Yakuza 4 Remastered

Yakuza 4 Remastered

47 Achievements


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Ultimate Challenger

Ultimate Challenger

Clear all Ultimate Skill missions.


How to unlock the Ultimate Challenger achievement in Yakuza 4 Remastered - Definitive Guide

The basic description is in the CyricZ guide on Gamefaqs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps4/239456-yakuza-4-remastered... as always. I only focus on the Ultimate Matches which is not detailed in it and I give some tips for some of the normal matches.

Melee Match 2
Beat the first 20-30 enemies normally because until 30 you don't have to watch out for the near indestructible enemies. Your weapons last for 70 or so enemies.

Melee Match 8
The reason this might seem impossible when you try it is because the description is incomplete. Your "Marlin", the spear on the right D-pad deals more damage the less health you have. You need the purple suit to damage you at least once and then proceed to attack or you will run out of durability.

Melee Match 10
I could never do this by going after the weakest guys first because the Katana (long sword) guy is so dangerous. After some time he will enter into a "samurai" stance where he looks like he is ready to unsheathe his sword. In my experience he can and will stay in this stance indefinitely. If you get close to him afterwards, he will do a slash which kills you instantly. I suggest focusing on him from the start and killing him as fast as possible. The other guys are nowhere as near as aggressive. The second most active enemy is the Wakizashi (short sword) guy.

One on One Match 3
Every other bossfight is easy but this is a royal pain. Sugiuchi auto blocks from every direction, auto counters heavy attacks, recovers from parry faster than you can hit him, crushes your blocks and avoids grabs. Also evades don't really work because he constantly circles around you. The only advantage of this fight that you will spend a bunch of time on it and this will help preparing for the Ultimate Matches where you are on a timer. There is no surefire way to beat him, so I will list a bunch of situations you should memorize and react accordingly.
- Focus cn_RB on him all the time. Yes it works terrible in this game but helps a lot with the positioning and evade.
- You need to get used to "hit confirm" your starting attacks. Don't mash out a full string of cn_Xcn_Xcn_Xcn_Xcn_X every time you try to hit him. He will evade he first (!) attack most of the time. Do one or two cn_X and see if it hit. Since the fighting system in Yakuza games lacks fundamental fighting game logic this doesn't guarantee that you can recover faster than your opponent can retaliate but it puts you in a much better position.
- You can parry him into walls and you might be able to hit him when he bounces back. This was never consistent for me so I only used it occasionally. Best place to try it is in the back right corner (from where you start) near the waters edge where the ship is.
- When he isn't in heat mode it is possible to do a full combo ending with cn_YHeatcn_Y on him if you can get behind him then a heat finisher on him on the ground. It isn't guaranteed but very likely. In general, evading behind him with cn_A is your best bet to deal damage.
- When he is in heat mode don't try to poke at all, focus on evading behind him only. If he is further he almost always try to do a slower hard hitting move (sometimes from running) if you couldn't evade behind him, try to block a a few and evade as soon as the game allows it. If he smacks you with a hard hitting move, mash A to recover right away. When you are behind him in heat just land the five hit cn_X combo (head kick is the last) and don't try to follow it up just focus on evade right away.
- cn_Xcn_Xcn_YHeatcn_Y sometimes lands from the front if he is not in heat mode. It is a lot of free damage so if you have Heat then try it. He is more susceptible to this while standing up.
- One of his common moves is rolling behind you and grabbing you from behind. You can counter this with Heatcn_Y which is great because it gets him down and deals a lot of damage.
- You can grab him and throw him but it is so rare he doesn't evade and punish I stopped trying quickly.
The most important thing is to keep a cool head and focus on evading behind him. If you get into the rhythm you can just simply evade behind him, land the full combo with the head kick ending and evade behind him again when he turns around.

Team Match 3
I only used jumping in this one instead of rolling. It seems that it works much better because you both gain distance and jump above the Kappa height. I would advise against using the heat early on because it gives you a lot of breathing room from everyone who is on your tail. You gain the most using it against a bunch of Kappas around halfway. Also somewhere halfway you can see a bunch of street pillars on the left. You can cut through diagonally there. With a well timed jump the Kappas can get stuck in the pillars for a while.

