Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Apocalypse

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Hotter Than Hell

Hotter Than Hell

Complete the final day of the "7 Days of Hell" unlockable mode


How to unlock the Hotter Than Hell achievement in Zombie Apocalypse - Definitive Guide

As stated above, finish the last day of '7 days of hell' mode. this mode unlocked for me during my second co-op playthrough at about day 25.

I'm playing this solo and it isn't nearly as bad as i thought it would be.

You can play these days one at a time and use continue as many times as you need to to complete each level. I played the first 3 in one sitting as it didn't take that long but from then on i would recommend doing one day each time you turn on your xbox as it can be a grind.

at the end of each level, make sure to let the game tally your score and save BEFORE turning your console off!

Day 1 - 10-15mins / 1400 zombies - Stay in bottom right corner by the digger with back against the fence
Day 2 - 10-15mins / 1800 zombies - Again, stay in the bottom right corner near the helicpoter blades with your back against the right wall

For the above two days dont worry about weapon drops, just keep your back against a wall and use the machine gun as they wade towards you.

Day 3 - 30mins - 2200 zombies - you can't really stay in a corner on this one so use the wood chipper and conveyer along the bottom to kill scores of zombies. this level introduces Big Boys so you need to move about when they show up otherwise you will die alot.
Day 4 - 45-50mins - 2600 zombies - this is where it starts to get tricky and very annoying. knife-throwing old ladies show up in this one as well as the previously mentioned big boys. again, keep moving and use the car crusher at the top to your advantage. you will die ALOT on this level because of throwing knives!
Day 5 - 50mins - 2950 zombies - this day inroduces the shotgun wielding cowboy zombs, they are v.easy to kill as they're slow and have limited range. again, it is the knife throwing old ladies that will piss you off on this one, best bet is to keep running laps around the edge of the map. there isn't anything on this level that you can use to kill zombies (ala, above car crusher etc.) but the cowboy zombs do appear to shoot other zombies whilst trying to shoot you!
Day 6 - 45-50mins - 3250 zombies - this day introduces the suicide bomber zombies. however, this is a good thing! they can be used to kill other zombies and as long as you deal with them promptly they are not that bad. again, keep doing laps to avoid knives and use the petrol pump to burn the f*ckers down!
Day 7 - 80 mins - 3800 zombies - this day has all previous zombies and introduces the pregnant, spawn-birthing c*nts. KILL THESE A.S.A.P, they will keep producing spawn until dead and the spawn, when killed, do not add to the total of kills (they are basically there to drive you nuts!). for the earlier waves i stood between the pick-up and the trash-compactor near the top right, you can pretty much chainsaw anything that comes at you.

Glad i finished it, won't be playing this game again in a long time after this cheevo!

01 Aug 2010 22:20

A comment about day 1: It's best to stand just to the left of the digger on top of the grave where the zombies spawn from. If you stand on top of the spawn point the zombies won't spawn from there, weapons drop at your back, and the enemies funnel to the left of the grave for some reason (the odd one comes between the grave and the digger but very rarely and only Pukers)
By JMJimmy on 13 May 2011 14:48
A comment about day 3: It's best to stand in the left hand corner on top of the zombie spawn point there for the first few waves (you only have to worry about the odd one that hops down from up top but usually they head the other direction). Once the staggering zombies show up, run back and forth along the grinder shooting only in the direction you're running. Most of them will stagger themselves into the grinder the rest will be 1 shot kills as they're right beside the trap. After the staggering zombies I couldn't find a good strategy other than staying between the grinder and chipper.
By JMJimmy on 13 May 2011 15:28
A comment about day 5: The hall of mirrors is best for this one. Keep moving while standing outside the front of it keeping enemies just far enough away and dodging knives then every 5 seconds or so shoot into the building to cause class to shoot out and kill everything nearby. Nothing much you can do about knife throwing ladies, just shoot them right after shooting in the building.
By JMJimmy on 13 May 2011 16:22
A comment about day 6: On waves that don't have ranged and exploding zombies wedge yourself between the police car and the car on fire in the bottom right corner. Regular zombies and Pukers you can aim at the gas pump with your machine gun and fire. Stumblers and Construction workers use the chainsaw.
By JMJimmy on 13 May 2011 17:11
Glad I'm not the only one who finds this crap annoying.. I'd gladly pay to have this deleted from my profile..
I'm on Day 4, as I load this game very occassionally
By Mazrael on 17 May 2011 02:37
great solution. Thanks for putting the number of kills up. Great to know when the wave is about over.
By on 02 Jan 2014 14:08
omg what a grind that was. my fingers hurt!
By MrSnazzyPenguin on 05 May 2014 08:40
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You unlock seven days of hell after you beat the game.... be warned if you beat the game in multiplayer the host is the only one who unlocks the mode. once you have the mode unlocked from day one to day seven is about 18,200 zombies. the whole game is easy because you have unlimited continues. you can unlock the achievement by joining someones game that has already beaten it and start from day 7. you will only have to kill about 3800 zombies that way. it for sure works.

