Yakuza 5 Remastered

Yakuza 5 Remastered

56 Achievements


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Hall of Famer

Hall of Famer

Achieve 100% on your Completion List.


How to unlock the Hall of Famer achievement in Yakuza 5 Remastered - Definitive Guide

Yeah, it's not a joke, the longest achievement in the game is missable. So, here is what you shouldn't do it you don't want to waste dozen of hours by restarting a game :

Do not forfeit at Princess League! At the final round, you'll have the choice between going on stage or forfeiting. Lucky for you, "Yes" is the first choice so no need to worry if you're spamming cn_A. Not doing so will lock a karaoke song for the rest of the game.

Do not sell anything other than plates! Do not discard any item! More specifically, do not sell or discard any materials/weapons but the first rule is easier to keep in mind. Some materials/weapons are unique and getting rid of them locks permanently some weapons at Kamiyama Works (you can fin a list here : https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps4/239457-yakuza-5-remastered...)

Do not fail Victory Road finals! After running into Raiden next to Bantam, you'll find him at the Coliseum for the finals. You only have one chance so save before entering.

Let's talk about the list in question. Even if it doesn't seem very big, unlike Y0's one, you'll need a lot of time. Keep in mind, you can't change difficulty, even in Premium Adventure so if you had a hard time beating the game, there's a risk of getting stuck at the Coliseum (cough cough Akiyama cough). If that's the case, restart a game in Easy mode now.

You'll also need several million yens to finish Kamiyama. It's pretty easy though: use your green jewels (save before each use of course) and bet 1000 tokens on 0 or 00, not both at the same time. Each success is worth 3.6 million yens. Another good ways to earn easy money are blackjack with blackjack amulet and mahjong with lucky tile.

One last thing, you may need some lists (I know, they come from the same guide and I'm lazy but you can't find better one):


24 Mar 2023 13:13

A tip for anyone that was struggling with the missing foods on the restaurant's menus after beating every substory, check around the eatery. look on the walls or counter and press A to examine when the option pops up. that will add a new food to the menu. a few examples on top of my head are Smile Burger, Kyushu no 1 star and the noodle place in Nagoya.

Edit: by the way all the side jobs like Taxi, hunting and bs Idol jobs need to be finished fully for the 100%. I finished everything under the completion list and I was still at 98.64 with a minor heart attack. happy to know it's not glitched
By RoninSouly on 09 Apr 2023 11:11
You're right! And don't forget that Pronto has a daily and a nightly menu too
By Lianhua on 10 Apr 2023 08:19
Can you fail and have those jobs permanently locked out?
By A 0 UB3RLOZ3R on 28 Apr 2023 07:55
There are a few of Shinadas Missions you only get one try so save before each one. Kiryu and Haruka are probably the same but I'm not Sure. Saejimas Missions are basically impossible to fail since you mostly Just have gather certain Animal parts
By ErnaP on 04 May 2023 09:00
For Haruka I entered the job and just quit and it will be count as completed, altough poorly
By RoninSouly on 13 May 2023 00:18
I was struggling to get the rainbow trout for the river fishing then I read a comment that mentioned using Seaweed Onigiri (I bought it from the M store) as bait in the daytime in the hunting village. I got it second try after spending 3 hours using club sandwiches/worms as many guides suggest. Entirely possible it was luck but definitely worth a try if you're struggling.
By Djshep on 18 Jun 2023 02:04
I just hit 100% and it didn't unlock. I want to add something here that I read in the windows version guide. If you check your stats at a safe house, that should trigger the unlock when it scrolls to the bottom and '100%' glows in red. I did it at Serena, so don't panic too much if it doesn't pop right away.
By Djshep on 18 Jun 2023 03:42
^ I got 100% and it didnt unlock(on series x) panicked and came here. Djshep's method is correct. Mine popped immediately after checking it at Serena.
By nolowgear on 16 Sep 2023 03:46
How do I know if I've fucked up. I finished Yakuza 5's story a while ago.

This past couple months I've 1K'd Yakuza 1-4....

So like how do I know I'm not walking into failure with 5?
By New Paralyzer on 18 Sep 2023 03:00
Don’t know how you can call a Completion List with ~1,100 explicit entries (still a big boy even with food and drink taken out completely) small in comparison to 0’s ~376 but ok.