Ultimate Match 1 (Akiyama)
These are easy so not much to say.
Ihara: Simply do full combos cn_X....cn_Xcn_Ycn_Ycn_Y It is completely possible to stun him so much you will skip the Heat actions.
Midorikawa: You can actually tank him very well, evade is finicky because of the small space. Use cn_Y attacks from the front. Your goal is pretty much just making him stand in front of a wall and Wall Crush (Heat Action) him. Then he is almost dead.
Minami: Full combos until he is in heat (You can begin the full combo while he is standing up and he will get hit). If he blocks too much then go with the cn_Ys. You can actually 14 kick him out of drinking so don't stop when he does it. When he is in heat either start with the cn_Ys or land one or two cn_X before. It is completely possible to stun him so much you will skip the Heat actions.

Ultimate Match 2 (Saejima)
Another very easy one.
Saito and guards: You can go for the head guard or the pistol one. I did it both ways, didn't see much difference but the gunshots are kinda annoying. So for start I landed a full combo cn_Xcn_Xcn_XHOLDcn_Ycn_Ycn_Y on Saito and the crowd then took out the gunner shoot the other guards. Then just repeat the full combo and the finisher until everyone is dead.
Kiryu: The full combo doesn't work on him most of the time but you can land a few with a finisher. Just grab him over and over and finish him.
Majima: He is kind of all around the place but I won every single time by just doing my full combos. Sometimes he avoided them, sometimes he stabbed me out of the cn_Ys but if you don't make a mistake with the QTEs then he will die. When he spins around I just took it. It is completely possible to stun him so much you will skip the finishing Heat actions.

Ultimate Match 3 (Tanimura)
This is a pain compared to the others.
Yakuzas with sword and gun: Get the gunman first and land the QTE. Then the swordsman and finally the generic enemies. This fight is all over the place, sometimes you barely get damaged, sometimes they will wreck you. Don't forget trying to parry. Beating the generic enemies in the end guarantees you have Heat for the next one.
Briefcase: Heat right away. It always catches the most annyoing enemy. Then quickly beat the Wakazashi (short sword) guy on your right with cn_Xs and then the third guy. If the Heat pops again then use it. Leave the guy you caught in a heat action first for last. Just land a full cn_X combo on him then block. When he finished his own thing then repeat the combo and block. It takes too much time to fight him in any other way.
Sugiuchi: The same thing I said at the One on One match applies here too. More practice for the final Match.

Ultimate Match 4 (Kiryu)
Annoying and skill/luck based.
Ivan Ibrahimovich, Hannya Kurokawa, Akira Yamaoka: So you can chip these cheapskates away but you need to get them quickly in the last Match so begin to prepare for it. Tiger Drop cn_RBcn_Y them all. If you didn't use this technique so far (you can complete pretty much everything in Y4 without it) it is essentially a counter hit which only activates when you would get hit by certain attacks. Deals an incredible amount of damage and spamming it can delete almost every enemy in Yakuza games. You can hold the cn_RB constantly and either try to press the cn_Y by reflex or press it in a rhythm hoping you will catch something. The latter is a totally valid strategy because if you miss it you will do a frontal kick which actually stuns most enemies. So you can't really go wrong here unless you miss a lot. I mean a LOT. The only thing you need to watch out is to face the enemy which is not guaranteed by holding the cn_RB. One successful Tiger Drop can save you minutes of pain of fighting properly as you will see in the last Match.
As for the different enemies, there isn't much to say, except you can evade the flying kick of the second one from the start and You can catch almost all of the attacks of the third with cn_RBcn_B. If you miss your window chances are you will still grab him.
PROTIP: If you hold the left analogue stick in the direction the enemy is while you do the Tiger Drop, you deal much more damage with it!

