Zombie Derby: Pixel Survival

Zombie Derby: Pixel Survival

10 Achievements

45,000 XP

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3 Stars

3 Stars

Get 3 stars at one level

4,000 XP


How to unlock the 3 Stars achievement in Zombie Derby: Pixel Survival - Definitive Guide

The way you earn stars in this game is by:
  1. Killing all birds in a level (1 most of the time)
  2. Killing all zombies in a level
  3. Doing X number of backflips (1 in level 1) Replaying the level for a second time
Thank you to R3DV3N0M84 for informing me of the correct requirements to attain 3 stars!

So, to earn 3 stars in a level, you need to complete all 3 of the listed requirements. From my understanding, they can be completed separately. However, I would be surprised if you did not complete all of these requirements if you were aiming for 3 stars on level 1.

So, load up Level 1 after you have completed the tutorial and fully upgraded the tutorial car. This would be your second time playing level 1. Proceed through the level, making sure to kill all zombies, kill the bird (which is extremely hard to miss), and then complete the level. This will unlock you your achievement!

If you avoid front-flipping through the level too much and just take your time, you should have no problem running into every single zombie and killing them.

Below is a 100% achievement walkthrough for those that may be interested in following along.
  • You can see me begin my 3 star run at [05:09]
  • The zombie that you may miss if you flip can be seen at [05:29]. This may not be the only one FYI
  • You can see me kill the bird at [05:43]

You will also most likely unlock the following achievement after killing the bird during this run (as long as you killed it on the 1st run):
Zombie Derby: Pixel SurvivalBirderThe Birder achievement in Zombie Derby: Pixel Survival worth 102 pointsKill 2 birds

If you give me negative feedback, please PM me or drop a comment. Negative feedback can still be constructive and make this solution better toast

09 Mar 2023 05:28

Thank you R3DV3N0M84, solution has been updated. That icon is definitely misleading lol
By BearlyComplete on 11 Mar 2023 16:11
Solution is incorrect 3 stars are awarded for:

1. Killing all birds in a level (1 most of the time)
2. Killing all zombies in a level
3. Replaying the level for a second time Doing X number of backflips
By R3DV3N0M84 on 11 Mar 2023 09:41
BredRelic301240 You need to perform a set amount of flips (1 flip for level 1) in addition to the zombie kills and the bird kill. It's listed in the solution near the top
By BearlyComplete on 07 Sep 2023 14:16
There is something missing from the solution.
I've finished level 1 got the bird and killed all zombies.
Done it a few times and only got 2 starts
By BredRelic301240 on 07 Sep 2023 13:11
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To get 3 stars on any level, you'll need to defeat all of the zombies, perform stunts, and kill the bird. This can be done in one go or across multiple replays of the level.

00:00 Full Set, First Steps, & Flip Master
03:32 Vandal & Stuntman
04:13 Birder
04:55 3 Stars
05:54 Big Haul
08:46 Car Tuning
09:10 Master

03 Apr 2023 18:15

To get 3 stars on any level, you'll need to defeat all of the zombies, perform stunts, and kill the bird. This can be done in one go or across multiple replays of the level.

See First steps (100G) for a full game video walkthrough!
To get 3 stars on any level, you'll need to defeat all of the zombies, perform stunts, and kill the bird. This can be done in one go or across multiple replays of the level.

See First steps (100G) for a full game video walkthrough!