Anyway, I’ll probably pop in some (lmfao that aged like milk) pointers and personal thoughts here if I run into anything. No update timestamps unlike 3’s Minigame Master as I don’t see the point.

Darts - Make sure to speak with the lady again after getting your card so that you can get some parts for your dart: the initial dart you get is inexcusably shit (as in you’ll probably lose to Intermediate AI every time) but the parts allow you to put together a dart that actually, you know, hits your target. It’s not the same as in 3 & 4 though so you’ll have to change your strategies up a bit.

River fishing - Got a Nishikigoi in Nagasugai during the evening with a Tonkotsu Onigiri (referred to as ‘Tonkotsu Rice Ball’ in CyricZ’s guide in case you’re confused on that like I was and missed the onigiri’s description). The onigiri recommendation above for the Rainbow Trout also works, but only if it’s daytime in Tsukimino; if it’s evening or night don’t bother as you’ll just get Salmon and Turtles for 10 years otherwise.

Hostesses - You must do the Rank S conversation for the hostess to be marked as completed, the post-Rank S email won’t cut it.

UFO Catcher: Bizarrely easy compared to 3, not needing more than one attempt for most of the prizes.

Pool - Fuck Puzzle Pool 7 Fuck Puzzle Pool 7 Fuck Puzzle Pool 7 Fuck Puzzle Pool 7 Fuck Puzzle Pool 7 Fuck Puzzle Pool 7 Fuck Puzzle Pool 7 (Everything else here is easy - Advanced AI compared to 3 and 4 is overall garbage - or manageable enough, but Puzzle Pool 7 is genuinely worse than literally anything "K2" or 4 ever threw at you; add in "K1" under the circumstances of the baccarat skip; it is genuinely a pixel perfect shot, may as well be for me.)

Sea Fishing - Hold down cn_RB + cn_RT while holding down cn_LB or cn_LT whenever the line is getting close to breaking (you don’t need to move your line according to the fish’s direction this time). It’s an incredibly boring strat, but at the very least it is very consistent.

Food/Drink: In Tsukimino the Legendary Drinker is found in Don Quijote and the AppStim is found in Ebisu Pawn. For Sotenbori the AppStim is found in convenience stores; it’s much better to clean out Sotenbori’s foods with Haruka since she has almost nothing to spend her cash on. In general, if you’re at the end of a Part and have been unfortunate enough to still not be close to qualified for the Victory Road with the character you’re playing (*cough* Shinada *cough*) I’d recommend just getting into fights 24/7 instead of taking AppStims and eating through restaurants that way.

Golf/Driving Range: Can’t put in a bullet proof way to get through the Advanced and Pro courses (CyricZ covers the first two perfectly fine), but I can list the strategies I did to successfully put a ball into a hole. Should help if you get the same or similar wind; was only able to get the par score for the Pro Course so quickly because I got a wind that was only 1m different than one I had previously, allowing me to quickly change a bit of my setup up to get a good 10 hole in ones. Just be aware that you have to setup a shot in a VERY similar manner to what is described below if you get the same wind or you will miss.
* 10m to the left: ~24% at 9°, swung a little to the right of the pink line
* 9m in a NNE direction: ~22% at 4.5°, swung a teenie bit to the right of the pink line
* 8m in a NNE direction: 22% at 5°, swung on the pink line or just to the right, or 24-26% at 5° a relatively sizeable to the right of the pink line (i.e. big enough a gap that you could probably fit another icon of the same size between the line and arrow)
* 10m in a SW direction: ~28% at 7.5°, swung on the pink line

Slots: First off, fuck this minigame; get it done as soon as you get an Auto Token. Secondly, make sure you start with 0 tokens on you so you can buy 50 at the start; you’re gonna want every advantage you can get. Every now and again (couldn’t find any reliable trigger besides an animation playing on the left hinting at a potential triggering) you’ll enter a mode called Aladdin/Savannah Chance (depends on which type of slot machine you play it on), which will have the buttons at the side light up in sequence. Green is cn_X, yellow is cn_Y, red is cn_B. That’s basically your only option to complete this minigame without dying of boredom and frustration of the obviously rigged RNG of the machines (if I counted the number of times two 7s lined up and the third didn’t I’d be rich).

