Zombie Apocalypse
12 Achievements
Gun Shop
Kill at least one zombie with each weapon type in any game mode
How to unlock the Gun Shop achievement in Zombie Apocalypse - Definitive Guide
The last one you will get will be the chain gun on level 28.
There are 11 different types of weapons. The Machine Gun, Hunting Rifle, Flamethrower, Minigun, Dual Uzis, Molotov Cocktail, Shotgun, Chainsaw, Grenade Launcher, Rocket launcher, and Zombie Bait. All of the guns will spawn some time within your gameplay. You start out with the machine gun and that is your primary weapon, so you will ofcourse get kills with that. Guns spawn by a blue circle on the ground, the gun will be inside the circle. Run over it to pick up that weapon. You will be able to use that weapon till the ammo runs out. You just need to get one kill with each weapon, so you will most likely get this throughout your gameplay. By day 29, you should get it.
NOTE: This can be done across multiple playthroughs, however it has to be done in one sitting without turning off your console or exiting to dashboard. Also, this can be split between online and offline game play.
While playing through Zombie Apocalypse there will little blue circles that start flashing on the ground and a few seconds later a weapon appears. Simply walk over the weapon to pick it up and as the achievement description states, you must kill one zombie with each weapon type.
- Chainsaw - Day 1
- Assault Rifle - Day 1
- Teddy Bear - Day 1
- Shotgun - Day 3
- Dual SMGs - Day 6
- Molotov Cocktail - Day 9
- Hunting Rifle - Day 13
- Flame Thrower - Day 17
- Rocket Launcher - Day 21
- Grenade Launcher - Day 25
- Chain Gun - Day 29