Zombie Apocalypse
12 Achievements
Can't Touch This
Rack up a 100x multiplier in any game mode
How to unlock the Can't Touch This achievement in Zombie Apocalypse - Definitive Guide
Stage: Graveyard
Zombies: Basic (only grapple attack)
Strat: Move your character into the area below the car. Halfway between the car and fence should do. Hold LT-- the zombies cannot touch you while your character is in the chainsaw execution animation. Also, each chainsaw execution is worth 3x multiplier.
Sit back and relax.
Achievement will unlock more than halfway through the level.
The Chainsaw excecution is good if you want to do it with friends though.
If you wish to speed it up and are daring, go for Chainsaw execution moves as these add x3 bonus multipliers per kill to your current one as opposed to only adding x1 after every 5 kills with a weapon. I ignored the survivors however you may wish to save them in exchange for the teddy bait they drop afterwards, it can help not only racking up kills but you to escape should things heat up...
Overall I got x130 using the above method so it shouldn't prove too hard.
first of all complete all the main story so you can unlock the mode called "all weapon" so with the D-pad you can chose every weapon of the game with unlimited ammo.
start a level >20 so you can easy reach 100x if you play with granade luncher, flametower or mingun.
Complete the game as normal, unlocking the '7 days of hell'
ALL the enemies on the 1st day are pukers, so just run out the way of them and keep shooting.. - my final multiplier was x273.
Saves having to load a new level if your pushing straight on to get the achievements.
Unlock 7 days of hell, play the airport level. Stand in the far bottom right corner right "underneath" the helicopter blades. The blades can't hurt you so don't worry. Just shoot those zombies right into the blades by shooting out and to the left - the leaning bitches will get cut up and you will get HUGE points.
I got 487 hazard kills alone and my friend got over 100. We got it up past 300x multiplier this way - it's hard for the zombies to get a hold of you when you stand there.
The maximum multiplier on Day 27 is 110x.
Using the flamethrower (push left on d-pad 5 times) just rota the right stick in a circler pattern
I had to work for it though.
At the very start of the level , before the big boys start coming.
Just pull your execution move on the chain saw and stand there , doesn't matter where.
The Zombies will start to swarm you. Don't panic , just keep moving your left analog stick back and forth as quick as you can while remaining to hold the left trigger for the execution moves. even if a zombie does grab you, because you are repeatedly moving the analog back and forth chances are you will break loose , whatever you do don't stop moving the analog stick left and right.
I got to 150 multiplier this way before my arm just about fell off.
By far the easiest way I have found is start day 2. Use the chainsaw execution (LT) for multipliers of 3. Keep moving.
up on you, shoot rapidly and in a little bit your x multiplier will go over 100 if your lucky 300+
NOTE: Must be done in one level!
This achievement can be easily obtained on Day 32. The trick is to use to execute the chainsaw execution move on the zombies. Now, this can prove to be a bit tricky. You will want to do a chainsaw execution on one or two zombies, then run away so the others follow you, then get a few seperated from the group, then rinse and repeat until your multiplier is at 100x.
Alternate Method #1: Once you reach Day 14, as the level only allows you to use a chainsaw, simply keep using for the chainsaw execution to build your multiplier. Watch out for Big Guys, as you can't break their grapple.
Alternate Method #2: This can be obtained in the first Day of the Hell mode, as a few members have said they have had up and around a 200x+ multiplier.