Side Stories: Most of what you have to do here isn’t missable in any way, usually comes down to not selling rewards you get from completing missioms. There’s one exception, that being one of Saejima’s Side Missions where you have to hunt a Gold Stag and give the meat to the quest giver. The Gold Stag afaik only spawns until you’ve killed it. If you sell the meat instead of giving it to the quest giver, you’re probably gonna have to reload a previous save.

Kamurocho Batting Range - Really dislike that the S-ranks require perfection bar multi-hits.

Breakthrough Fight: First off, you need to be Level 20 to do this fight with a character, so this is basically useless for Akiyama (outside the Coliseum, where the Launch Strike upgrade shines) since he cannot hit Level 20 on your first playthrough without grinding random encounters (preferably with the Golden Pistol + Amon Sunglasses combo). Secondly, do not even bother with this fight legit. Grab 5 broken shotguns from Kamiyama for Kiryu, Akiyama, and Shinada and go to town. Saejima will be fine without those: Herculean Spirit is more bullshit than this encounter.

Pachinko - Lucky Day email seems to do fuck all with how rigged in my favour my successful attempt felt; not only did I lose a fight only for Akira to crush them comeback style, but I also lost a defensive fight, with me being sent into the stone ruins arena… only to immediately get an Ultra Big Bonus jackpot or whatever it is immediately after for seemingly no reason. Couple that with getting a one shot in a 3rd fight and managing to successfully win my last fight off the infinite button mash despite the opponent being at half health, and I only had one fight out of the five that felt normal.

As for strats, take the "Virtua Fighter" machine. Number shouldn’t matter, but if you’re desperate I took machine 35 on all 4 of my attempts. Set the notch on the right side of the screen so that the left one is pointing towards the 0 in the background. For fights, try to do the 5 button button mash with 1-1.5 seconds in between each press, while the infinite button mash should be a ramp up (occasional presses in the first 1-2 seconds, semi-frequent presses in the following 1-2 seconds, then a full speed mash to wrap it up). For defensive fights… good luck lmao: I ended up winning none of them properly (didn’t help I only got 2 tries at it in my attempts) but it probably works the same as the infinite button mash. And if you’re somehow unsure of which Cheat Item to use, use the Get-Rich-Quick Card; getting 1,500 balls to start off the game plus getting into the zone where jackpots are afaik more frequent (although some on my successful attempt took some 50 spins to get) is borderline vital, especially with how lengthy an attempt can be (40-60 minutes).

Cee-lo - Had two Cheat Items wasted as I ended up rolling natural 6s right afterwards so that’s silly.

Oicho-Kabu - Would recommend using the 10-10-1 Charm right away. Even on Beginner that should get you close to the target.

Koi-koi - A grind shitty enough that I’m leaving cho-han for the last chapter; the AI loves to tilt you by making a comeback in Month 3 when you’re massively ahead.

Crafting - Would recommend saving this completely for the last chapter so that you can work on this with all the crafting items in your Item Box and get most of it done in about half an hour. For the Mystery Liquid I’d recommend grinding IF8R with whatever character doesn’t have Asura Spirit or - in the case of Akiyama - the ability that makes Launch Strike unblockable so that you’re making effective use of your time. Also, if you didn’t look at the crafting page really closely, don’t panic if you find a couple penultimate weapons are absent from your inventory: you need two of a couple of them for the ultimate weapon and the extremely sturdy weapon. You can just buy your way to the second ones though: they don’t require any additional crafting materials.

Victory Roads Final - Bounding Throw infinites and Tiger Drop spam make this basically free. Get the impression from this that the Coliseum with Kiryu and Saejima is going to be similarly simple by and large.

Cho-han - I have good news and bad news. The bad news? The minigame is rigged. The good news? It’s rigged in the same way every time (at least for me, but I’d be VERY surprised if this just occurred by pure chance, especially since I saved, reloaded, and tried this again just to make sure this is actually consistent). Without exception, on the first roll guess Even. The cup will be picked up and will show a 5 & a 1. Quit out afterwards (it’s possible the consistency extends beyond the first roll but I didn’t bother to test because that’s overkill) and repeat. When you get the option to guess a number, again, pick 5 or 1, and when you’re asked to pick 2 choose 5 and 1. You should fulfill the completion quota before you get the option to choose the difference, but if you don’t, guess 4 once and you’ll be set. This strat also makes cho-han the best way to get money in the game, since there’s no alteration like there is in baccarat and you do not have to rely on Cheat Items at all.

