Zoids Assault

Zoids Assault

8 Achievements



Xbox 360
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How to unlock the Rent-A-Pilot achievement in Zoids Assault - Definitive Guide

There are two guides for this game. I had to use a mixture of the two. Different tactics from each guide for each level have worked. So if one doesn't work for you try the other. Also if you think you're going to fail and have collected items do be sure to retreat as you'll get to keep your items which may make the next try a bit easier.

It's really important that you make good use of your healer as well as the terrain you're playing on. I often found myself trying to bottleneck the CPU into choke points where they would get their zoids all in a bunch so it made it harder for them to get extra attacks because they would keep blocking each other.



18 Dec 2012 01:29

to solve this nearly decade-unanswered question... play 20% of the game, aka beat mission 3
By ScoobyDoobyD0nt on 15 Nov 2021 23:59
Looks like a suitable guide, but can you please clue me in on what this achievement really is and how long will it take to get it? Meaning: Do I have to do ALL these things or just 20% of them or is this the give me achievement after you've beaten the entire game? Don't mean to sound like a jerk, but I just picked this one up and was wondering as it looks like this is one of the first achievements you can get in this game, but by the descriptions of these guides it looks like that's not the case at all so I'm kinda confused.
By B8TINGU on 17 Feb 2013 06:13
So after three years and no response I see the ratio of people whom have played this game and the number of people who have actually unlocked this achievement is the same, so just by guessing, I'd say this is one of those start the game achievements.
By B8TINGU on 22 Jan 2017 23:17
Lmao wow, sorry m8. I usually respond to these things. I hope you haven't spent too much time thinking about it ,) xoxo
By HighT3chR3dn3ck on 22 Jan 2017 23:26
This solution should also be about how to get this cheeve. You still haven't answered his question and mine would be the same. By the title of the cheeve it sounds like if you put the disc in you get it. But is also says 20% so is that beat the first level complete 20% of the game. Or maybe do 20% of the things in level one before beating L1?
By troyoy on 01 Apr 2020 17:03
Would also be interested... this has been sitting in my pile for a while.
By planting42 on 26 Nov 2020 04:25
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Mission 1:

There are 4 enemies in front and 2 more will appear from the back. Just take them out to finish the level.

Mission 2:

You start out with your team split to the right and left. There are 6 enemies in front. After taking out 4 another 3 will appear at the top.

Mission 3:

This may be difficult. I believe on Mission 3 you get to use a system called EMP or thats when I actually started using it and knew what it did. What it does is it Attacks multiple enemies within range from all your Zoids up to 7 times, IF everything is perfectly setup. (might be more but I have not done more than 7 at a time) . Instead of going for cannon power it might be better to equip your Zoids with snipers and machine guns. The only Zoids that I have a cannon equip on is my Mechanic Zoids (Healer) Don't forget to Heal your Zoids. During mission 3 after defeating 3 of the enemy Zoids 4 more will appear at the top. I found it best to move to the right and take out the first 2, let them come to you and when the second wave come hopefully they take the long path around to you.

Finish mission 3 to get this achievement, don't forget to use EMP, enemies are more numerous and can give you trouble, use a concentrated fire strategy, destroy one enemy at a time, and change the colors of your Mech Zoids, they tend to act automatically, cause a confusion in the combat, if you do not change de colors some times you will get lost and don't know who shots who, I color all my Mech Zoids with blue, so I better identify my units. And don't forget de Repair .

04 Jun 2022 13:09