Yakuza 0

Yakuza 0

55 Achievements


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Just Beat It

Just Beat It

Complete all Climax Battles.


How to unlock the Just Beat It achievement in Yakuza 0 - Definitive Guide

Before you get started on this, realize that this is the most frustrating achievement in the game. You thought the baseball timing was too strict? Learning east-asian gambling games was confusing? Getting the 100% completion list was a chore? Defeating So and Jo Amon was tough, unfair, and cheap? Well, you ain't seen nothing yet. This experience will make you question why you ever started this, why you hunt achievements, and why you even play video games to begin with.

This game's battle system is not refined nor precise enough to handle the "difficulty" that these "challenges" pose. This "difficulty" is mostly: Enemies with hyper armor, with unblockable attacks, cheap counters, unfair restrictions and in overwhelming numbers.

If you're still up for it, these tips might make your journey less frustrating and might save you from an aneurysm. Or it might not. Either way, you have been warned.

The nature of the Climax battles
Many Climax battles are similar to "Puzzle fights"; Some have one particular action you HAVE to perform to complete them, and others are pretty much impossible with certain battle styles or strategies.

Many of them are random and trolly, and you'll have to depend on getting "good RNG" of enemy behaviour and patterns to beat a fair few. There are also certain techniques you'll HAVE to learn, which I'll keep referring to throughout the solution.


Brawler style
Brawler is... Not good. It has basic X (X) (X) (X) Y attacks for building up heat, is able to kick downed enemies with Y for a heat boost, as well as a Y heat attack on downed enemies. The strongest attack for "Strong" Kiryu is the X X X X Y Y flip attack when at high heat.

Rush style
Staying focused on enemies with RB, and holding down LB will weave through most attacks, as long as you're facing the enemy. Rush style is a safer but slow way to take on most opponents one-on-one, as long as you can keep facing them.

Beast style
Kiryu’s most powerful style. Good for crowd control with the X X (X) Y attack, as long as you can keep from being flinched. You can continuously B B grab and throw downed enemies by the leg, to keep them from being able to attack you. Most enemies start countering after a while though.

When there are objects, you can also crowd control enemies with a Y (and sometimes B B B...) heat attack. Also does massive damage when wielding large objects.

Dragon of Dojima style
Combines parts of the other styles, but ironically without any of their strengths. Basically a souped-up Brawler style, it has one good attack, the X X X X Y Y which ends with a powerful flip kick that can finish off downed opponents. Like Beast style, you can also B B leg throw abuse downed enemies. Luckily it's not used in many battles.


Thug style
Thug style also has the basic X (X) (X) (X) Y attacks for building up heat, being able to kick downed enemies with Y for a huge heat boost, as well as a powerful Y heat attack kick on downed enemies.

Slugger style
Good stun/crowd control with X X (X X) Y or X X X Y (Y Y Y Y...). Can down ANY enemy with a standing Y heat attack while idle, however it does NOT work while an enemy is attacking. Also has a powerful block, and a Y heat attack on downed enemies.

Breaker style
Majima’s most powerful basic style. Works well for crowd control, as well as being able to trip and down most enemies using the X X (wait for jump) X Y Low leg kick attack. Do NOT confuse this with X X (wait) Y Y spinning kick attack, they look similar but do not have the same effect at all. I will refer to the Low leg kick attack A LOT, so learn it!

Breaker can also Y heat counter when standing up if between two enemies. This can often be triggered by mashing Y while finishing another combo.

Mad Dog of Shimano style
The most powerful move of the style is revving it up with X (X...) Y (Y...), and after Majima starts running, point towards an enemy and perform an Y heat knife attack, which you can keep doing as long as you have heat left.

The running can be aborted with A if you want to preserve your heat, for longer consecutive running attacks.

Level tips and strategies
I’ve tried to find the most dependable and reproducible strategies. Expand the spoiler tags for tips and video descriptions on specific sections.

Let me know in the comments if you're struggling and need clarification with a specific battle, if you have better/alternative strats, or if you just need to vent, that's ok too.

Proving Grounds

Melee battles

Millionaire battles

Ultimate battles

* Credit to Storm Yorha for the solution to melee battles 7 and 8, as well as the usefulness of the Breaker low leg kick which is referred to extensively in this guide.

13 Apr 2020 17:19

I'm not looking forward to working through the climax battles. That said, many thanks for the tips and videos. toast
By Dresden N7 on 14 Apr 2020 23:41
Great job on the solution. Better than anything I had before. +1
By Storm Yorha on 15 Apr 2020 03:09
I deleted my solution after getting quite a few dislikes and figured it sucked lol. But seriously great work.
By Storm Yorha on 15 Apr 2020 16:45
Storm Yorha, I wouldn’t worry about negative votes on this site. There are always people who will down vote u if your not providing exploit to them so they don’t have to do skill based achievements.