26 Sep 2009 22:30

Just a little more detail, these were my kill totals for the individual days:

Day 1 1353
Day 2 1726
Day 3 2213
Day 4 2768
Day 5 2965
Day 6 3250

I forgot to make a note of how many kills I got on Day 7, but I know it was over 3500.
By Pedle Zelnip on 17 Oct 2009 07:27
If you personally have unlocked up to day 7, can you start up a game on day 7 and just play that (i.e. If I play local with some friends, do we need to make it from day 1 to day 7 in one game, or could we start from day 7)?

By Orion#1088 on 04 Feb 2010 23:36
@Lord of Orion - The achievement is unlocked when you finish Day 7, so you don't have to do it all in one just have to unlock them all up to 7 and then beat 7.
By FriendlyDemo on 19 Mar 2010 21:29
I unlocked the "7 Days of Hell" without beating the game. I think I was around my 3rd perfect day run for "A Weel to Live" when i unlocked.
By Tryum on 28 Apr 2010 08:11
This unlocked for me when I beat level 48. I don't think this "unlocks when you beat the game" is right.
By Izzy of Albion on 14 May 2010 08:44
I unlocked SDOH after finishing the 24th level in the main campaign.
By KingOfWeight on 15 May 2010 18:45
Mine unlocked after the first level?(had already played the game, just not in single player)
By KARMAgoesHARD on 16 May 2010 12:46
3857 kills on day 7 in a 3 player game.
By Pedle Zelnip on 02 Jun 2010 04:04
I got 1359 for day one..
By Mazrael on 24 Jun 2010 22:22
Wait a second... once you unlock a day (like day 3), you can restart at day 3? I was worried that you'd have to play the whole thing as once, which is why I've put this off.
By Sashamorning on 26 Jun 2010 21:30
Yeah you can start at the last day you left off at. You don't have to play all 55 days in one sitting.
By ToadStyleVenom on 07 Jul 2010 17:55
I don't know how true this is but my brother and I both unlocked "Seven days of Hell" while playing on multiplayer.
By Perpalicious on 19 Jul 2010 13:05
Also, you get the mode after level 35 or so.
By Fire Hawk D on 26 Sep 2010 22:08
Just to confirm i got it by my friend inviting me to the 7th day. He left and i completed and got achievement. No need to play other 6 days.
By DanglyThread on 19 Jan 2011 05:00
I just did this with a buddy and unlocked 7 days while he was the host
By Humpyrton on 29 Mar 2012 17:01
Day 7 is 3780
By Homunculus Fury on 25 Jun 2016 06:30
On one gamertag i unlocked it at during day 39, and on my 2nd gamertag, i unlocked it after beating day 55, so it seems to unlock at random times (for completing an unknown task) OR finishing day 55.
By G3N3R4L F41LUR3 on 25 Jun 2010 11:52
Just a quick note that if you are playing this in single player and you have a crappy signal like myself it will not count if you are signed out of xbox live. It will let you finish but the achievement will not pop.
By Spookytooth104 on 24 Jun 2012 13:21
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You actually unlock seven days of hell after day 45. You can play seven days as soon as you unlock it beating the game does not help in any way. Unlimited continues makes this achievemnent easy but the full seven days takes around 3 and a half hours.

