Yakuza Kiwami

Yakuza Kiwami

55 Achievements


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Death By Climax

Death By Climax

Completed all of the Climax Battles.


How to unlock the Death By Climax achievement in Yakuza Kiwami - Definitive Guide

Climax battles work differently than in yakuza 0. Climax battles are not unlocked chapter by chapter but instead unlocked in a batch at the end of the game. The climax battles are split up into four categories. Proving grounds. Melee battle. Mad Dog battle. Ultimate battle. Those who grinned out climax battles in 0 have probably already know of this YouTuber, but the link is to a man named devilleon7 who dedicates his channel to the Yakuza series and provides guides on how to do most everything in the game that is tough.
Linked is the video for proving grounds since TA wont let me post the playlist easily. Enjoy watching him and take some tips to help defeat the battle you are stuck on. It can be tough, but the rewards you get for each section are worth it.

Some tips for those that are new to the climax battles. These are the words next to each description of the climax battle they tell you what for of Kiryu you are fighting in.
Strongest Dragon - You'll have all abilities: Soul, Tech, Body, and Dragon. Obviously, this is the easiest setup to use, particularly if you're fresh off completing the game.

Idolized Dragon - You'll have all Soul abilities. In short, this means you'll have maximum Heat and Heat Actions, but low health.

Technical Dragon - You'll have all Tech abilities. This is a serious handicap because health and Heat will both be very low, but hey, at least you'll have some cool moves.

Dragon Embodied - You'll have all Body abilities. This means max health and high power, but very little Heat and Heat Actions to work with.

Dragon Reborn - You'll have all Dragon abilities. The all-important Komaki Tiger Drop is here, so make use of it, since you won't have much else to work with.

Weakest Dragon - You'll have no abilities. Take special care, because you're not in good shape to do much of anything.

X Style - You'll be restricted to the specified style.

One HP - If you take even the slightest of damage, you're done.