Personally I have proving ground 8/9/10 left and they are pissing me off.
By Sighris on 15 Apr 2020 17:51
You can kick Shibusawa off the ship in Ultimate Battle 5 by grappling him on the side of the ship with Majima and using the heat action. (Essence of the Thug: Kick Down) You will automatically beat him no matter how much health he has.
By ecinrun on 16 Apr 2020 03:19
Bear Hug and Charged Bear Hug from Beast Mode are good to use against bosses that won’t go down to do the leg grab.
By ecinrun on 16 Apr 2020 03:37
For anyone having trouble using the guide method for ultimate battle 2 against Sera, I found a video with a much better strategy for beating him.


In thug style just dodge either direction when he starts attacking and press y, make sure to dash back afterwards. Do this until you have 3 heat and hit him with the B heat action in slugger mode. Got him first try using this method with no frustration at all.
By AquaKILLAH KEV on 17 Apr 2020 16:38
Is there an alternate strategy for Millionaire #2? It's like a knife fight in a broom closet, except you're fighting the closet.
By Dresden N7 on 20 Apr 2020 05:21
Dresden N7 as mentioned, you can try the Breaker low leg kick. Both mentioned methods work, I’ve done it multiple times myself, but also they require favorable RNG behavior. It’s one of the less reliable fights, but if you keep at it eventually you’ll get the “good” RNG.

I haven’t found any method that doesn’t require “grinding” for good RNG :/ That said, is there any part of the strategy that you’re having trouble nailing, that could be clarified?

EDIT: I changed it to more of a step-by-step guide, maybe that helps
By WhyattThrash on 20 Apr 2020 09:01
@WhyattThrash: Thanks :) I was having difficulty surviving and evading Shakedown's supercharged attacks when he was at low health. I ended up getting through this part by whittling down his health with light Thug attacks and finding an opening by dodging backwards.

Now having unlocked this achievement, most of the challenges weren't that bad, but a few were definitely BS requiring copious amounts of skill and luck. The three below were the hardest ones for me along with the alternative strategy I used. Hopefully, someone might find them useful if the regular methods don't work for them.

Proving Grounds #8: Luck is a big factor, but I avoided unnecessary heat actions and instead relied on the extra damage output from maintaining heat at level 2 and 3. (I also didn't bother with the Marlin Cannon. I would kill too much time locating and picking up the weapon.)

When forced into Thug style, I focused on grabbing enemies and throwing them to the ground. If my heat was high enough, I would also try to finish them off. When forced into Breaker style, spam the low leg kick like WhyattThrash recommends. This thing is a lifesaver. When forced into Slugger style, trigger its heat action if you need to, and if you're surrounded, use a crowd control attack.

Millionaire #2: My technique was to play cautiously and patiently. For the first half, I whittled down his health in Thug style by blocking his attacks, and hitting back with a light and heavy attack when he left himself open. Also, I made sure to trigger heat actions by grabbing and using the nearby objects, but only if the opportunity presented itself. (Others can probably defeat him solely by using heat actions with all the objects in the alleyway.)

For the second half, he becomes much more dangerous at low health. Instead of blocking his attacks, I dodged backwards and hit back with a light attack. Be wary of his extended attack chain which he randoms uses. Otherwise, rinse and repeat.

Ultimate Battle #2: A combination of Slugger heat actions and Breaker low leg kicks will destroy the first two enemies. But Sera is another story.

Thankfully, there is a cheap method, and it is the definition of cheese. When your health is low enough to flash red, your heat bar will gradually fill while in Thug style. Keep away from Sera until the bar is at 2nd heat. Switch to Slugger and pick a spot away from him to stand still. Sera won't attack until he gets very close to Majima. This allows us to reliably use the Slugger heat action when the prompt appears. Immediately after, use the bat to smack Sera twice (no more) while he lies on the ground. Then run away to avoid his attacks. Rinse and repeat. Should take 10-ish minutes.

Thanks again for the guide. Very helpful! toast
By Dresden N7 on 20 Apr 2020 12:46
For Proving Grounds 7 (and Miss Tatsu's training in general) you can block the guns by guarding while holding the crates. It helps if you keep running out of heat (like me). It also whittles down the boxes' hp so you can: pick up a box, guard, throw it then rinse and repeat in case you don't have enough money at the end.
By LimeLobster on 22 Apr 2020 02:24
Proving grounds 1.
Rush on cannon and fire 3 times. And You Can drop it, Just press up or down on D-pad, don't remember.
By Creuil on 02 May 2020 18:39
Very easy. Did it in 3.5 hours.
By TexhnolyzedMech on 18 May 2020 17:10
Having first read the starter paragraph of the solution i was going in assuming this to be a very hard achievement to get, turns out to be mostly a walk in the park and does not even equate begin to equate to the much more difficult achievements I've gotten in other games. Like with TexhnolyzedMech, i also found this pretty easy, beating them all around 4 hours.
By TyTrainium on 20 May 2020 07:48
I might be the first (and maybe only) to have this happen, but this achievement did not unlock for me today once I completed Ultimate Battle 6, the last Climax Battle. I tried all sorts of things to fix it and so far I couldn't. I elaborated my case more in this thread: PSA: Caution with "Just Beat It" I advise maximum caution with this achievement.

