest scoring player of the match. It doesn't matter if you're on the winning or losing team as long as you finish with the highest score across both teams. I managed to get my three wins in the Escort mode under the welcome playlist. I stuck to the objective whilst escorting to rack up points and focused on kills whilst defending. I used the Ghillie Suit ability to help get extra time escorting.

22 May 2024 16:19

1 Comment
is this bugged for anyone else? ive had at least 4 MVPs and still stuck on 66%
By II Dish II on 22 May 2024 18:24
If you’re having trouble try playing a different game mode other than the one your using to get the achievement I had 2/3 on hot shot and gotten well over 10 mvps on that mode and haven’t unlocked it but Reddit suggested that you play a different game mode and a lot of people are confirming that is what’s working for them to unlock the achievement hope this helps

16 Jun 2024 17:25

I highly recommend 'Lum Hunt' in unranked playlists. while playing as a phantom. Run around and find as many lums as you can, activating your ghillie suit while in open areas and only killing shooting unaware people when you're pretty sure they won't be able to retaliate in time.

I ran around with the level 1 magnum (a gun I thought would be cool but I suck with) and I still was mvp by a decent margin. I also levelled the magnum from level 1 to 26 in a single game of it, so it's a great way to earn XP as well, though i'm not too sure how good it is for long-term player xp compared to the traditional methods

04 Jan 2025 01:28

Just as the achievement states. Have the highest score on the winning team.

22 May 2024 05:04

Wouldn't it be easier to find 8 friends to play a 4v4 match together?
By SaxenGamer on 22 May 2024 11:44
Got 3 wins yesterday and 1 today stuck on 66%, tried the xbox app trick, anyone have any ideas?
By STUBANKS on 22 May 2024 13:05
You must have the most points of all players in the respective match. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose the match.
By HB Chakravartin on 22 May 2024 14:16
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This is likely to be the toughest trophy in the game as it's reliant on you doing well in matches and is not just a trophy which will come with time like most of the others. As with most MP FPS games you're going to encounter a wide range of skill levels in this game and given there is no skill-based matchmaking in the five game mode playlists, you could find yourself in lobbies where you're one of the best or worst players. You will know when you're the MVP for a match as you will appear on the post match scenes as 'Player of the Game'. You should note that just being the highest scoring player on your team doesn't count, you have to have the highest score in the lobby.

The game does offer up a welcome playlist which you can access up to level 25 which is likely the best place to try and earn this trophy. This playlist does have skill-based matchmaking switched on but you're also going to encounter players who are newer to the game which may make things easier for you.

Some general tips for earning this trophy:
  • Focus on the objective. You can earn a lot of score by consistently placing yourself on objective points or being on the escort. Combining a high objective score with a medium amount of kills for the lobby is likely to get you placing high.
  • Using the Phantom faction, select to use the Blitz shield. If you place this shield on objective points you can earn a good amount of points from the shield absorbing enemy damage.
  • The Phantom faction ultra ability puts a shield around you so is good to activate when your on an objective as you will earn objective points along with damage absorption points.
  • At the time of release the best weapons appear to be ACR, P90 and the MP7 so select one of these assuming you have access to them.
  • EMP grenades can earn some easy points as these cancel out enemy abilities such as shields.
You should be the best player (MVP) in the match, not on your team. That is, even if your team lost and you have the most points, you will receive MVP. You don’t have to rush and try to do it while you’re low-level in “welcome games”; sometimes low-level players play even better than those who have level 35+, for example, it all depends, of course, on your skill, tactics and team help won’t hurt either. Complete objectives more often, if it is an escort of cargo, then accompany it as much as possible, capture zones - hold them as much as possible, etc., and don’t just sit “in the bushes” with a sniper (for example) and wait for opponents. Together, completing objectives + a good kill/defense score will give you the coveted MVP award.

08 Jun 2024 15:53

If you have difficulties with this trophy, then select the phantoms faction, skill magnetic barrier. Superiority mode.
To run quickly, we pick up a pistol, head to enemy points, throw out the barrier and capture.

24 May 2024 09:58