30 Apr 2020 01:35

The game maybe patched.I got only 1 Heat when Kiryu is idolized dragon.
By naoya0831 on 05 May 2020 15:23
For those just beginning this achievement, it's worth noting that the difficulty of the sequences isn't what you might expect from the names. They went from hardest to easiest--I found the Proving Grounds to be by far the hardest set, and the Ultimate the easiest. I probably spent more time on Proving Grounds 6 than I did on the entire set of Ultimate battles (I did all but one Ultimate Battle on the first attempt). So if you have trouble when you first set out to complete this, don't be discouraged. Use Devilleon7's great guides; switch styles to maximize heat, evasiveness, damage, etc.; and practice. If I can do it, anyone can!
By jrod39 on 07 May 2020 14:40
So far it's easier than 0s climax battlesdance
By FloodABYZ on 08 May 2020 00:19
Agree with the above advice dragon in proving grounds 9 is the way to go. Proving grounds 1, proving grounds 3, proving grounds 8 and mad dog 3 are pretty brutal otherwise not too bad so far. Just starting the ultimate challenges.
By I8ITackyticsI8I on 15 Jul 2020 11:03
Fuck mad dog battle 3...
By Sighris on 17 Jul 2020 01:48
Yakuza 0 Climax Battles were a smooth sailing for me. I did all of them in a few hours. However Kiwami battles really took a toll on me. I think it is much much harder. I spent 10+ hours on them and completing some of them was pure luck. What is weird though that I didn't have problem with the ones most people mentioned. Since Yakuza 0 is relatively fresh for me I think enemies got way more aggressive while Kiryu got much weaker. Enemies were mostly punching bags and high heat levels allowed you to beat through their defenses and attacks in 0. Here however everything stuns you, the enemies ruin you mid combo and some bosses are ridiculously fast while the devs remove basic tools from you.
Here are some (maybe) useful advice for the mode:
If you aren't hard pressed for Tiger Drops it is a very viable tactic to kite around enemies in Brawler (purple) then run up to someone who is away from the group/boss and quickly land a short combo on him. A few of these attacks activate the lowest heat bar moves very fast. Afterwards You can land the heat move in any style and go back to Brawler right away. This helps a ton with safely chipping away the lackeys of a boss who won't give up running after you and ruining your day. Related to this if you have your Dragon abilities unlocked - and the timer isn't a problem - use your heat to Sumo Slap safely someone in the group. You heal a bit that way! You can heal a lot if you don't use a finisher heat move on bosses but beat them up and slap them over and over. Outside a few cases, like Zombie Majima in Mad Dog 3 I don't suggest using heat move finishers at all. Most of the time you can keep the healing at bay by punching and your heat bar will be maxed out for the next fight. There are plenty of cases where it is crucial to land a Brawler "tornado" move right away (with full heat grab someone and Y in the middle of a group) to clean up some people asap. Most of the moves provide very unreliable results in this game but this move has a high chance of KOing even small bosses in one hit.
For specific encounters:
Proving Grounds 8: You have to kill the guy in the light suit before the others because if he will be the last he will only do his jump kicks and Tiger Drop doesn't connect with that. At least I couldn't do it. The bad news is he usually hangs in the back so good luck.
Melee Battle 5: if you don't have enough heat when the staff guy appears to instantly KO him with a big table move then you are dead. He will stunlock you and won't let you get up ever. This took me ridiculously long because something always blocked the prompt.
Mad Dog 3: So I got this for the second try. What I noticed is that the bicycle (on the left) heat moves deal a lot of damage and you can bait Majima by pressing X once to hit the air from a reasonable distance and evade behind him right away. If you have a lot of health and he doesn't then deliberately letting him to hit you and counter hitting him is surprisingly effective to make him die before you.
By HUN playmore on 29 Sep 2020 22:01
I think melee battle 10 is harder than anything proving grounds throws at you
By A 0 UB3RLOZ3R on 11 Jan 2023 06:40
that comment about ultimate battles being the easiest i cant agree at all right now id put them at on on par or the hardest in the game right now they are the last i need to beat and idk if i can beat them
By A 0 UB3RLOZ3R on 23 Jan 2023 06:38
Melee Battle 10 is absurd, my tips gathered from others online are the following:: Pray that Kashiwagi doesn’t obliterate your health early on and when you get to Sera: leave the two guys with projectiles alive to farm heat. Train Sera around the courtyard and when you have heat: Heat Action one of the lampposts on him. Be warned that he’s just like in Y0 where he can stunlock conbo upwards of 40% of your health. If you dont have enough heat to finish him off you can get him to aggro from a safe distance with the wood fence on the rightside of the courtyard between the garden and the walkway

Hardest for me were Melee 10 and Proving Ground 8. All were easier than that Y0’s Ultimate 5 imho though
By The S bot 9000 on 04 Jun 2024 00:34
In Proving Grounds 9, I struggled to build enough heat to consistently do the beast heat action like in the video, but finally finished it using a tip I found elsewhere.
Using a heat action in Dragon style will give you back some health, so if you do a few of those throughout the match, you don't have to worry so much about a stray hit now and then, and the challenge becomes pretty trivial.
By Karachi King on 03 Jul 2020 00:22
Mad Dog 3 is a joke as long as you make regular use of Brawler’s Tiger Drop variant; guarding while (the last) Majima attacks works just fine too.

Also, anyone that says that these Climax Battles are easier or are better than 0’s are lying. Melee 10 is complete bullshit no matter what way you slice it, and the Ultimate Battles, while not hard, are sure as fuck miserable.
By ChiflaGoodluck on 03 Dec 2023 11:17
If you can beat Yakuza 0's climax battles, you can beat these and will have an easier time as well.

Obscure Tip:
I read a post somewhere on TA where an unfortunate soul had this achievement glitch on them. They had to wipe their save, beat the campaign again, and redo all the climax battles. I felt bad when I read this, but I can at least try to prevent it from happening again.

If you're afraid of this rare bug (it usually triggers when you play from instant on), there is a simple precaution you can take. The game saves your climax battle progress, but only when you back out of the climax menu and return to the main menu. And more importantly, this achievement should immediately unlock after finishing the final climax battle.

Therefore, if you're unlucky enough that the achievement glitches on you, go straight to the Xbox dashboard and quit the app from there. This will prevent the game from saving your progress and locking you out of the achievement. Load the game back up and try the final battle again.
By Dresden N7 on 22 Jun 2020 20:00
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