Yie Ar Kung-Fu

Yie Ar Kung-Fu

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Destroy 15 of Star's stars in one bout by hitting them in mid-air.


How to unlock the Accuracy achievement in Yie Ar Kung-Fu - Definitive Guide

This is easier than it sounds. Simply kick her stars out of the air. You can do this by waiting against the back of the screen and using a mid-kick, jump-kick, or low-kick to hit the stars since only throws them high, mid, or low.

Hold the kick button cn_B down and press in the proper direction to perform a kick to hit the stars: cn_right + cn_B for mid-kick, cn_up + cn_B for a jump kick and cn_down + cn_B or cn_downcn_right + cn_B for a low kick. I also suggest using the d-pad since it is easier to hit the correct direction than a thumbstick (at least for me).

You can also jump over the stars if you can't hit them. She will start by throwing one, then throw two in a row after a few seconds. If you connect, you will get a red star (just like when you hit a fighter), if it hits you, there will be a black star and a loss of one health bar. You have eight health bars to do this, and should have an extra life after the first fight to try again.

(Let me know if anything is unclear instead of neg-voting and I will edit this as needed)

17 Jul 2012 18:53

This is not easier than it sounds. The original dpad for the 360 is so bad this is an exercise in frustration. I could not get this achievement after multiple tries. I think the best way to do it is to get a better controller. Either the silver controller with the dpad that you can make more pronounced or a fighting stick.
By UraMallas on 12 Jun 2016 01:51
Doesn't always register after 15 hits, but will pop as soon as requirements are met (i.e. not at end of match). So just keep hitting the stars until the achievement pops.
By MusicianFX on 10 Dec 2018 00:52

After defeating the 1st opponent, Buchu you will be pitted against a 2nd opponent named Stars. In this fight, she will throw stars at you in different intervals, some high and some low. What you need to do here is destroy these stars by attacking them with specific attacks. If timed properly there will be a red spark and you will destroy it. These attacks must be timed just right or else you will take damage and a purple spark will show. Use the follwing attacks to destroy these stars at different heights:

  • High Star: Destroy with Away + Kick attack
  • Medium Star: Destroy with Toward + Kick
  • Low Star: Destroy with Down + Punch attack

Sometimes this doesn't unlock after destroying 15 for some reason. It may be because you're not allowed to get hit up to 15 but at any rate just keep at it because you can possibly unlock Big Score with this method. This isn't glitched or anything but there have been reports of it taking a while to unlock so if you die just repeat until it unlocks.