Coliseum (General) - Don’t get the appreciation for the Heat Bomber GP. Yeah, it’s the best starting tournament. But Breakout GP is a LOT faster and is the tournament I’d recommend grinding out with everyone. For Kiryu, Akiyama, and Shinada break the wall behind you with three light hits, and then when the opponent attacks for the second time, dodge behind them, grab them, and push them off the stage with actual pushing and cn_X cn_Y. Saejima repeats the first step but then he needs to go around the enemy and punch them to the abyss: his cn_B grab is shit for this.

Also, here’s my suggested character order for going through the Coliseum:
1st: Akiyama (actually not too bad but he’s overshadowed by everyone else by a good margin despite his infinites; doesn’t help he struggles a bit with Deathmatch 100)
2nd: Saejima (struggles at the start of GPs and is imo the hardest character to clear Limited Berserk with but Herculean Spirit should still get you through the rest of the tournaments comfortably)
3rd: Shinada (has the hardest time with encounters but Asura Spirit ultimately makes everything pretty simple regardless)
4th: Kiryu (Dragon of Dojima? More like God of Dojima)

Coliseum (Akiyama) - By and large much simpler than I was been expecting (which frankly describes this completion as a whole very nicely). Spamming Launch Strike (with the breakthrough-gated upgrade) makes the big boys a lot simpler, and you’re also able to keep the non-Super Armor mates on the ground with cn_X cn_X cn_Y cn_Y spam. Lastly, remember you have the quickstep attack and can easily chain that into a grab. All that should get you through the normal 8 tournaments swimmingly, even at Level 20. As for Deathmatch 100 with Akiyama, it’s definitely hard, and it’s absolutely long, but it’s very far from impossible: got it done on my first attempt without even reaching Critical Health (granted, it wasn’t too much health, but it was still a comfortable win).

As for Limited Berserk… let me put it this way. For the past ~120 hours I’ve found the stigma surrounding the difficulty of completing 5 to be an absolute crock of shit in every single regard. This is the exception. This is an actual bastard of a challenge. Let’s break it down.

Waves 1-4 (two guy waves): Nothing special, just make sure one of them are always down and hit the other with the combo mentioned earlier in this section. Save your Heat Actions for now.

Waves 5-7 (three guy waves): Same strategy as waves 1-4 by and large. Just keep everyone in your sights and respond to people rising up.

Waves 8 and 9 (four guy waves): Burn your Heat Actions here and do not get surrounded. Use grabs to incapacitate enemies whenever you can.

Waves 10 and 11 (one guy waves): Quickstep attack, grab, cn_X cn_X cn_Y cn_Y till they die. If Climax Heat isn’t ready, make sure it’s charged by Wave 12.

Wave 12 (two strong guy wave): Use your Climax Heat on the mate who’s resistant to Launch Strike. That should get him relatively close to death. The other guy should be dealable in the same way as waves 10 and 11.

Wave 13 (one strong guy wave): Utilise the wave 10 and 11 strategy when you can. If you’re finding him always resisting your grabs then punish him when he finishes a combo with cn_X cn_Y cn_Y, than quickstep away like mad. If you manage to get through wave 12 cleanly though you should be good.

Coliseum (Shinada): Similarly easier than I was expecting. Sure, he doesn’t have any cheese strats the rest of the characters have access to. But honestly, he doesn’t really need them. Don’t get me wrong, fights definitely drag out due to Shinada being a bit limited, but he’s got enough health and tools to make the situation work in all the normal tournaments. As for Deathmatch 100 and Limited Berserk, put simply, if you don’t have Asura Spirit, good luck. With Asura Spirit though they are relatively simple affairs.

Coliseum (Saejima): Honestly he’s kinda shit in here. He can dominate but he is so beholden on Herculean Spirit (and also Tiger Dragon Drop but not as much) to get much mileage out it is insane, especially with the grab fetish the Coliseum has and the fact that any Heat Action will get Saejima out of Heat Mode. Deathmatch 100 is free though: he barely lost a quarter of his health on my successful attempt. Saejima is however bad at Limited Berserk, comfortably the worst character for it: he’s way too fucking slow to not take damage consistently. The best thing I can suggest is make sure you’re in Heat Mode at the end of wave 11, otherwise I got nothing.