Ultimate Match 5 (Everyone)
All of the above at once, plus a bonus in the end.
The individual strategies are listed above. Time wasn't such a big deal before but now it is. 16 minutes for 13 encounters is pretty short as you will see. It is key you learn the Tanimura vs Sugiuchi in and out because you don't have time to waste. The Kiryu parts can be frustrating but don't despair if you finish with 30 seconds or less. The bonus opponent, Komaki is actually doable even in a few seconds:
First Method - TWO Tiger Drops: This is easier and not reliant on Heat. You have to simply land two drops cn_RBcn_Y, essentially what you did in the cage matches before.
Second Method - Komaki Parry + [ONLY IN RED HEAT]Dragon King Essence: For bragging rights and plenty of likes on your DVR video. Catch an attack with cn_RBcn_B (it is very generous) and let go of every button. If you are in Red Heat the cn_Y will pop up after a few seconds. If you press it you will KO Komaki instantly, no matter how much health he has.

28 Dec 2021 10:31

Upvoted for the melee match 10 strategy. For Ultimate 5 I had like 5 minutes to spare when I got to Komaki, but he’s basically his cracked fight from the challenge mode in Y3. I managed to land 1 parry but started to get quite low in health, so a good alternative if this happens is to run from him, build heat automatically, and then use Essence of Rolling (Kiryu’s human missile move). If you landed a parry already it should be enough to end him. Worst case if he does survive you can always run again and land another one if you’re being extra safe.
By Fooga on 16 Mar 2023 02:16
For Ultimate Match 4 (Kiryu), the second guy (Hannya) is vulnerable to grabs. I used it to build up my heat then went for Essence of Rolling attacks, as getting a tiger drop on him was a hassle. Third guy (Akira) is also vulnerable to grabs at the start
By CiphriusKane on 04 May 2023 00:55
Also, CyricZ's guide says that for One-on-One 5 to take out Arai first. I took out Diago first, got into red health from Arai then did repeated Essences of Rolling
By CiphriusKane on 04 May 2023 01:32
Frankly most of this is really easy. Sprint Match 3 is annoying and Challenge Match 5 was absolutely not playtested (sure love doing a parry and receiving an unavoidable combo that halves my health in exchange) but otherwise it’s smooth sailing; Sugichi is somewhat tolerable with setting up cn_X cn_Y repeatedly when he’s getting up, followed by cn_B thrice.

Ultimate Match 4 though… istfg that singlehandedly is going to make Ultimate Match 5 genuinely impossible; whoever thought Coliseum bosses, you know, the worst-designed fights in literally every "Like a Dragon" game up to this point (and keep in mind that we have Jingu and Sugichi among others competing on that), were a good inclusion for the Climax Battles, basically committed the video game edition of a war crime as far I care. Setting up TDs on the first guy is more inconsistent than my rate of finishing non-"LaD" games this year, and the fuckwit sometimes completely ignores your guard counterattack and just attacks again anyway. You know, the move that’s specifically meant to briefly stop an enemy attacking? The second one simply takes forever to kill, and the third guy’s best opening for a Komaki Parry is something he literally never fucking does unless if I’m too far away and can’t trigger it.

Edit: Ofc shortly-ish after I post this I wind up comfortably beating UM4 with 2.5 minutes to bare, before promptly doing the same thing to UM5 on my first go. As for overall tips, frankly I feel that this no damage video on UM5 gives a good enough visual explanation for the most part on clearing this comfortably, especially with Akira and setting up for a quick Komaki kill (I screwed the Bounding Throw part up but if you can manage to get behind his back you should be able to do a full combo and get ready to set it up again, just without the need to hit the Essence of Finishing QTE); doubt I would’ve gotten this done without it.
(Don’t worry about the Akiyama juggles on Ihara and Minami: Ihara is very quick to kill regardless - I actually ended up getting 5 seconds over him thanks to the counter QTE - and Minami should still be quick enough; you do have 4-ish minutes in reserve after all (the rooftop fight should cost you 20 seconds tops) so you’ve got a decent amount of room for error if you know what you’re doing.)
By ChiflaGoodluck on 07 Mar 2024 07:05
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