Zoids Assault

Zoids Assault

8 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Zoid Crusher

Zoid Crusher

You eat enemy Zoids for breakfast.


How to unlock the Zoid Crusher achievement in Zoids Assault - Definitive Guide

There are two guides for this game. I had to use a mixture of the two.



Also for the 5th mission where you have to destroy the satellites. I put on long range weapons and the lightest armor and had two make a mad dash for the one to left of your starting position and then had the others go for the one on the right and then the middle. I personally didn't even manage to kill anything in this mission.

On mission 6 I put on the heaviest cannons and armor then made my way to the right from the starting position. Take out those two zoids as quickly as possible, then it creates a bottleneck for the CPU zoids. I made use of all the healing abilities they gave me. Try to stay in the middle of that opening and away from the tree line as the zoids with rockets can fire over the cover. It did take me several tries so there is some luck involved.

18 Dec 2012 01:27

Mission 4:

After defeating 4 of the enemies Zoids on the field 6 more Zoids will appear. 4 in front and 2 in back. Just keep moving up and let the 2 at the bottom come up.

Mission 5:

Mission Six you need to take down 3 satellite within 12 turns. I found it a bit easier to send 2 sniper and a healer equip with a range cannon to the left and send the other 2 with a range cannon and a Zoid whose has the most movement per turn with a machine gun up front. Around Turn 6-8, 4 more enemy Zoid will appear at the top. This one may take some time to complete. What I did was try to take out only the enemies in the way and head straight for the satellite.

Mission 6:

There are 10 enemy Zoid with range cannons. after taking out 2, 4 more will appear(2 to the bottom and 2 to the right) . After taking out 4, another 4 will appear (2 to the left and 2 to the top). Going with sniper and machine gun up close seems to be the best way for this level. Have the Defensive command skill and use that whenever you don't attack. At the start move your team to the left side of the field and hold the top and the bottom of that side.