Coliseum (Kiryu): Free. Kiryu has basically everything he could want or need to demolish 5’s Coliseum (aside from Herculean Spirit but that’s massive overkill). You can either spam Max Tiger Drop (no, I’m not being contradictory with this and the Tiger Dragon Drop: the former feels much more consistent to me) to quickly eviscerate enemy health or use the Komaki Parry to get an enemy on the ground and then spam the cn_X cn_X cn_Y cn_B Bounding Throw (with a brief delay the first time, immediately on all following attempts while the enemy’s on the ground; him getting up resets this) with some grounded Heat Actions peppered in to KO an enemy without giving them a proper opportunity to fight back. Alternatively you could also cycle in other Heat Actions to make the fights go faster: Essence of Smoking doesn’t seem to be available for some reason but Kiryu’s got more than enough Heat Actions available anyway. And if you somehow get close to death (out of Limited Berserk), just use Asura Spirit. Literally the only tournament that might give Kiryu trouble is the Weapon Master GP since some of the enemies are a bit bullshit and most of the above doesn’t apply. But if you get 3 enemies that stagger to the knife’s Rush Combo then you’re sorted.

I promise I’m done updating this.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 14 Mar 2024 09:50
Also important to note that you MUST 100% the side stories for each character to get the 100% completion even though they're not in the completion list. Figured out after a slight panic today that I needed to complete a few more of Haruka's jobs.

I also feel like the coliseum should at least be acknowledged in this post because my god is it horrendous. To rank up fast especially for weaker characters like Akiyama and Shinada, I would recommend playing Heat Bomber SP and clicking it until you get matched up against an opponent higher in the ranks like Komaki or Raiden. You can cheese them in about 30-60 seconds with the bombs which can net you about 5-7 points per match (still a horrible grind I know) and is what I found to be the most efficient way to get to rank 4 with all characters.

Now regarding the most diabolical thing ever designed by RGG: Akiyama's Death Match 100 / Limited Berserk, utilize multi enemy heat actions such as Essence of Triangle Jump / Double Juggle (Also spam X to whittle an enemies health down / XXY combo) and NEVER stop moving. For the bosses in Limited Berserk there's a relatively consistent strategy I found to deal with them: knock them down then continuously use the XXY combo to keep them there until they die. The final enemy can power through this but the rules still apply:
1. Grab him
2. Throw him on the ground
3. XXY until he gets back up
4. Run around the arena until you can grab him again (There's some type of timer on him that prevents you from just spam throwing him)
5. Repeat

Shinada's Death Match 100 is relatively stress free but long (30 minutes long) and his Limited Berserk is the same. Just upgrade spirit enough till you get the ability to heal yourself with heat when your health is critical (Helps with Kiryu too). And Kiryu and Saejima are Kiryu and Saejima so you should be good.

I hope this helps at least someone make it through the coliseum and my condolences to anyone currently going through this hell.
By sickdog 343434 on 27 Mar 2024 18:32
I think if you achieve a completion reward like for example completing tendo's master missions and don't click the email and start new game plus I think it will not appear in new game plus like what I am having even after redoing his missions, the item eye of the dragon is optain from this and of course it can't be achieved any other way
By A 0 UB3RLOZ3R on 14 Apr 2024 04:54
Specifically for pachinko, while CyricZ’s guide is always helpful, this piece of advice from the post liked below was critical.

“Now, you may have noticed the game seems to cheat with the button mashing. You get to 95% and you can’t finish no matter how furiously you mash. It isn’t confirmed, but experience strongly suggests that the speed you mash during the first couple seconds determines how hard the end is. In other words, you have to mash faster at the end than you did at the start. If you start out mashing as fast as possible, you’ll block yourself. So you need to mash lightly for a second or two, stronger for the next second or two, then bring it home with your best effort. Changing to this style let me beat all challengers I faced until I got to 8,000 balls, whereas before I only won a single fight out of six.”