Later edit: I could only fix it by starting the game over on a brand new save and replaying the entire story and then all climax battles again. Then the achievement unlocked. Wasn't too pleasant, but at least it's over.
By Cosminiion on 05 Jun 2020 23:03
I'm still working my way through the last couple of challenges, but had a tip for proving grounds 10. If you finish wave 2 (cement saw guy) with at least one bar of heat, in wave 3 you can just run into the group of guys and use a heat action to kill all three.
By Karachi King on 25 Jun 2020 07:32
Just wanted to pop a comment to say thank you for this guide and to all those that commented as well. This was a tough one for sure but the tips here helped massively!
By Syio on 10 Feb 2021 18:16
Phew. Just finished pounding these out. proving ground 8 was a nightmare and when I finally did beat it, the results screen had me with 0% life left. Talk about a buzzer beater. Other than that nothing stuck out as TOO bad. Melee 4 took a few since the time is so tight but your guide really helped with most of them.
By LunarSovereign1 on 24 Feb 2021 07:18
Proving grounds 1
Can confirm what creuil said. You can just drop the cannon by pressing down on the D-pad. Use it immediately after taking out the gunmen. It'll make your life a lot easier.

Proving grounds 8
It's worth mentioning that slugger heat actions restore a little bit of health, making you last just a bit longer. I wouldn't have made it without that knowledge.

Melee 1
Alternatively, you can grab an enemy, drag them to the railing, and perform a heat attack there for an instakill.

Millionaire 3
I found that the brawler style worked much better for me as it builds up heat more quickly. Bait the big guy into charging at you and hit him with X(X)Y for at least 1 mil per combo.

Thanks for the guide man, it's helped lots!
By TheSuperstino on 01 Mar 2021 23:40
Really helpful guide despite the dramatic opening lol. The zombie and random battle style proving grounds were a little annoying but they didn't take me more than 15 minutes each. This honestly isn't that hard as long as you know how to use the different heat actions and don't just button mash. I actually thought they were pretty fun.
By Fooga on 07 Mar 2021 09:39
Thanks for the great guide
By Lebrohnski on 08 Jul 2021 15:16
Great solution. Weird how most of the hardest fights are in the beginning. I never realized how badass beast and break dancing were until doing this.
By Markyshizzle on 04 Nov 2021 20:19
So, Melee Battle 6 might be the single worst designed challenge that I've ever seen.

Enemies that indefinitely block, or just don't react to your attacks. If you get hit, then you're stunned for a sec. Way too little time, etc.

Game really needed a better lock-on system, and some form of "blocking stamina", so enemies can't just block 368 moves in a row.
By ConcreteShark92 on 29 Mar 2022 21:26
I don’t want to be “that guy”, but am I missing something on Melee 6? I beat it on my first try with about 10 seconds left on the clock. Maybe I just got lucky with enemy behavior, but all I did was use the low kick combo to build Heat, then Essence of Friendly Fire and Essence of Blade Biting.
By Trombonafide on 16 Nov 2022 15:17
Proving grounds 9 was by far the hardest for me. Everything else for the most part either required patience or just using beast/breaker.
By Baby Sheamus on 19 Dec 2022 03:50
how do you do the breaker low kick style i cant find any info online
By A 0 UB3RLOZ3R on 25 Feb 2023 11:33
The guide says this: X X (wait) X Y (Y Y Y...)

