Zombie Apocalypse
12 Achievements
Friends in Low Places
Save 25 survivors in any game mode
How to unlock the Friends in Low Places achievement in Zombie Apocalypse - Definitive Guide
A few tips:
1. You'll have to solo it (or make a pact with your squad mates that they do not attempt rescuing) so that each survivor will be credited to you. You won't make it with the four initial lives, but don't worry, as:
2. You are allowed to lose all your lives and then continue, and the survivor count will not reset. So you'll probably have to do quite a bit of dying for this achievement.
3. But please do not quit the game entirely. If you quit out and then continue, you'll have to do it all over again. So, save all the 25 in one sitting.
4. Use your Teddy Bear to lure zombies away from the survivor. This will make rescuing much easier, and as soon as the survivor is picked up by a chopper, they drop down a new Teddy Bear for you (and you are allowed to carry only one at a time).
Hope that helps.
like Chotkiy said above, if you just want this achievement then it's wise to use your teddy bears since another one drops for you when they are saved. if you already have zombie bait, you get 100,000 points (good to go towards earning extra lives).
survivors cannot be harmed by your weapons, so feel free to chainsaw in circles or use a flamethrower all over the place, the survivor will survive!
If one player gets all of the survivors you should have this by Level 15, as a few levels do not have any survivors.
My co-op partner and I found the easiest way to get this was by using all weapons and starting on level 1. Use the flamethrower or mini-gun and you should have no problems at all grinding through these early levels.
This one is quite easy, and you don't have to do it all in one day. Just save 25 survivors throughout your gameplay and you'll get the trophy. To save a survivor, you must kill the zombies around them for a set amount of time, approximately 5-10 seconds. Once done so, a rope will fall down and they will climb it to safety, if not done, than the zombies will trample them and eat them alive. When they enter the arena, they will say something such as "Help Me". They won't die by your bullets or barrel explosions.
NOTE: This must be done all in one playthrough.
+NOTE: Make sure YOU get the rescue. When playing Co-Op, at the end of the day look at the rescues section because even if the points come up for saving one, your teammate may have rescued them instead of you.
NOTE: Must be done in one playthrough!
Survivors appear as women in blue business suits with a blue question mark (?) over their head. To save a survivor, simply walk next to the survivor while blasting away the zombies and after about 5 seconds a ladder will drop and the survivor will be rescued. Repeat this 25 times over the course of your playthrough.