By Virulent Crux on 20 Nov 2023 04:38
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If you have difficulties completing mini-games, then I’ll tell you how you can get 5 wins in Shogi. You don't have to play this complicated game yourself. I tried it 10 times and even figured out the rules, but to play well you need to gain skill. To improve my skill, I installed the Shogi version from the market on my tablet and lost 10 times to it again. And then it dawned on me - what if I use the old tactic of winning against a computer by playing with another computer?
The tactics are as follows: Start playing Yakuza in Shogi and try to make it your opponent's turn first. And as soon as you were able to achieve this, make exactly the same move in the mobile version of the game on your tablet, phone or PC. And then watch how the computer opponent goes down and repeat this move in Yakuza. For convenience, you can turn the tablet upside down so that the picture on the screen matches the picture on the tablet.
You can, of course, start playing first, copying the moves of your tablet opponent from the first move, but in 2 attempts everything ended first in a dead end (opponents began repeating the same move in a circle), then in my loss in Yakuza. The second move option worked every time.

09 Jun 2016 13:56

The trophy can be awarded at the end of the game after the credits, and also at any point in the game - when you have 100% in the menu, then just go to the save point, but not the phone booths, and select "Statistics". After calculating all the statistics, the trophy will not take long to arrive. And yes, in the Premium game you can definitely do it 100% and you will get a trophy if you do what I wrote above. But just be careful - you can start New Game+ with a premium save, yes, but if you rewrite this save to Premium, then you will not have a save for New Game+ You cannot, as in previous parts, beat the game, then finish another one in Premium something, make a save for New Game+ and play from it. Here you cannot make such a save for New Game+, that is, you can only start with the progress that you had after the main game, and not with the premium one. This is difficult to explain, but those who are in the know will understand. Save in different slots, and never remove anything from your inventory - it could be an ingredient for Kamiyama. And here there are items that are given only once, and if you delete it, then this is a guarantee that you will have to start the game over (you can also do it in New Game+ - there the game itself starts again, but some progress is rolled back). I’ll write again - never remove anything from your inventory unless necessary. And this doesn't just apply to Ryu ga Gotoku.
By Agro on 04 Jul 2016 16:59
By the way, about Shogi, there is a much simpler way. In the game, in the Shogi menu we select not Ranking, but Challenge (or Trial, the main thing is to understand that this is not a game) and go through the first trial 5 times (in fact, initially only this will be available to you). How to get through it (scroll down a little, everything is indicated in the picture, and the course of action is described below).
By Agro on 05 Jul 2016 11:59
It is very easy to get 777 points in slot machines.
1) It is advisable to do this on a happy day (SMS notifies you what day it is)
2) Auto token helps a lot, as it spins the machine half the time for you.
3) You need to play Aladdin A.

The bottom line is this: This machine has an image of three lamps on the left side of the screen - green, yellow and red. And under each slot window there are exactly the same lamps. And at the moment of Aladdin Chance, the lamps on the left show in what order you need to stop the slots. Green - , yellow - , red - .
The first half of the game (up to approximately 350-370 tokens) the token will spin itself and end when the jackpot hits - 777. Then you need to spin it yourself. Just bet the maximum (keep until the bet is filled) and press the left stick periodically. Well, slow down the slots in any order until light bulbs appear on the left. Then just repeat the order in which they light up. Receiving 777 tokens will take about 15 minutes of your time.
By Hono-no_Snake on 03 Nov 2022 04:45
Advice for those who got stuck at the Akiyamoi Coliseum.
In general, Akiyama is quite nimble, although he does not have any health regeneration, attacks from blocking and serious counter-strikes. Plus his kicks are most often blocked.
And if in a 1 on 1 battle it’s not difficult to deal with him (counter-kick and tossing rule), then in a crowd (1 versus 100 and Limited Berserk) problems arise.
1 vs 100 you will have to try. In general, your goal is to always reduce the number of standing opponents to one (maximum two, but away from each other). A combination will help you with this . The second kick in it puts the opponent on the ground, the second throws him up. If you have enough blue bar, the next press of triangle will trigger the finishing move. If several opponents were kicked, great. If you have one, that's also good. The main thing is to carry out all three available finishing steps. This greatly fills the red ring, which is responsible for the climax technique. And the climax here will help to frighten your opponents. Try to use it at the beginning of the wave so that two of the remaining opponents fall to the ground in horror. All you have to do is kick them once and they'll go away.
The main problem for me was the last wave. Not only is no one particularly thrown up in it, but the opponents also hit constantly, almost never fall, and, what’s most disgusting, they pick up weapons from the ground. Therefore, my advice to you is to try to break as many weapons as possible on your enemies before the last wave. But you can leave the guns for last. Because even if you unload them, the empty gun picked up by the enemy will still be charged back.
I also highly recommend starting each new wave with a full finishing scale. Just leave one enemy in the arena, grab him and press . This fills up the scale beautifully.