You'll know you did it right if Majima goes "yeehaw". If you do a high spin, you've just not waited long enough.
By TheSuperstino on 25 Feb 2023 11:54
Not as bad as I thought it was gonna be
By DevilsNightt on 21 Aug 2023 08:51
I don’t want to be “that guy”, but am I missing something on Melee 6? I beat it on my first try with about 10 seconds left on the clock. Maybe I just got lucky with enemy behavior, but all I did was use the low kick combo to build Heat, then Essence of Friendly Fire and Essence of Blade Biting.
Same boat. Honestly these really aren’t that bad with guides, minus a few that are unnecessarily tight on time like Melee 4.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 29 Oct 2023 06:28
Hardest one for me by far was Ultimate 5: Sera was a slog trying to make it through while conserving health and Lao Gui does some insane dps if you aren’t technical enough to dodge him. Ultimate 6 is cake by comparison since you can spam beast mode to victory lol
By The S bot 9000 on 28 Dec 2023 08:20
If you are like me and struggling with ultimate 2 on Sera here is what I did - Health down to flashing red so heat recharges automatically, slugger style heat action 2 bars, stand still and wait for Sera to come over (he won’t attack straight away as standing still) Heat action, one hit whilst he’s on the floor (2 if you’re feeling risky) and then run away and repeat, took me 6 minutes but I’m just happy he’s down as no strategy was working for me
By Warlord Ethan on 19 Jan 2024 19:55
I've done everything in the game except proving ground 8. Hundreds of attempts but can't even get close. After putting so much effort into trying to 100% the game its infuriating to miss out because of 1 challenge.
By Don Peanut MUFC on 21 Jan 2024 20:54
Thanks Whyatt you have done an amazing job putting this guide together, it's more useful than anything else I've seen online. I finally beat proving grounds 8. Weirdly I did it when my mind had wandered and I wasn't paying attention. Got past ultimate 2 as well so nearly there. This might be my best 100% if I get the last few ultimate battles done.
By Don Peanut MUFC on 23 Jan 2024 23:12
Not sure if this is how it works, but on Proving Grounds 8 it felt like after I did a heat action with the slugger style my health would stop deteriorating until I got hit again. Unless I'm seeing things, use this to your advantage. Good luck
By Bubject on 21 Feb 2024 13:01
If proving grounds 8 Isn't the worst one then I'm too scared to continue xD
This game is fantastic but WHY is it plagued with so many absolutely terrible rotten crap minigames in it for the completion Dx
Either the devs didn't test stuff like that or they're simply sadistic. Grrrrrrrr
By FruitofPassion on 27 Apr 2024 22:25
Dresden N7 I started working on these about when I started my Legend playthrough. You might want to just get started on them sooner, doing these all in succession is torture. Piecing them out while doing the Legend playthrough at least helped remind me that there are parts I enjoyed about this game. I also ended up taking a break for a few days between ones that were really getting to me.

Storm Yorha you were the one with the previous solution? I should attribute parts of this to you, some of your tips helped a lot, and are mentioned frequently, as you can tell. :)
By WhyattThrash on 15 Apr 2020 16:32
That one is sadly just a numbers game. You can be 100% confident you’re doing the right thing, and it won’t matter because rng decides that you’re just not getting it.

You just have to throw yourself at it enough times to eventually get favorable enemy and moveset rng that lets you get through it. Take a break and do something else if you get frustrated, it’s just a question of doing it enough times until you get let through. Good luck and god speed o7
By WhyattThrash on 21 Jan 2024 23:50
This comment has sort of become a progress update, hope it helps others who may be feeling the same frustrations.
My least favourites so far have been proving grounds 6 and millionaire 2.melee 2 was also a pain. Proving grounds 8 was just about the stars aligning, some useful things are the marlin gun and the breaker heat move against the sword in the last stage. Only have proving grounds 9 and melee 6 left to go before unlocking ultimate. Did that all in one evening except for the 4 or so I'd done alongside the story.
Karachi King thanks for the tip, really useful. I actually really liked proving grounds 10 oddly, I think it's mostly because the fighting style is incredible.
Edit: melee 6 is a sick joke. It makes the rest of them look easy. The annoying thing is i nearly fluked it on my 2nd try but ran out of time with half of 1 enemy's health left. Now I get hit by katanas constantly.
Edit 2: it's important to pay attention to the low kick combo as this is how you beat it. I was using the higher kick before. It's XXXY. You will naturally want to press Y one early. Train yourself not to do this. Even the katanas weren't too bad after this.
Edit 3: Beat your way through all of ultimate 1 with beast mode XXXY. I was trying all sorts of things until I did this and then beat it first try. I've heard this works with other bosses in ultimate too. If you accidentally pick things up, just hit with them or use heat move with them but ultimately don't change tact.
Edit 4: thank you dresden n7 for the sera tip in ultimate 2. This has taken me so long just can't seem to do it. Just made a silly mistake using your method but I can see how it would work so going to stick to that from now on
Edit 5: worked on next try, incredible advice to cheese sera should be added to the solution. 3 and 4 were easy, just the boss rushes to go and they don't look as bad as the rest of it has been. Nearly there!
Edit 6: did ultimate 5 first try - sera and kashiwagi wailed on with slugger style, whilst all others spin to win. Don't try to go for the Shiwasawa one hit KO heat move, it isn't worth it, just continue to spin at a distance and then move towards him like the others.
Edit 7: just used XXXY with beast mode throughout and beat it with 88% health. Finished the game. Thank you!
By I8ITackyticsI8I on 13 Jul 2020 22:09
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