Yie Ar Kung-Fu
12 Achievements
Defeat Star
Defeat Star in deadly one-on-one combat.
How to unlock the Defeat Star achievement in Yie Ar Kung-Fu - Definitive Guide
It's pretty simple. Make sure you get close to her, but have some distance. When she throws a star, press UP on the D-Pad or analog stick to jump over it. She'll try to get close enough to hit you with one of her moves afterwards, but if you are fast enough, by pressing FORWARD and B, you'll perform a mid-range kick that will stun her. She'll retreat and throw another star again, maybe two at a time. Repeat the process until she is down for the count.
This may take a few tries to defeat her, but I found my method to work best and I hope it does for you too!
Good luck!
Star is the 2nd opponent in the game and you will face her right after defeating Buchu. This unlocks once you have depleted all 8 blocks of health.
Defeating Star
The most practical strategy against Star is to jump in on her and use your Torward + Kick attack. Stay in close on her because throughout the fight she will throw high and low shuriken stars at you. The stars can easily be avoided by jumping away from them or by attacking them with a properly timed attack. See the Big Score Solution for details on destroying her stars with attacks. You don't necessarily have to jump toward her to get close you can also carefully pace toward her and use press Toward + Kick just be prepared to dodge or destroy any stars she tosses at you.