But where Akiyama has even bigger problems is Limited Berserk. There he has a scrap of life and there is no way to heal using his hit strip (Shinada and Kiryu can do this). This is what makes this tournament unbearably difficult. There are 13 waves in total, where the first 9 are garbage. The main thing is not to let yourself be beaten and to keep only one opponent up.
Wave 10 is time to accumulate the climax scale. The dude is very strong and hits hard. You need to throw it up and carry out a triple finish in the air. If you have accumulated menopause, finish off the guy.
Wave 11 - dude from Saejima's sidekick's dojo. The easiest fight in the tournament. Can't do anything if you spam him with kicks. Don't waste your time on it! If you didn’t reach menopause in the past, now is the time.
Wave 12 is a threshold that is difficult to pass. Two guys, very strong. I advise you to immediately catch the little one going through menopause through + (hits harder) and immediately try to finish it off. The big one will have to be beaten with cunning. Stand in a block half the arena away from him. He will try to ram you. Spam triangle to trigger the finisher. After finishing off, have time to kick him a couple of times and run away. If the strip runs out, wait for the ram, capture and get out of the capture. Pause for a couple of seconds and grab the long one. Squeeze a grin in his face and get enough to finish off the stripe. Repeat the finishing spam from the block until it dies. This is the safest way to deal with it that I have found in 25 attempts.
Wave 13 - here I would advise you to spam the enemy through a triangle (somersault with a toss). Akiyama's level must be pumped up to be able to hit with this blow through the enemy's block (the last skill in the second branch). I was able to spam him this way with a millimeter of remaining life (which is what I came with). Go for it.

PS Limited Berserk for Saejima is also not easy. But the throws save. Throw enemies more often and save up the climax for the 12th wave. A hit to the floor kills one and leaves one stripe for the second. It's easier to finish him off with a throw. It's better to leave the last guy too.
By Hono-no_Snake on 17 Nov 2022 00:53
Keep in mind that in this part of the game, unlike the previous four parts, progress from Premium Adventure cannot be transferred to NG+. So try to make all the important points in the main walkthrough.

Also, for 100% it is necessary to complete all side missions completely for all characters. I had 99.17% because I didn’t finish the sides for Haruka, although I finished the entire Competition list

A few observations/tricks:


1) You can’t eat at full health, so you can buy worms and eat them, or buy a remedy at the pharmacy to reduce your health. This is faster than looking for a fight and waiting for them to beat you up

2) In Kamurocho there is a cafe with two menus: day and night. At the end of the game, the time of day can be changed only 1 time (1 time morning, 1 time evening). So either try to eat there during the day, or go to Premium Adventure after playing, you can change as much as you like there.


1) While you are playing as Haruka, try to close PrintCircle and Comedy Team . Since at the end of the final chapter you will no longer have access to it. If you couldn’t, you’ll have to finish it off in Premium adventure

2) Virtua Fighter 2 can cause problems even on Easy. But there is the easiest way to quickly complete all 10 levels. To do this, take Jeffry and spam endlessly L2. He performs a forward lunge, which even if blocked, will still push him to the edge of the arena and throw the enemy off.

3) To catch some fish you need a certain time of day. At the end of the game, the time of day can be changed only 1 time (1 time morning, 1 time evening). So be extremely careful, or after the game go to Premium Adventure, there you can change as much as you like.

4) Pachinko. We go to Virtua Fighter, select a cheat item for the first jackpot, and then simply take part in the battles, periodically pressing the button as indicated on the screen until you reach 7777 points. If the battles are over and there aren’t enough points, then we load up again. This will be faster than waiting for chance and losing points while you go out to battle again.