06 Jul 2010 16:10

This one is pretty much just time consuming. You have 7 days to go through, 1 day in each arena, and the number of zombies continue to rise each day. At the end of all 7 days, you will have more than 15000 kills. Now I found a way that you most likely won't die. Read below for the area in each arena that you should be in.

NOTE: If you have a friend who has gotten to day 7, he can start the game on day 7 and invite you. After finishing that, you will get the trophy, even if you haven't done any of the other days.

Graveyard: If your in the graveyard, go all the way down and to the right. You will be on the left side of the digger. Just stand there with your gun and fire away, sweep while shooting. 1 zombie will spawn infront of you every so often, but since its 1 hit kills, you shouldn't have trouble with him, and you can easily shake him off if he does so grab you.

Airport: If your in the airport, go down and all the way to the right, and down more. You should be on the right side of the helicopter, inside its blades. Now just pull out your chainsaw and sweep while doing so. Your right finger will start to get cold, but thats alright. Once the zombies get close to you, either the chainsaw will kill them or the helicopter blades will. Might take a little while, but your good.

Lumberyard: If your in the lumberyard, and going solo, Go up and to the left to where the beam of light is coming out. Go up a little more into that little corner and the construction workers won't be able to get you for a little, it seems like some kind of glitch. Hold out your chainsaw and sweep from left to right. The only people that can get you are the sideswiper girls, but your chainsaw should keep them company.

If your in the lumberyard and have a partner, go all the way up to the top of the screen by the house and have one person on the right side of the porch and one on the left side of the porch. Hold out your chainsaws and sweep from left to right. There will be a respawn point which is the window of the house, but only 1 comes out at a time, so right when he gets out, your chainsaw will kill him.

Junkyard: If your in the junkyard, go up and to the left. Go right up against the left side of the conveyeror belt. Your regular machine gun works the best, but once the construction workers come, use the chainsaw. You will most likely lose a life here, because of the grannies with the knifes, but you can dodge them.

Carnival: There is no "safe spot" in this area. You just need to run in circles and kill the zombies. If you want to try a safe spot, it would be the bottom right hand corner. It helped a little but I soon died from knives and shotguns.

Gas Station: There is no real "safe spot" in this area. If you want to try a safe spot, go to the top left hand corner and hold out your chainsaw, sweeping left to right. A zombie will come out the door, but you chainsaw will kill him.

City Streets: There are a few places here that will work, but not for the whole round. One place is the bottom left, on the left side of the fallen down electrical lines. Thats the worst one and won't work for too long. Once it starts to get crowded, run to the top right corner. Set yourself between the garbage truck and the pick-up truck and fire away. When that one fails, run to the left and go by the movie theater which should be in the top middle. Go between the sign and the wall and hold out your chainsaw, sweeping up and down.


NOTE: "7 Days of Hell" mode is an unlockable game mode, which seems to be random, as many people have had it unlock at different times. I recommend to just try different play techniques, such as surviving for as long as you can, playing through Days 1-55 solo/co-op or playing a few multiplayer games over X-Box Live.

For this achievement you must complete the final day in 7 Days of Hell mode, of course, as the achievement description states. This can prove to be quite a time consuming achievement, as there are a lot more zombies, and I mean A LOT more!

Alternate Method: You can have a friend on Xbox Live invite you to a match and start the game on Day 7, or use the Achievement Trading Thread found here. Complete Day 7 and the achievement is yours.