5) Slots. We choose Aladdin. Take the cheat item for auto scrolling. When 777 comes up, spin it manually. While the music is playing, 3 lights (green, yellow and red) will light up on the screen on the left; they correspond to the buttons: green - , yellow - , red - . Press correctly and each spin will give you points. As soon as the music ends, spin and press 1-2-3 as quickly as possible until the music starts again and repeat until 777 points. Everything will take 15 minutes, even on a bad day.

6) Shogi. Video guide . Win the first challenge 5 times, it will take 3 minutes.

7) Cock racing. Described in more detail in King of Cochin . In short, we endlessly pick up the Frozen Tuna gift from the M Store for leveling up, you'll get through it quickly.


1) Always order Gacha drink. Firstly, this will give a decent increase to the hostess’s mood, and secondly, pleasant bonuses may appear

2) The last hostess, who is in Kamurocho, between A and S rank will have a side benefit for which you need to have 5 million yen, you won’t need to spend it, just show it, so be prepared

City exploration

1) In each city you need to take five photos. The camera is given by a person who is not marked on the map, but there is a description on the Internet where to find him

2) At the ticket kiosk you can knock out any 20 items for the Competition list, but there is one very important one, pearls . It is the rarest and is needed for Kamiyama; in any case, it needs to be knocked out once to close Equipment modding. So save and load until you get knocked out

3) Under no circumstances open boxes as Haruka if you don’t want to go into a premium adventure. She has her own inventory, which is not shared with others. You can collect the keys.

Kamiyama's equipment modification

1) For modification you will need a bunch of items. But you will have everything if you go through all the side missions (yes, in general all the taxis, hunting, etc., except for Haruka) and side missions, all the boxes are open. There are also pearls in the kiosk, as I wrote above, 3 items from the Colosseum and one item from IF8 (Mistery liquid)

2) You will also need a lot of Mistery Stone . But there is one bug that will allow you to use 1 stone to buy all the weapons that need it. To do this, you need to already have the weapon that needs the stone ready to buy and have enough money for it all. Now just add all these weapons into one purchase and click buy. Voila, 1 stone and everything is included in Kamiyama’s Competition list.


1) In IF8, a new battle will open in Kamurocho. It can only be completed once for any character.

2) Komaki is not needed. But it unlocks level 25, so it's optional.


1) To quickly boost the rank of the colosseum, first use the arena with bombs, and then, when it opens, the level with a wall break

2) When boosting your rank, choose only opponents from the top 10; for the rest they will give either very little or even lower them

3) For Akiyama in the last ring, for rank 4, it will be difficult, but if you were able to reach level 25 before and received 8 orbs in IF8, then you have a skill with which he is immortal while in Heat
By Mortymier on 07 Apr 2023 17:17
Driving Range (golf in other words) - This can be a problem in the final course, but there is a relatively easy way to get through the game without straining yourself. To do this, you need to try to hit the ball not into the backboards on the back wall (100 points), but into the hole. To the left if the wind is blowing to the left or to the right if the wind is blowing to the right. You need to hit a little harder than the first blue stripe and try to hit the pink one when hitting, but if not, then a little before it (with the right wind) and after (with the left). Adjust the arrow during the first sighting strikes. If the wind is strong enough (6-10), I advise you to direct it slightly in the direction opposite to the blow. Then the wind will carry the ball straight into the hole. The main thing is to hit the flag and the ball itself will end up in the hole.
This is done much simpler than it sounds, and for each hit they give out 200 points. That is, you have 7 chances to miss, which is very good.
By Hono-no_Snake on 02 Nov 2022 01:45
100% completion means completing all mini-games, purchasing all weapons from Kamiyama, completing all Heat-actions for all characters, completing all subquests, eating all food in all restaurants and cafes, completing all training with all masters, finishing all hostesses up to S level, etc.
The game will have to be played up and down. Completion can be viewed in the pause menu in the "Completion" item. I highly recommend dividing your classes and not bothering with the same things all the time, because... this is very annoying and there is a chance to drop the completion of this trophy.
By Hono-no_Snake on 23 Jun 2016 17:10
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In version 1.03, after exiting the Alladin A slots, the game crashes, this was only solved by installing version 1.00 from the disk.

04 May 2020 20:29